Show Pape 10 (Xlobcr 5 1995 CEU faculty members discuss some of their aoals and ideas at their annual retreat t d it Science Division Chair NormLarsen chats with All Hekmat during the faculty retreat to Dead Horse Point and Moab Center expands services to faculty and staff Southards Is editor dial ol I’lmncd I’iICIUIiiuhI sei vice is nui only hemp The Stikk'iil lleillli mil Wei new Cenier is cximihIiiij hy ullciing Iienlly nulslill Whil started is i trial experiment with l lie I hospital personnel lu I Ills ollcicd ihiough the Student Health and Wellness Center hut also thiough two local pliv sicaiis I )i Jel ilen and I )i 1 Kevin lirockhank- 1 - The cenier is try ing to set up an limn during the week in which students liculty and stall may come and discuss any problem they may have lav ol charge They are also trying to start a diabetic register They would like to see students who are diabetic come in and let them know how (hey are doing Tliey are also trying to use (his as a educational tool to those who have roommates that are diabetic or who themselves may he diabetic Terry Holbrook director is excited and says he expects a good response I le w anted to make it clear that "our intent is not to conivtc with local ph xicians but Inadd to their services" II you leel the Student Health and Wellness Center could serve you or you have any more questions contact I lolhrook in liurlenshaw I lall Suite 9 or M7-- 2 20 ext 5377 grown cu'ii larger The hnspiiil provides (lie physiean assisiani who is assisted hy a registered nurse and stall provided hv the Student Health and Wellness (enter This year the Wellness ('enter will he ottering services to not only the students hut (acuity and slalias well They will he offering tuberculosis testing wart removal llu shots and various other services These services will he altered on a limited basis and does not include family members If a liculty or stall member chooses to use the services ol'lcrcd at the Student Health and Wellness Center it is asked that the Educators Mutual $10 he made at the tune services are provided Another service which is new this year to the students and the community 1 EIL a 19 S Carbon a H Of should— toward building a comfortable future We make low expenses a high priority Because of our size and our exclusive focus on serving the needs of educational and research communities TIAA-CREcosts are among the F lowest in the insurance and mutual fund indus- S II 1 Ij Q n fees aside from a very modest operating expense of annuity assets Interest and diviof 14 of dends are reported after all operating costs have 1 been deducted Standard & Poor's calls TIAA's costs "exceptionally low”4 Of course Expenses are only one factor to consider when you make an investment decision While we’re committed to keeping our expenses down we spare nothing in striving to provide investment choices financial expertise and personal service Because that can make a difference in the long run too top-quali- ty tries' In fact Morningslar Inc— one of the nation's leading sources of variable annuity and mutual fund information— says “Size isn't a con- enables CREK to realize a remarkable economy of scale"1 According to Morningstars data CREF's ‘‘minuscule" 051 average fund exHnse charge was less than half that charged straint ' j it seeks performance not profit TIAA-CRE- F we hclieve people would like to spend more on retirement not on their retirement company If you'd like to see how At TIAA-CRE- our approach can help keep more of your money 6 (8 working for you call us at I 800 am to 1 pm ET weekdays) We'd consider it 842-277- 1 a compliment AvPriMUT 137-654- Ensuring the future a for those who shape a 1 Ham to I pm Monday thru Saturday dofttd Sundays A Holidays I NOEMI TABERNA t Awra mnnkr Xawy Avy 1') I jiirr Analytical Srrviret Inc Amtylinit Aria I'WS (Quarterly) 2 Sourer: Momingtlar AmmtuWljfr 4I2M 5 Of lha MU varialde annuity fun it irarked tty Momuigtlar I hr avrragr fund had annual rairnara id 07H ilut an inaurame raprnat id 24 Soune: Muraingalar Inr Kir period ending July XI Iftt 4 AamW Auri Inmnutti Aimy tauyaU Iflft IW4 All Day YOUR HOSTS: MIGUEL itM 5 One Sopapia Opan fees course the lower the expense you pay the better That way more of your money goes where it I i yjMJ SALTO MEXICAN CAFE : financial companiesYharge operating All and expense— some more than other hy comparable funds1 TIAA's traditional annuity also charges no ynnnnriTmmmTiminmaL nffio i VMfm RECENTLY MORNINGSTAR CALLED US CHEAP IT’S NOT EVERY DAY YOU GET A COMPLIMENT LIKE THAT Health and Wellness By Mary Ann O Tl AA t'KKK rirnai-- an aulijt-r- l In i hange ami an mu guaranteed Kir I he future CRKK i a varialde annuity ami ill rrlumt an mil guaranteed The valur id your invetunrnl ran go up ur ilown mi matter what rairmr levelt an CKKK retliliralra an distriliutetl tty Imlividual ami Inaiituiinnal Srrviira I'nf num nmi4rte inhumation inrluding rhargrt ami miienara rail I H00 eMrnainn AMP) fur a imrliin Head the iniirrtiit i anfully la'fnrr yutt invent or arml miNMty I hie id Pint utr: 7 a TIAA-CRK- I H42-277- 3 F n i |