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Show A :1 THTBOX ELDER NEWS, THURSDAY, DEC 29 1904 PAGE FOUR. LEE Ik WIXOM, Ob Advertising is i 41 Proprietor tbems op suBsosimoir: -eTear, la advanc- Month Throe Mont- Entered at reproduced in this issue and say, Thems our sentiments. Ifcer $cuj0 Ijc go To 11.25 h- rtte j rS i may your record be equal w'ith that of your predecessors. famished on application. the Post OfBoe seoood elsro at Brigham, Utah. ae matter. KOKH AN LEE, EDIKS. d the new officers we say, INSTBCCTIONS TO CORRESPONDENTS: Items of newt are solicited from all parts of the county. All eommnnlcatlons mnsh reach this offloe net later than Tuesday morning to insure publication. Write upon one tide of the paper only. In order to proteot the publisher from Impositions from Irresponsible persons, the full name Of the author should be signed to all communications. The identity of correspondents will be withheld whenever desired. OUTGOING OFFICERS. We would like the assistance of our advertisers and subscribers in running this paper. Of course we reserve the right to reject any and all bids, but suggestions from you will be respectfully considered by us whether we adopt them or not. If your suggestions are not used immediately they may be used later. In any event, none but you and the editor will know of it. Shall we run departments, such as Personal Mention, Society Column Clip- Before we go to press again a Claspings, Humber of changes will have sified SmallAds, Stories, etc? taken place in the county offices. Shall we discontinue the patent The newly elected officers will inside? Shall we change the aphare entered upon their duties pearance of the paper in any and a number of the present oc way? Answers to these points, feupauts will be seeking employ and any other suggestions will toent elsewhere. It has been our be thankfully received. good fortune to be placed in close And to our advertisers t If you Association with the servants o: see an ad in any other paper in this county during the past four a style that you would like us to jrears and it is with a view to follow in setting up your ad, come expressing our gratitude for the in and let us know. We want to Courtesy shown us that we refer please you in every way possible to the subject at this time. We These things will aid us and have refrained from expressing benefit you. Although we may burseltes heretofore lest our inact like it, yet we dont claim to tentions might be construed to all the intelligence neceshe a bid for patronage. Now possess in this community,. We that these officers are going out, sary even dont lay claim to a great ho such construction can be eu proportion of it, but with the tertained. help of our friends and patrons Mr. Joseph Jensen has servec we will make this paper a credit the people faithfully for the past to the county. four yeats as county clerk) and i is casting no reflection upon his We have the deepest respect successor to say thit it is hard to for the opinions of every honest more a imagine obliging) congen- man or woman, but we indigial and efficient officer. We benantly resent the imputation of lieve that he will be remembered an editorial in the Salt Lake gratefully by all who have had Tribune of Dec. 23rd, entitled, business with that office during In Darkest Box Elder. The t his incumbency and that his Tribune editor not know may it, Course there will inure to his fu but there is not a more enligh- ture success.' Mr. J. A. hdwards, Treasurer for four years, has conducted the business of his important office to the entire satisfaction of the iax payers of Box Elder county. It is due Mr. Edwards to say that tened community in the State than this same Box Elder. v No Mora Suffering. If you are troubled with Indigestion get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and see bow quickly It will cure you. Geo. A. Thomson, of Spencer, la., says:"fiave bad Dyspepsia lor twenty years. My case was almost hopeless. