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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1935 EAST TREMONTON fUm jiff Mrs. Charles Peterson and family attended the Checketts family reun-- j ion in Logan canyon, Saturday and ' Sunday. Miss Dona Brough is spending the week at home. She is attending a business college in Salt Lake City. Mrs. R. G. Brough and daughter, Dona, and Mrs. Amos Hansen and n daughter, Melba of Elwood, were visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kay and Mrs. Henry Morrison and children motored to Monte Cristo, Tuesday. Mr3. Morrison remained for a week's visit. Mrs. Melvin Cook was the recipient of a very pleasant party given at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Garfield on Monday even-inby the ladies farm bureau. Alter a delightful evening spent in visiting and the bride was presented with a fine electric iron. Dainty refreshments were served the 21 guests. Mrs. Hazel Wright and children of Salt Lake City visited her sister, Mae, Fridal last week and Miss Mae returned with her for a brief visit. The Ladies Farm Bureau held an interesting meeting at the home of Dot Fridal on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Fridal gave the lesson and demonstration on buying of shoes. Dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Geo Beal and Mrs. Lavon Gar- u litmnu 7 u IVmw f fAr By Mrs. P. E. Ault I QOOR CHILD Lahd the school Ji Touring The summer auto trip with children along takes a little planning. Wherever you go, conditions are not exactly the same as at home. Some families carry water from home in glass bottles. Others boil water and some use the chlorine treatment, which your physician ex-or druggist will Pasteurized plain. mflk is your one safeguard when traveling. Always wash thoroughly all fruit and vegetables purchased along the route. Do this even when you buy direct from the farmer. Just remember he may have used poisonous sprays to kill insects. Take along a supply of paper cups. The glasses at roadside stands, are not always as clean as yours at home. It is wise to consult your family physician about first aid needs and laxatives. A little kit is often a blessing when least expected. Bo sure to put in the soothing lotions you use for poison ivy auu the cream for sunburn. A word about eating. The ?s titer is in eating too much and at irregular times. Avoid parlieular-lthe temptation to drink v;as and bottled drinks. And conoucr the desire to overload the snonutch with ice water. No vacation can be had while riding on a stomach. Adults' garnet are entertaint. ment; boy$' garnet are serious Dr. Ireland will discuss them in kit next article. Og-de- s, field. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fridal returned Friday from their trip to Southern California. Their son, K. H., returned with them. Mrs. Dot Fridal visited in Logan and Brigham City Monday and y sea-tic- k BOTHWELL Summers By Phyllis I 4 bus-ma- Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Summers visited Mrs. Summers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Childs at Clinton SunLast week a group of friends met day. Miss Eyvonne Summers spent the at the home of Mrs. Nelsina Nelson weekend at the home of Phyllis Sumher. At the delightfully surprising close of the afternoon entertainment mers. Mrs. Robinson of California, is visa delicious luncheon was served. iting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Guy Bosley. Owen, Robert, and Mathew WalDK. DON C. JAMES of Salt Lake are spending their lace OPTOMETRIST at the home of their grandvacation Will Be Here Monday, July 8 Mrs. T. V. Summers. mother, MAKE APPOINTMENTS NOW Miss Betty Summers is spending ROBERT SIMONSEN her vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Marble of Deweyville. an "itfftft r, tiiatfff Wnf'iilMl f Sf'n n i. fir j after ternoon. Ellis. Muffins were made, which a swim waa enjoyed. Thousands Due Persons Who Cannot Be Located Science club of Dew The Senior met Thursday evening at the eyville, home of Virginia Perry. Members of the club and the voted on clud, leader, Nellie Burbank, outlined the year's work. The members of the Clever Cookers j third year club of Bothwell, met at the home of Miss Maurine Marble. Meeting was called to order by Presi- dent jGladys Newman. Time was spent in copying recipes, after which dainty refreshments were served. Meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p. m. 4-- H ( j New York City, but she had left Life Insurance Companies