Show WILLAM jED ASPER LAID lAI Ai JUT AWAY IN THE JE GRAVE I II P I 1 mill John JohnHenry I I Henry I I 11 iSi ii I I ii M 4 I I Tho rho funeral fu no nil of lt Wild was held afternoon In the Nine wend Wl which wits w filled with rinds friends of o deceased from fum nil all al parts pat of tint tilt city P It I anti and from tm nil all ni ranks of life among those th o pros Ires emit cut were Seer lumber men mel ni nl l old time Im business associates The fh services were werl In of or anti Ine occupying seats lall near Mar him hil hIm on the stand 1 j C UI AS S pint wire President Joseph Jo lh K P 1 Smith Jon Jin win Henry SmIth also aho George K F 1 HI Joseph J F Smith Jr alt t the he council coun I of twelve Bishop Alvin of the thc second Ward presided nt at It thu Ihl organ Hill ald the tho ho music was tazi 1 furnished hy by 1 oa 1 B R IX 10 1 Winter Inter J fi S Kd J Ilium it wot I and 1 11 Prof Iro W V c lIve CIo a II 1 on tho tilt vlon 0 In n and also nl nil an tn In n 0 1 lv nyu Tours Tears al which VM sung sting su g by i Thoma I There was wasa a profusion of If flowers fower anti and the musical exercIses wore were very Impressive Tho Tilo offered hy by ly onner Bishop Isaac Irel Pie dent ent John Henry le my Smith tho Iho first fut sp aU aUr er cr r Bald Il he lie regarded It I us as la u ii 1 very Ver great privilege to 10 stand around tile the bier bie of apr for tor whom ho Ito h had al AI alays ways ays hail had the tho highest i 10 PosSIble o regard Ito Ho lu referred In Itt feeling terms to 10 his In intense tense enso spirituality and Ild hi Ills reliability Ine anti nd uprightness H 1 In ill al tiling things Ills His aas u sa loss los to the Ihl atatu Italo and alid ale the thu Church ns oa well wel nt as AI his hla family ho lie exhorted to hl hi Ills good In Iii lives liven lve President nt Joseph F F Smith endorsed what hud Bad been I tn saId Huld and stated muted that all al who ho know knew Asper r could rein tile thu Ills Bis regret m Iii mIlls I tile Ills death was that tha ho he Is I needed licit here Ilet Such Huch examples of hont mid iiii dovo devo devotion tion tun tn to tl truth Uth aro are beneficial to t those thol who surround II I was also mild that William 1111 A l or hud hail enjoyed ed tho tito bl bless H Hn n H of It Got without measure Ireal then than to 10 the tile ties les of ot family through the gospel and the fulth faIth William hail had hlll In itt 11 those teachings t und ald closed by b exhorting lie tho u children to follow In his footsteps George corge K F 1 of the council councH of ot ott twelve t o spoke of or saCrifice and self elf Ic abnegation of or William lum A i cr and his faithfulness In all 01 things thing und encouraged encourage encouraged aged age the mourners mourner not to mourn to excess that Goat suet ouch n a good god man lon had hll gone gon gonto to his Iii hl reward wilch was wu sure Hiiro hl L 1 1 Morris Moris president of ot Salt Rait I Lake ake take stake wild sub sale he ito was avils 11 not entirely reconciled In iii 11 his hil feelings to the sud sudden ue ini den then departure of ot William Wilam sr sper His 1 I i with him lila In II the thu stake hail had hae been h en close coe and nil he Ito always alI found foun him In judgment ald desirous of promoting tho thu to welfare of the Iho or of tho the take stake He lie has given n it great t deal enal to lie tho officers elcer of ot tho the stake and to tn others All Al his life Ifo he ha heian ha has ian been licen a 1 huller builder Ho lie le was aas wn n a I con constructive COl character racier both holh aggressive and ali lo Io has hn also uilo given the state it ii 1 noble nobl family and nothing but what Is I I praiseworthy can cn bo ho said raid Id of nf him J hp 1 oo spoke of ot the Ihl sup support support port Ilum Ashier Ir had been to the tho card Iad He Ito le nisei also al referred to his hil childlike faith und extended sympathy to the theto fatally family to mi S The benediction was true wal offered by 1 Patri Patriarch Patriarch Patriarch arch Angus M I Cannon At the grave tho tim quartet sang Ian Past Host The Tho gr grate grae ve was Walt dedicated by Elder George F RIch Illch |