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure was recommen ed and I used a few bottles of It and it to the only thing that has relieved me. Would not be without it. Have doctored with local physicians and also at Chicago, and even went to Norway with hopea of getting some relief, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only remedy that has done me any good, and 1 heartily recommend it. Every person suffering with Dyspp la or Indigestion should use it. bold by the Eddy Drug Store. . The Fatal Wedd.ng Banker Fails- ; that announce to The failure ot Banker Scheitler of i It is only necesaary Salt Lake Ctty la a severe blow. "The Fatal Wedding" will be the at to those who have placed great faith traction at the opera house Saturday Mr. Schettler! night, Dec. 31, to tniure capacity buslin their fellow-ma- n. was looked upon by his patrons as the new. The success of Theodore Krem-e- r drams has been 0 s very embodiment of Incorruptibility, of wonder to to source a came wben It crash the that the yet, great out and injured while almost everyone Interested In current the bankers children are provided theatrical. The play has been transwith luxurious homes. We hope that lated Into French and German, and to Mr. Schettler will be able to pay his being performed across the water to creditors In full, but If he doesnt we capacity business. Aside from tbe shall ever look upoa him with sus- novel plot and pretty story evolved by tbe author, Sullivan, Harris A Woods, picion. under whose management the production Is made, promise a superb Every Man to His Taste Beast and Also, scenic equipment and a strong cast. J Ayers You can hardly find a home soul-stlrrlD- g without its Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: freaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold In a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians advise parents to keep it on hand mover Thu b--rt Mart coo h e It Avar, Cherry reetorsl. For the ehildioe nothin, ooold vo,ttly b- - hotter Jacob bcli Buatoc. lad. Me., Me., fits. All dnutHto. A stranger, about three sheets In the wind, was riding down Main street last Friday. Wben opposite the Eddy j AmMaecot 0. Lowell. for Throat, Lungs Ayer's Pills greatly aid 10 Pectoral tha Chany cold. breaking up Home Industry Victor Madsen Is wearing a pair of lace boots about town these days that for style, quality and workmanship would be a credit to any factory In the country. They were made by the Brigham City Shoe Mfg. Co. and we predict a successful career for this In stltutlon. Disastrous Is responsible Wracks-Carelessne- tor many s railway wreck and the same causes be cured, and hopeless realgnatlon to no longer neoessary. Mn. Lola Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., to one of many whose life was saved by Dr. Kings New Dtooovery. This great remedy to guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by The JBddy Drug Store, Price 50c, and 8L00. Trial hot-le- a free. lu a short time the CbirtSM pop- , HEART Bal- LOCAL MAILS. MAILS CLOSB. WfSOUTH MAIN ST.jJ 4m , ft r and you are sure to be pleased with the pnee Call and see mem Third ward. LEE & DUNN, Real Estate .Agents. Bank buildBoom 25, First Jfrtlonal Tel. 39-ing, Brlgbam, Utah. t and quality. professional cards. Real Estate Bargains. GEORGE R. CHASE, orchard and atxobnsvs-at-laacre lot in 4th ward; barn and sheds. Dtab and sheds; Brigham City, 4 acres orchard; bouse south good water right; immediately of Brigham. QHAS. E. FOXLEY, and W bouse room 4 A.TTO RK with Acre lot (Deputy County Attorney) Office at Court House east side of 1 200 acres bordering of west Utah Brigham City Bear river about 4 miles Brlgbam. In "Big 25 acres good hay land j, HOLTON, FieWa." counsellor At Law business ProP" attorney and 127 feet of first-claRoom 23Fir8t Nat. Bank Building erty on Main street. Utah non- - Brigham City, 2 2 five-acbay lots; also lots with talnlng 2 acres orchard A JAMES S. PERBY, bargain. ham. house and large ATTORNEY-AT-LA20.34 acres pasture with IndepenOffice Court House. dent water right near O. S. L. depot. Utah. LEE 8r DUNN, 1 A ss . re North-Wester- -- ANDREW FUNK, Architect. orncx over Brigham City J. Short CflBB jL or it Dr.Kingo Nov; Discovory W Th Early Risers famous Uttlo piSa -- rains arrive end depart at local etutlone daUy ae follow! 