Search for Lost Policyholders So-Call- ed ide Philadelphia A n a 1 o search to locate policyholders and beneficiaries to whom money is due is being conducted by life insurance companies, William A. Law, president of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company and former president of the American Bankers Association, revealed today. "lost The hunt for the policyholders" has been going on quietly but persistently for years and will continue so long as people disappear without notifying the companies in which they have their policies, he said. Although there is no exact information available as to the amount of money held by life insurance companies for persons who have never claimed it,, the sum runs into hundreds of thousands of dollars, Mr. Law said. The individual amounts range from a few dollars to several thousand. Many of the accounts have been due for years. interesting stories of how policy holders have been traced from state to state and even to foreign countries in order that they might be paid money due them are contained in the files of life insurance companies. Often the-- trail leads over many years before the policy holder or his estate is located. The Penn Mutual recently found and paid a woman in California; her last known address was in 1 n-- vifl-ito- l, club of The Jolly Mixers met at the home of Miss Clara Payne. A variety of sandwiches were made after which a trip to Patio Springs was planned. Both-wel- 4-- H Kook Kwick club of Dew The eyville met at the home of their lead-- 1er," Virginia Perry, on Wednesday af4-- H Thrift Parade d Miss Mardeane Jorgensen of Logan, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins and family. A dance was held Friday evening in order to raise funds to send our two representative boy scouts to Washington, D. C. Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins were visitors at Logan, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Vincent and chil dren were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Jensen, Miss Maurine Anderson, Jerry and Elouise Anderson spent three days motoring through Yellowstone Park, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eggli, Carl Eg-g- li and Miss Mina Eberhard were of Tom Morrow at Idaho Falls Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Whitt and daughter, Helen, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Newman. Miss Maurine Anderson returned to San Francisco Tuesday morning after spending the past few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newman attended the Hinman reunion at Collin-sto- by-la- ( there without leaving a forwarding address. And a California man was found in a little town In New Jersey. Only a few weeks ago the company located a former Wash lngton man in Guatemala where he had been in business for several years. "Some people have dropped their insurance without realizing that Peas were canned by the club girls. j There must be a reason for the almost constant parade of thrifty buyers to the O. P. Skaggs system stores. There are reasons Here are some of them: Equitable Prices Always; Nationally Advertised Brands; Wide Variety; Cleanliness; Easy Shopping; and the Best Quality of Foods. they have built up a reserve sum to which they are entitled.' Mr. Law said. "Others have borrowed on their policies and have been under the Impression that nothing more was due them. Naturally they are always agreeably surprised when NEW SPUDS 10 Lbs LEMONS Choice Quality 0,4 uv ' CUCUMBERS BANANAS Golden Ripe CLUB NEWS ,, Large Package etti-quit- te 5tf Lb. 5 Both-wel- Gal. PEAS, New Utah Packed .... Can j 250 . POTATO CHIPS Fresh .. , Package TUNA FLAKES ClA : vr 100 .CHERRY CHOCOLATES OK A Lb. Box .. , TOMATOES Quart Can .... QA 'V Can CATSUP Quart Can 6tf Tall Cans 1(A xvr BEANS Strlngless 250 Lb. MILK, Morning or Sego SHRIMPS Cans 10 MAPLE SYRUP . Fine Quality 120 2 ... TEA Green, Tree Brand l, The Kitchen Queens club of met at the home of Jane Mills, Friday, June 23. The girls prepared four different egg dishes. After club swimming was enjoyed. VEAL STEW Pound V for CORN FLAKES The first year cooking club of Tremonton, met Thursday, June 20, at the home of Miss Elaine Gephart. The lesson was on preparing muffins. A special lesson was given on table .after which the girls copied recipies. LAMB ROASTS Shoulder WATER MELONS Lb. Rich Flavored 2 170 FRANKFURTERS Per Lb 1()4 Doz. Long and Smooth QUALITY MEATS POT ROASTS Beef . Lb, 1 QA V - LETTUCE, White Crisp , Head Ice Packed we find them. "Of course the number, of cases of this kind are very, very few compared to the millions of people who keep their insurance in force. But at that there are quite a few people throughout the country who have money on deposit with life Insurance companies without knowing about it. The same is true of most banks that have been' in business over a long period.' 