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Show PAGE THKES BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 4. 1935 WHOOPIE! WOMAN SAWED IN HALF New Projects Needed To Supply Labor for Persons on Relief COLLINSTON Mrs. J. A. Bigler By Miss Laprele Saunders entertained a large number of her girl friends at a trousseau tea June 20. A hope chest In announcing preliminary plans filled with many beautiful atfor the acceptance of applications for was The younger girls are still tractions. projects under the new Works Pro will be as successful they hoping fess Administration program, Dar-- when their time comes. rell J. Administrator for! Greenwell, Utah, emphasized the necessity for close cooperation of political In the formulation and operation of these projects. Detailed Instructions for the preparation of projects have been placed in the hands of the county emergency relief aa ministrations, where representatives of public bodies are invited to inspect them and to receive the detailed Information now available. While only official groups may act as sponsors of projects, organizations concerned with the public welfare, such as Chambers of Commerce, trade organizations, and service clubs, are Invited to cooperate with the local public officials in the promotion of desirable projects for the employment SCHOOL of persons on the relief rolls. utes of their appearance, while the Sponsoring agencies will be expect average magician does around four- ed to contribute materials, equipment teen in ninetv minutes. and services to the greatest extent Chan with his mysterious ducks possible, in order that money avail contributes to the merriment while able from the federal government Julie shows her artistry in her "Paint may be spent almost entirely upon iner with Fabrica." A complete pub wages, keeping in mind that priority lie address system is carried by the of projects accepted will depend in a company as well as special music measure upon the amount of contriliehts and scenery. butions in materials, equipment, etc., Perhaps the greatest of all Virgil'f that the local public agency may be thousand tricks and illusions is his able to make. The financial ability noted "Human Saw Mill" In which he of local agencies will of course be uses a 50 inch motor driven buzz saw given consideration. In view of the which revolves at the rate of 3000 fact that the federal government is revolutions a minute. After sawing assuming all insurance costs under lumber with the saw he straps a lady the new program, Utah public bodies to the same machine and visibly will be relieved of the 3J per dol Dlunees the saw through her body lar of payroll that has been required while the bare skin is in full view from them under the E. R. A. pro of the audience. The spectators are gram. permitted to view this magic pnenom Projects must be planned with re inon from all sides proving there are lation to the number, ages, sex, and no mirrors. The lady is not in a dox occupational characteristics of per and advance reports state that as sonos on relief in the locality where many as eighteen people have fainted the project will be executed, and the during a single performance or mis projects should, wherever possible, be nnc illusion. , as planned to provide continuous employ The Spirit Paintings, ment. As under the E. R. A. pro produced bv Vireil share honors with gram, no projects will be approved his "Burnine a Man Alive" and the covering work for which local funds "Hindu Basket Mystery." The entire are appropriated or for list of effect are new and he per work currently as a normal which is regarded forms them exactly the same as he aid function of the political unit. Mr. in the large theatres of China, South Greenwell stated that it will be neces America, and here on this continent. for the sponsors to clear their In the "Spook" show division, the sary first with their local E. R. A. projects "snnoks" are said to leave the stage or Works Administration. and to fly into the audience and create In order to Progress the development expedite "creepy" thrills that win remain in of these Works Progress Administra the memory. tion projects, many of the E. R. A. projects now in operation and others The girls clothing club of East which have been approved may be Tremonton met last week on weanes transferred to the new set-uif they day with Afton White and this week are worthy projects and eligible unof Bernice they met at the home are der the somewhat changed regula on working tions. While final details of the re Friday. They Brough Rosellen Miss on children's clothing. quirements for projects have not yet Koford and Mrs. Glen Christensen are been made available, it is not too earthe leaders. ly, Mr. Greenwell said, to begin the shifting of current E. R. A. projects to the new organization. It is his further hope that new pro jects will be submitted in such quan tities as to provide a steady reser voir of desirable work which may be called upon as labor is available. subdi-vivislo- ns non-offici- ""V al A nicely arranged birthday surprise party was given Mrs. Delma Saunders last week. A social afternoon was spent in game sand refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whitney en tertained at a splendidly prepared chicken supper which a large number enjoyed. Mrs. Gertrude Simmons delightfully entertained 19 members of the Ren dezvous club at her home June 21st. After lunchean social games were the diversion. Mrs. O. A. Riley of Garland enter tained a number of her lady friends from here at a social afternoon tea Friday. After spending a short vacation at home. Clarence V. Bigler was called to Spokane, Wash., on important duties. Mrs. Odell Bigler accompanied him to Jerome, Idauo tor a short visit with her husband, who is employed as an operator there. Mrs. Julia Covert and her four daughters, Marie, Estella, Ella and As enath, of Malad, formerly of Collin-stohave just returned from a wonderful trip through northern Idaho, going down the Columbia highway to Bakersfield and San Francisco, where they visited relatives and friends. They also spent a pleasant afternoon in Garland and Collinston. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wells, Donald, Ruth and Clifton of Pocatello, Idaho, spent Sunday with relatives in Brigham City, Honeyville and Collinston. The marriage of Miss Wilma Bow n, ers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bowers, was solemnized In the Salt Lake temple. Mrs. Bowers accompanied them to the temple. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Saunders delightfully entertained at a wedding reception June 29 in honor of the mar riage of their daughter, Laprele, to Mr. Howard Peterson of Erigham City. A delicious supper was served to 33 members of the two families. Out of town guests were the mother, brothers and sisters of the bride groom of Brigham, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mclntyre and daughter, Renee, of Stanclrod, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hoop er of Smithfield, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardy and mother of Fielding. The presents were many and beautiful. The marriage was solemnized in the Logan temple, June 29. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Simmons and family were the Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. VIRGIL, ILLUSIONIST, AND LION TUESDAY AT HIGH Big Mystery Show Full of Comedy; Sponsored by American Legion With a ,live African lion and a company of magicians and comedians In Tremonton, people here will have something unusual to think about. Virgil and his full company will give a complete evening of entertainment in person on the stage at the high school auditorium at 8:15 o'clock next Tuesday) July 9. They will offer their $50,000.00 illusion show "Mystic Circus" which is said to employ 20,000 pounds of equipment, and in addition the Virgil Spook Show, America's largest. Not only are the patrons promised "more thrills and chills than a five ring circus" but there is an equal amount of fun and comedy of the real hilarious, variety, Vir"Fun with and "Honest Boy" gil's have won for him not 'only the applause of hundreds of i audiences but fame among magicians '"'as the outstanding funster in the magic profession. No time is wasted during the performance. Virgil and his group complete nine tricks the first three min. side-splitti- Fire-racker- s" - Washable Painting - Tinting Paper Hanging i Ladies Beautiful SP01 Handkerchief to Every Housewife Who Visits Our New Remodeled Store Saturday, July 6th, 1935 Maytag Sale THE OUTFIT THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS TALKING ABOUT Simplex Ironing 3.a-- 3 BECKER'S BEER brings you quick relief from the sagging sense of fatigue. Because beer is a food as well as a drink, it restores the worn cells of the body. or Buy Becker's in the handy 6 small bottle pack 3 large bo'.lle pack from your drag store, grocer or beverage dealer. by BECKER PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTED f fir Twin Tubs, Ironing Board, Flat Iron, Step Ladder, and Maytag Washer ALL FOR ONLY CA ml unit for the home. I: 7Q f.f . I GET YOURS TODAY H FOR TERMS AS OF WASHER ALONE I V MAYTAG SHOP J. A. PACK Representative TREMONTON, UTAH cbuse. 'j&j&io m theMost finely balanced fit , i r j to-- FT ' ?V" ' '.." y-Lv-r TEST ITS . U III ll1.lHftM.HWr I. POWER AND ECONOMY, SPEED AND SAFETY, AND STABILITY. LEARN THAT BALANCED MOTORING IS BETTER MOTORINO Your Chevrolet dealer cordially invites you to drivt KNEE-ACTIO- N COMFORT the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet without any how much about this car obligation! He want you to learn all combines power more tmootkly it rides ... how much more perfectly it road stability with comfort with economy, speed with safety, gliding all in wayi! See him and . . . and how much more finely balanced it is drive the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet today! ... UNION MAD I! 1 USED CARS Y $195.00 CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT. MICHIGAN Oank. low MotW pricm trU taty C.M.A.C fnu. A Cmmwt MaMrt Fafaf CHEVROLET.. njOUl-ffOi- Cmmpm t ALL DURING JULY ) C H E DIALER ADVtfrrtMMBCT New Paint Ju 1929 CHEVROLET COACH CHEVROLET TRUCK (as is) J $175.00 inuviv Floating Axle - Motor A-- l 1931 A complete laundry BY 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN Only Handy Around the Home you. lilll Special y MONARCH LADDER CO., Oden, Utsk BESSINGER BROS. ivi foyfcy 15-Da- p, Invigorate you rself with a sparkling glass of IV """""" TWIN TUBS the end of the clay's long hard drill . . . H " Today and Save ...at Manufactured P" """ Guaranteed Electric Iron With Cord Board 4-- H WILKINSON & SON I PHONE WW WW, 21 ILil4iU d, See Our New WALL PAPER SAMPLES Sun Tested AUD. $575.00 I t'Xr A A. i ll IIBI -- ...,iv .a. mi- - nitSw.PsrCED .CAR EVER BUttT- pm $200.00 Callister Motor Co. MaflJMiiW Tremonton, Utah Phone 20 |