1 NORTH BOUND. (gw rndTdh D. CALL Utah Brigham City, SELS JENSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- inwall tbe State Oonrts and C. Practices tickets for safe between miles. Selling dates,. Dec. a3id, 24th, A 3ist., and Jan. rat good going on date of sale FINEST only, limited to continuous passage THE in each section expiring Jan. 3rd. and Is x the One fare for round trip. city will Brlgbam B. H. JONES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Preetleee la State end Federal 00 art and b fore Halted States Land oSoe. Office over Rosenbaum's store. Otab Brlgbeaielty ... L. BERG, JR., BARBER, SHAVING HAIR CUTTING. 180 28e Delivers Freight and Express to All. Parts of the City la ! o OT a m 125pm Dewey. 243am 116pm Honeyvllle 2 33 a m Brlgbam . 2 16 a m 1250pm 2 01 a m 12 38 pm Perry 1 55 a m 12 33 pm Willard Oullinston, 2 55 8 35 pm 825pm 815pm 758pm 748pm 7 Orders Filled Promptly. Charges Reasonable 43pm Henry Pulsipher, SOUTH BOUND. THE OLD RELIABLE TELEPHONE DRAYMAN No. 64-- 5. Sour Stomach JoU Collinston, 915 a m 9 25 a m Dewey Honeyvllle 935 a m 658am 4 33pm BHgham.9 55a m 615am 6 03pm No appetite, loss of atrength, nervous 1001am 624am 510pm aees, headache, constipation, Perry. bad breath, Willard. 10 05 a m 6 30am 5 20pm general debility, tour risings, and catarrh of the are all due to Indigestion. Kodol WNos. 11 and 12 can be flagged for curestomach Indigestion. Thta new discovery passengers at all stations; No. 8 can tha natural Juices of digestion as they only be flagged at Honeyvllle and Hot azlst in a healthy stomach, combined with Springs, Brigham. is tbe regular stop; the greatost known tonlo and reconstructive No. 10 can be flagged at all stations properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cura does not only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but thli except Perry; No. 7 can be flagged at (amtua ramady cures all stomach troubles all stations except Perry and Honey- by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and vllle; No. 9 can be flagged at all sta- strengthening the mucous membranes lining th stomach. tions except Perry and Honeyvllle. Mr. S. 3. Bill, a ( Ravmiwood, W. V., r Iwu troubled with tour stomach repre-aen- Throufh Pullman Palace Sleepers, Latest Tourlet Sleeper, free Reclining ihtlr care, Elegant day eoacnei. Improved W. W. D. B. Bnownso. Bvnur, Oenl Pa, Agent, Brlgbam. ft T'k't, Agent, Belt Lake City Kodol Digests What Yea Eat S t. 00 Sim holding 3K ttmeethe ote, which nils for 60 cents. Bottlosooly, "pared - So many people who have apparently recovered from an attack Bf0nChU1 Tub Harness some unknown preparation that may contain tome harmfu? when TAR costs you no more and ia safe and sure. Contains no drug opiates. OHIOAQO jJ L A . Lung, & l.ftweakened 80 they FOLeVHONEv Tun Saddle Exhibit W. W, FLUTTERING, food Brownson. (1. be found at 0. ANDERSON'S and gas In the Undigested stomach, located just below the heart, HARNESS STORE presea against it and causes heart " of ;ill kinds in my line Repairing When your heart trouImitation. Mall orders P romptly attended to. 10 that way take Herblue for ble you m ll 'e foil Joe Wednaday n g f;v flays. You will soon be all right First Door Nerth of First Nstl Baak Bldg. x 8 to insure 0 C: and CUafiDrugglata. pages change. Wwi aide Mala Bright stty iod5od so FOLEY 0 tva Three afcea 2Sc, 50c, $1,00. the 51.00 The sin contains two and one half timea as .. bottle elmost six times as much. RefiiM SubetftMtOB. 