4-- H -- 1Q .. V. SHOP AT THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN! rs The Kitchen Queens first year club of Bothwell, met at the home of Jean Stokes Tuesday, June 18. A demonstration on how to prepare oranges for appetizers was given. Swim ming was enjoyed and meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p. m. The 3 Ks 1st vear club of Bothwell, met at the home of Jean 4-- H 4-- H n. artley Stokes "Just Home Folks" - y SALAD DRESSING Quatr Jar 31c . LIME RICKEY - GINGER ALE LEMONADE Bue 15c Jc POTATO CHIPS Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Anderson and daughter, Wanda, were visitors of Mrs. Vera Smith at Preston, Sunday. At the Sunday evening meeting the T X Howell Elders presented the program. Don was A musical number given by and Darwin Gunnell, accompanied by Mrs. Lyle Adams. Mr. Stenquist, Mr. Ariel Sorenson and Mr. Wood were the speakers. An invitation was extended for them to return again. Mrs. Rudger Forsgren visiter tb home of her mother, Mrs. R .Scholler during the week. Mrs. Roy Bingham and children of Magna, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Firth last week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Christensen visited with friends in Ogden last week. f t 10c 5c PORK AND BEANS sct' TUNA FLAKES "!tel. olives SHRIMPS Can -- SALMON - 10c 10c 15c JAMSAcS,rtc.d.. CORNFLAKES Package CORN BEEF 'can COFFEE rJ ArrrD ftUrrllEi 30c can Settlement round Package Old -- 10c 15c 10c 17c - 1 Cri 0. IN OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT BANANAS AD A Gr.. IVTflTO Large Dozen .... 5c 25c Modern Pay'nTakit Store. B&EAED UTAH BEET 1G0 lbs. 0 0 $ was confined to the Valley Hospital a few days this week with a few minor ailments. Mrs. Russel Waldron left the hospital June 28 with her baby after 10 days stay at the hospital. Loretta Renderknecht had her tonsils andadenolds removed June 29. Melba Hanson of Hansel Valley had her tonsils and adenoids removed July 1. Edward Paik of west Tremonton had his tonsils removed June 29. Barbara Gaddie of Garland, had her tonsils and adnoids removed July 1st. Barbara Gaddie of Garland, Francis Hunsaker of East Tremonton, Byron and 11a Bronson of West Tremonton, had their tonsils and adnoids removed this week. Elva Stokes left the hospital with her baby boy, July 2. Mrs. LeGrande Jensen left the hospital July 2 with her baby boy. Mrs. Golden Harris was confined to the hospital a few days last week with an attack of appendicitis. Lloyd Estep of Plymouth, left the hospital June 30. He is much improved. He was recently injured in an accident. Mrs. A. A. Forsberg of Riverside, who has been confined at the hospital with an abstracted bowel ,is improving nicely. David Murray of Blue Creek, who has been confined at the hospital for eight weeks, with a fractured hip, is leaving this week. Walter Turley of Blue Creek, who has been confined at the hospital for several months, is Blowly improving. The members of the Clever Cookclub of Bothwell,, ers 3rd year met at the home of Miss Phyllis Summers. The meeting was called to order by President Gladys Newman and a demonstration was given. LOAVES 12-O- $5 69 2 for - - 19 PORK BEANS nocSi 10 .4 THTPC 15 9 CORNED BEEF 9 25 RAISINS "rXase-- 14 10 DA ACT 29 CALUMET GRAPEFRUITS, .12 AT I1717CTaU MACARONW .25 WHEATIES PWD.SUGAR3U,, HOSPITAL NEWS 4-- H m y JELL-WEL- XFU L Mrs. Milton Anderson of Bothwell PORK AND BEANS JffL. You Will Save Time and Bloney at Your MARSHMALLOWS u... PUFFED WHEAT rkg STRING BEANS un. PEASK PICKLES CORNFLAKES Large Pkg PARsKLb, CHEESE' Pound 15 10 19 . SALMON rink ........ SODAS 2-l- b. GRAHAMS 48-l- Tackage ... 2-l- b. Package . .21 lilir CrisP Potato O 2 Packages ...... 1 Q0 1 Or 15 10 T. & DEVILED MEAT 15 U. rADTNo.2 Can ... DrrU Lilly's 12-o- z. No. lUlUrtlUlXJCan ULIVEaJ Can 22 Lb .. .. . 10 17 10 j 24 I 14 Can 11 15 Package TlfITCTADn2-lb- . SALT 5 io Pounds I) A AT A AT A 0 Drtiwmo round We Have A Complete Supply of FltUITS AND VEGETABLES .5 FLOUR SOAP COFFEE HIGH PATENT CRYSTAL WHITE AIRWAY b. Bag $129 Bars 29 HiuiHiiituHiniiii mm lit iiiniiwiii-ni- i ! i I Ground As You 1 C JLO Like It -- Lb n n mm h t h h urn mh |