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Show THE PAGE FOUR TIMES-NEW- The Times-New- s Published Every Friday by the Times News Publishing Company THE SAFE WAY A. B. GIBSON, Fdltor and Manager Subscription Friday, June 4th. 1926. NEPH1, UTAH S, Rates: Six Months $t.00 One Year Payable In advance $2.00 "Watch Your Wife" PS At Venice Saturday Pat O'Malley is recognized as being one of the most versatile players on the screen today. O'Malley has been a gangster, a plumber and a salesman in his pic ture career. During the past few months alone he has been a decreipt inmate of a home for the aged; he has been a majestic inous.ached Russian Grand Duke. and now he comes before the public as a bespectacled, novelist. Such is the versatility demanded of Pat by those who rule over his motion picture life. In "Watch Your Wife," in which he is with Virginia Valli. O'Malley dons glasses for the part he plays, that of a forgetful husband- author. They are nice, glasses of the pincenez type with a flowing black ribbon uniting them Pat's buttonhole. As those who see the picture will agree O'Malley handles the glasses with much grace and distinction. Watch Your Wife" is a Universal- Jewel coming to the Venice theatre Saturday night. O'Malley plays the role of an auth or who does not admit of being dis- urbed at his work even by his wife who, in this case is Miss Valli. This causes frequent petty quarrels and the two seperate with the huBband seeking relief in a "rented wife" and his better-hal- f turning to a fortune hunter for comfort. The result s comedy in plenty and many unusual situations, the whole framed in lux urious settings and handsome gowns. "Watch Your Wife" is called a domestic comedy drama by Svend Gade, who directed it. The cast is an excellent one for in addition to Miss Valli and O'Malley it includes such players as Helen Lee Worthing, Nat Carr, Albert Conti, Aggie Herring and Nora Hayden. E3E: When They Are There, You'll Get 'Em awe-inspiri- GREATER WEST VISUALIZED. long-haire- The encouragement of industrial development in the West is receiving very stimulating support. Executives of operating Industries realize that the future success of their business depends upon the part they play in this great forward movement. Mr. George Pepperdine, President, Western Auto Supply Company, in a recent address, said that "if it were possible for one to look into the future of the West and see the actual' conditions and happenings of a few generations hence, he would have a vision of a great agricultural, manufacturing and industrial center with several times its present population. The picture would show a series ot great cities located in positions to serve commercially about two-thirof the world's population living in nations bordering on the Pacific, and whose needs and purchasing power Valuable papers, jewelry and keepsakes, if kept lying around the house in various places, are liable to be lost, misplaced or stolen. A box in our Safe Deposit Vault supplies you with a safe, convenient, fireproof depository for these valuables, and the cost of this protection is very small. are rapidly increasing. "As a background to the picture he would observe the richest and most powerful nation on earth with its superior strength in gold, silver and other metals, petroleum, agrimanufactured cultural products, goods, raw materials,, transportation systems, hydroelectric power, and, above all, a nation the most advanced intellectually developed under of political freedom and re ligious liberty. He would observe harbors which are rapidly becomin , the gateways to the world across the great Pacific ocean. "It is, therefore, to every one s advantage to think and study on the future of far Western America." ou.-syste- FIRST NATIONAL 1 33 Woman' Place 1 approach with reluctance the Inst burning question. Is wonwn's place In the home? It certainly Is, hut the difficulty lies In deciding whose home she wants to be In. Personally, whenever I see one that appeals to lue, someone has beaten me to It. From ''If I Know What I Meun," by Klsle Janla. Jubilee Celebration j ou have now worked for "Smith, eurs. We will celus for tweii'y-nvIn future you ebrate this fittingly. will be called Mr. Smith !" From Ulk. Berlin. e Fairy Vestments porketbook lost in .Veent and lO cent more, containing week's wage Liberal reward. Ad in nd laundry. an Atlantic City paper. Hello" Folks Mr. and Mrs. David Bigler and Crusader' Victory family of Payson, Utah, spent Mem Assouf Is the name of an ancient orial Day in this city. place in Syria In Asia Minor. In the Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rudy and two days of the Crusades a battle was fought here on September 6. UStl. The daughters of Salt Lake City spent Christian force, only 30,000 strong, Saturday and Sunday in this city commanded by ltlchard I of England, the guests of James R. Black. ilefeuted Saludin's army of 300.000 