50-ca- to cd nic:::ica ry THE EDDY DRUG STORE, 0 trial ft 00.. Sale by Eddy Drug Store by B. O. OeWITT vi r uuu of t ts for twenty yeira d we ere now using It In mift for beby1" not only cures La Grippe Coughs , and prevents Pneumonia , but trenrthena th. will not be susceptible to the development of Ll?g:8 troubles. Holiday B Supreme Court. First Nat Bank building, Room 20-- 21 Utah City, City Bell Express fcA 0,8 Utah attorney and counsellor at law - - ... N. C. Mortensen & Sons o all points within 250 in- P,stlire vitation cards jud programs, and acres g"fd hay lacd close In. of can fill all orders on short notice. acre lot In outskirts 1 acre or I For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds would be comprehensible. and similar ir juries, there is nothing Our business has not taken us so good as Chamberlains Fain balm. into the offices of District Attor-ne- y It soothes the wound and nos only Frank K. Nebeker and Coun-t- y gives instant relief from pain, but , h tbr ,t, .,hnn Attorney Jas. N. IVrry, 1.,,t ra , tin-i- r ilu . , ,, the tlat.i words ol mi'll taking inends ,j We believe their work has been treatment. Sold by the Eddy Drug of a high order and satisfactory Store. to their constituents. Anything we could say of Judge Charles H. Hart, would add nothing to his clean and able record. We refer to the resolution drawn up by a committee of the Box Elder County bar, and Deo. 1, 1901. Globe-Democr- at, lards Horehound 8yrup would Dave saved him. 28c, 60o and 11,00. Sold by by all Druggists. weaaing cards, JO h - r.-- oouhlng which continued for some time. Hla wife sent for a pbyaican but before he oould arrive, another coughing spell came on and Duck-we- ll died from suffocation. St Louis ' elegant I, to tbe only geauine Witch Hazel Salve write J. L. Turkey, of Centre, Ala. "I have used It In my family for Piles, Cuts and Burns for years and can recommend it to be tbe best Salve on tbe market. Every family should keep it, as it to an Invaluable household remedy, and should always be kept on hand for immediate use. Mrs. Samuel Gage, of North Bush,N.Y., aaya: "I had a fever ore on my ankle for twelve years that the doctors oould not cure. All sal-t- ee and blood remedies proved worthless. I could oot walk for over two Real Estate Agents. years. Finally I was persuaded to Room National Bank butld-in- gr First 25, try DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve, 39-- 4. Brigham, Utah. Tel. which has completely cured me. It ia a wonderful relief DeWitts Wltcn Hazel Salve cures without $47.50 to Chicago and Return via leaving a tear. Sold by tbe Eddy Drug St. Louis. Store. 147.50 to Chicago and return via. St. Louis Tuesdays and Fridays of each OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. n week via the Chicago & city orncxRS bricham city. track double Ry. beRy., the only C. Holst Mayor and Chicago. river tween tbe Missouri N. E. Mortensen No change of trains daily. Three N. J. Nelsen to the Fair see that Couneilmen Isaac A. Jensen cars. In going this mute. read via tickets C Simonsen your Fur further information write Andrew Funk C. A. Walks a, B P Newman Recorder. Gen. Agt. C. ft N W. Ry., Treasurer Mary Johnson 36 W. 2nd So. St., Salt Lake City. Marshal Samuel Carter -- B II Jones Aito. ney of Wm. Peace the Justice Horsley Oregon ( TIME Supt. Waterwork- s- Lorenzo Anderson Line Chief Fire Dept - William Forsgren O. C. Jensen Street Supervisor Night-watcO F Nelsen Jailor In Effect June lpth, 1904. -- C J Nelson Sexton "DeWItts Northbound No T .12:30 f 0 ulation of the United States will be7:38 p 0 Northbound No 9 come extinct. During the last ten Northbound, Local A Cache 7:38 p 0 Valley No II year they have diminished from la 6, 7:38 p 0 Southbound No 8 .... 778 to 112,050. 5:00 p 0 Southbound No 10 BOARD OS HEALTH. Local Cache ft Southbound, Cured Paralysis- -- Chairman Dr. E. A, Rich 9:36 a 0 Valley No 12 W Fishburn W. 8. Bally, P. O. True, TetaB, F . -S- ecretary MAILS ABRIVB. writes: "My wife bad been Suffering From south No Dr. L. Berg. 1:10 m p 7..,. five years with paralysis ia her arm, From south No 9 The city council meets the second 8:30 a 0 and frurth Tuesdays of each month. when I was penuaded to use Ballards From south, Local ft Cache 8:30 a m Valley No II Snow Liniment, which cured her all FRXCINCl orriciRS. From south No. 17 carries also used of old have for the Justice sores, It right. I Salt Lake morning papers 10:30 a m Andrew Funk,, Peace frostbites and skin eruptions. It does From north No 8 8:30 a m 5:40 p m county ornexxs box elder co. the work.' 25c, 50c. 11,00. Hold by all From north No 10 From north