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Show 1. Page gie 8 'flltmgg-fflefo- Nephi, Utah g Wcdtissday, May 18, 1994 was a dig success, committee save Levan Tom Clean-U- p The Levan Town Clean-U- p held Saturday, May 14th, was a huge success! There was a great turn out of volunteers and volunteer equipment. The Scouts and Cub Scouts picked up garbage along the streets and highways leading to Levan. Volunteers loaded 40 or more loads of debris and took it to the dump. The clean-u-p of Levan will continue as the Beautification Com- Colonial Living Center 71 North Main ; - Christensen. A weed would not dare grow in her yard! Longbranch not only looks good at Christmas time, but all. year round! The Van Roosendaals were Committee. Your tip will not remain anonymous.: The latest tips received by the Beautification Committee are: Betty Bettis has a new flower bed in front of her home good work Betty! The tires by the old gas station were hauled away and the weeds were mowed great! t Old homes on the southeast end of Levan were tom down-lo- oks Room and board 3 meals and snacks . Prfveta rooms baths Laundry housekeeping . services staff available , 24-ho- .': , 11 ' seen trimming trees in their yard good job!. The west end of Levan is be-- , ing kept mowed by Paul and' . Nephi. Utah 84648 Phone 623-05- ur ' ' i i ' ' ... ' Activities' Trancporation to Dr. Trained and Caring Staff Charlie Mangelson. Looks good! These are only a few of the mittee, headed by. Paul' many places and tips in Levan: good! Jill Jarrett was seen mowing that are good. There will be more Mangelson, will clean up propto come. Please report your tips: erties in Levant starting with streets in her neighborhood to the Beautification Committee: property at Center Street and . now thats a good neighbor! Main, and 1st North and Main.' Residents on 3rd North are do- Lee Spring, Golden Mangelson, If you see anyone, or groups, ing a great job with their streets George Kendall, Gloria Hunter, Rose Godek, A1 Godek, Sandra doing things to make Levan a and yards! beautiful town, please report The Neat As A Pin Award Mangelson, and Paul Mangelson. your tips to the Beautification this week must go to Leora u2o Mr 11 . iIH agency imc. II2SA.EPHI OFFICE i -- h 623-120- 0 LAnCS FAMILY HOLS 5 beckooms, 2 12 baths, I replace in dining room, fenced yard, over 3,200 sq. ft in wonderful location Only t$7,CC3. Cci LaDaun. ' - One in six Americans vill develop shin V4 cancer in the DANCERS PLACE IN 13 and up division of the Prop I Novelty Category t the Rocky Mountain Dance Championship was the 7th and 8th grade group from Lisas Dance Shoppe: JaKoye Cowan, Andrea Frampton, Tiffany Ralphs, Kecia Boswell, Ashley Gould, Brooke Horton, Janell Keith, Rebecca Prestwick, Beth Blair, Stephanie Nichols, and Melissa Booth. COMPETHlON-PocingSecon- d One in six Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in life. At least 90 percent of these cancers result from longterm exposure to the suns ultra- ; violet radiation. Sunlight is also responsible for the wrinkled, and leathery skin that can make you look old beblotchy, dry, fore your time. Regardless of age or skin color, you need to protect yourself from the sun. The Utah Safety Council offers the follow- and years of sun exposure to damage out skin. Make sun protection an essential part of your Moroni on 12 ACTS LOT in Ftn. (keen Owner ' negofable. Call LaDaun. il MONA 12 ACTS LOTS $12,CS3. Call LaDaun. COZY DANCE CHAMPIONSYacmg First in the year old Prop Novelty Category at the Rocky Mountain Dance Championship held May 7th at Hmpview High School in Orem, was the 6th grade group from Lisas Dance Shoppe: Marci Blackett, Annie, Mangelson, Annie Brough, Lynsey Stoddard, Kaydee Morgan, Meadow Buchanan, Carly Horton, Jennifer Scott, Tiffany Robison, Tera Robison, Jamie Callaway, Marcy Worwood, Taraca McPherson, Whitney Hansen, Trisha Jarrett, Becky Harris, and Alisha Ralphs 2 i or tsrjcso. ; OYER 1 ACTS, with quality home in Levan. 5 bedrooms, : 3 baths, 2 I replaces, family room, garage with shop. $132, COO. built ' . 2-c- ar CsXLcbaun... IE Easter Seals drive vjiII SSiibe.heU this month i brefia. Avoid peak hours of sun-- 4- - HOLS on 12 acre. Only . 