Local ft Cache Judge lit Judicial DistChas H Hart Druggists. -- 10:15 a m Valley No 12- Diat. Atty F K Nebeker The total Republican , plurality in W Valentine Chairman A Co Com MALAD VALLEY B, B. the election was a,J40,47O the Co Com Iowa M B Hart mis,, Suing WATT, closes: , largest ever obtained at any president- No 17 North bound Oorlnne, Kelton E H Jones ial election in the United States, Jos Jensen ,10:10 a.m County Clerk Tremont, Garland -, AttorneyJ S Perry Prosecuting larger than Granta or McKinleys. mail arrives: Treasurer J A Edwards No 18 8outh bound Garland, 3:50 p.m. Sheriff Tremont, Oorlune Jos Josephson Mother Bt Careful P. O. opens Sunday from 10.00 to Recorder-Assess.Meltrude Hunsakei of tbe health of your children. Look L A Snow out for Coughs, Colds, Group and 11.00 a. m. Office hours from 1.30 a. m, to 5.30 Co Supt of Schools Nephi Anderson Whooping Cough. Stop them In time Surveyor, Deweyville J N Holds way p m. One Minute Cough Cure is tbe best B. F. Boothe, Fun ft Game Warden, - J P Larsen Postmaster. Dr. E. A Rich Physician County Harmless and pleasant, remedy. Water Commissioner.. N P Anderson Sold by the Eddy Drug Store. COUNTY BOARD Of HEALTH. A W Valentine Nothing has ever equalled it Chairman Nothing can ever surpass E. A. Rich Dr. Secretary GO TO M. B. Hart and E. H. Jones, members of board. TKRMS or COURT, I904. District court First Tuesday in February, May, September and NoFOR. YOUR vember. County commissioners meet the RUBBERS, first and third Mondays of each month A Perfect For All Throat and OVERSHOES,' Cure: Long Troubles. WARM GLOVES, Money bask If It Mb. Trial Botttas fro. BROWNS 1 Coughing Spelt Caused Death, Harry Duckwell, aged 25 years, are making human wrecks of sufferers cboked to death early yesterday mornfrom Throat and Lung troubles. But ing at bis borne, In tbe presence of hla wife and child. He contracted a alhee the advent of Dr. Kings New slight cold a few days ago and paid Discovery for Consumption, Cough but little attention to it. - Yesterday and Colds, even the wont cases can morning be was seised with a fit of the records of his office are in splendid condition and are great satisfaction to those who have occasion to refer to them. Mr. Edwards has taken up his residence in 8alt Lake city preparatory to entering upon the duties of State Auditor, to which office he was elected recently by a handsome majority. Mrs. Meltrude Hunsaker Stohl The Christmas edition of the has earned an enviable reputation in the position of County Deseret News reflects credit upon Recorder. With all due respect that great institution. Seveo to the former incumbents of the years ago we were in Sweden office and her present and received a copy of that yeara we are authority for the state- Christmas number which containment that this county has never ed 6s pages. We haribed the had a more competent officer; copy to the editor of one of the neither in the office of recorder most important dailies of that MITTS, nor any other. Few people real- country. He wes very muchim-yresse- d LEGGINS, and described the paper ize the complexity of the rein detail, concluding with the re BOOTS, SHOES corders work. If one were to w ., mark it and follow a single instrument ever issued. daily paper SUPPERS FELT through its devious course from He could likely say the same of -P- RICES! LOW. VALUES GOO Dthe time it is entered until it is this number ith equdp' priety, Hs still repairs shorn while you turned out complete, the myswait and. makes guaranteed custom An shoes. Imsrgtney Msdioin teries of even the U. S. treasury t drug store he was overoome by aucb a feeling of kindness for hla hone that he got off and lead tbe animal towards Glover's livery stable as best be could. He bad gone but a short distance wben he was Impelled to show hla love for the bone. Wboa, be said, The "(hlc,) wan-t- a (hie) klsa you. hone patiently submitted to s kiss squarely on tbe muuth. They proceeded a few atene farther when be decided to repeat tbe operation, but the bone backed off; once was enough for him. Beware of Counterfeit. WANTED. end lmmcdlats relief.'1 |