10-1- laige $3000. requires many, prescription drugs may be at increased risk long-legge- in lot. $22,090. Ct'IUDsun. fitness program, and it may help reduce photoaging cmd prevent I' v ; skin cancer. Older Adults Since the risk ofskin cancer increases with age, you should examine your skin every three months. Early detec-- : turn gives you the best chance of a cure, so see a physician without delay if any mole or ; skin growth changes to if a new one appears. An older person who of developing an intense re action to the sun. Consult your physician or pharmacist before you go out in the sun if you use medication. HOLS CttE-DOROO- wide-brimm- ed , wife Only t03,C30. Cell LaDaun. - ' W LOT house in Levan to help reduce ing suggestions skin cancer: ' Babies Infants under the age of six months should never be exposed to the sun. Whenever you go outside, cover the babys skin with proper protective cloth- - ; ing, including: tightly woven,'i d long sleeved shirts, sun pants and a - 4 ACTS MLS ; waterproof product that is mois- The Easter Seal Society of turizing rather than alcohol Utah announces its Neighbor-to-- : a Neighbor Campaign is kicking based. Children Most children2 off this; $JPD0 spend more time 'Outside Imdjre. , Utehns have agreed to volunteer ceive1 three times moreultravib- - to pound the pavement combing their neighborhoods in this effort to solicit donations for Easter Seals. g drive This annual enables the Easter Seal Society of Utah to provide its many pro- - ttqntahjrly door-to-do- : grams and services benefiting more than 6,000 children and adults with disabilities in Utah. Someone more tiin23pNr grams Easter Seals provides for 'SEAL ESTATE 500 N. State, Oram, Utah 84057 Call Judy Aon or George Phillips Utahns with disabilities and NEPHI OLDER HOME -- in good con dkioa. Neatly new double garage, apri Uersyitem in yard and large garden spot. or fund-raisin- LAKES30RE -- 19.47 acres with 10.5 skates of water. Cate home on 1 acre. water and outbuildings. LEVAN Irriga-tk- m LARGE HOME - Located in Edgemoot area of Provo. correct BEAUTIFtILVICTORIAN HOME Large laadacaped yard aod barn. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - With attached modem 3 bedroom home. Great Potential! mston x: ( The installation of an excimer surgical procedure in which incilaser the first in Utah at the sions are made in the cornea to John A. Moran Eye Center will flatten it, is very successful for allow the University of Utah nearsightedness, the U physician School ofMedicine's Department, said. However, there is no preof Ophthalmology to participate dictable surgical procedure to in a nationwide protocol for far- help farsighted patients. U and other academic sightedness and to use the tech-- . centers conducting the medical corneal to diseases. treat nology to Thomas E. protocol, citing the approximate , According Clinch, M.D., assistant professor $500,000 cost of the excimer lart techof ophthalmology and director of ser and the refractive surgical services at the nology, will require patients who Us Moran Eye Center, a laser participate in the protocol to pay procedure to correct farsighted--; for the procedure.' ness will be offered soon as part ) Interested individuals must be of a nationwide protocol for the 21 years of age or older, not preg-- . U.S. Food and Drug Administranant, free from corneal scarring tion. Clinch is principal investi- or herpes infections and must be willing to return to the Uorxn gator on the study. few next the within Eye Center for follow-u- p examiAlso, months, the exdmer laser will be nations. A thorough eye evaluaused for phototherapeutic tion will be performed to dster-min- e which patients can be enkeratectomy (PTK), a treatment to remove superficial scars and rolled in the protocot Those interested in mare infordeposits from the cornea. PTK is quite successful and this pro--. mation should call the Lfonaltye cedure can obviate the need for Center's refractive surgical ser7. 3 or more invasive operations, such vices at PIN1SH TO SUIT YOURSELF on 12 acre with inigatioe and ocated : LUXURY LIVING - On .95 acre. 5 bedroom homie with double garage and main floor laundry. EUILNNG LOTS fiadyoan. y ... y lie Let tu help you : X ' WE SERVE ALL OT CENTRAL UTAH. state-of-the-a- YZZl x: hSYD tin H03T Dry Extraction Cerpst Clccnlng Cyctcm. Ditycurcclf end , ccvc! 9 .1 - i" LZ3-ZZZ- 635-EYE- as corneal transplantation,. Clinch said. The protocol for farsightedness initially will involve about 33-4-9 patients. An additional phase cf the study will include some 703 participants nationwide, with clout 33 at the U. The outpatient procedure is very brief less than a minute and involves removing micro- Clicpmcn i Furnliiiro ; . scopic amounts cf tiasue from the eemea to irmtare its curvature, Clinch sail. Tctiests will preb-all- y ta able to go hose immedi- ately alter the laser treatment. Coo 7i:j . . ; Up to now, farsighted people have had to rt!y upon eye glasses cr ccntact Imres for visual correction. Radial keratotomy, a K ' Fornul'dzr P r Cfzzzrlto Tcz'oi! h |