Saracen. After the victory Ascalon Sidereal Year surrendered and Richard marched on The period of time reaujtred , for Jerusalem the earth to make one absolute revolution around the sun is called a sidereal year. It consists of 363 days. Nothing Doing 0 hours, 9 minutes and 9.6 seconds "1 met a wonderful opportunity today." remarked Rounder "Pld you em- This period never varies. brace It?" Inquired tils friend "No. my wife was with me when I wet It" Stick to Home Folk Cincinnati Knqulrer. Home folks are the best folks In the world. They prosper when you prosSugar Jelly Makes per; go broke when you k broke; cry process, when you cry; go fishing when you so Because l the hoillng-dowfishing, and lie about the size Just like Jelly contains more sugar than the solution from which 11 was made you do. Hardin News. S1LVER.TOWN ON THE AII""jj are convinced that tires need a spokesman We Before signing off let us tell you that we have a good stock of these famous tires at the right prices. Drop in and see them. JUDD'S GARAGE Hudson 'Essex Sales and Service mm well-know- n Nerhi, Utah SILVE RTOWNS ON YOUR CAR-- Our Tackle will get the fish if they are to be' had. Finely finished poles and reels, strong lines and attracti- ve lures provide the necessary equipment. "We Are Here To Serve" Nephi Drug Company Getting Round Geo. D. Haymond, Owner. to Things By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Detn of Man, University of Illinois. HE gate which should have barred tho entrance to Ornndfather Hall's front yard hung by one hinge all through my boyhood. I do not now recall what untoward act of ours rent It from Its moorings, but be that as It may, for years it sagged dejectedly half open and half shut and offering an easy access to all the marauding animals which ran loos. Grandfather meant to adjust the difficulty, which was after all only the matter of a few nails and five minutes of time, but be never got at ' "Aren't you going to fix that gater grandmother would ask. "The Strnwn cattle were In the garden this morn ing, and ate up my cabbages." Til do it," grandfather would reply, "when I get round to It When he was carried out to lay him In the cemetery up on the hill back of the house, the gate was till sagging He never got round to It The Burton house burned down few weeks ago, converting Into nn In significant pile of ashes about all of Burton's worldly possessions. "How much insurance did you I asked him, for If anyone carry needed to carry Insurance, It was Bur ry A (U M ed ton? "I had It fully Insured for time," he answered sadly, "but the policy expired last month. I meant as much anything to renew It. but didn't 'get round to it" As I recall the story, the grasshoi per had had the best of Intentions. H realized that winter" was coming on that he ought to have the furnacr fixed and the winter supply of coal In nd the potatoes and turnips atx canned fruit stocked up, and his win ter underclothes put Into shape, bin he was so busy visiting and serenad Ing Ms friends and having a good tlm generally that he never got round t It When he went to the ant for bel he found that that provident perso had done nothing more than look on for himself. I suppose the foolish virgins ha meant to fill np the kerosene cans, bu there were so many other Interesting things to do that they failed to get round to It, and they found themselves stumbling along In the dark. It Is so with many of us. We mean to get our teeth fixed, or to pay onr taxes, or join church or mend th broken step In fmnt of the bouse, bu: we put It off until it Is too late or en tlrely forgotten. We come to when the dentist tells us that the only thing to lie done is to have an artificial set. of teeth, or some one falls down the front steps and breaks a leg. It Is carelessness or laziness or thoughtlessness which keeps ns from doing these things. We could all find time. If we would, for doing those things which ought to be done. few minute grandfather had taken from his reading of "Confucius" the gate would have been mended, and the grasshopper had sung a few bar less he might have had food for th winter. s, 1 gold-rimm- Where "Bony" Get Her Namt Naturalists list cattle, buffaloes and bisons as near relations In the Bos branch of the animal creation. Hence the term of endearment frequently She Is applied to the family cow. bossy" by right of strictly scientific assignment. Alvin Howard Sanders. D. Agr. L. L. D., in the National Geographic Magasln. Almot Transformed "Su, Bill has been speeufatlng In Was he a bear the stock market. operator?" "Well, he was very near ly bare before they got through with him." Boston Transcript. Done Brown "Mamma." "aid n little boy, who bad been stnt to dry a towel before the fire, "is it done when It la brown ?" K all egra ni. PAIN.TS Desert Mirages Light plays queer nrHnks on the desert Often travelers will see. for a whole day, what looks like a narrow rrlp of water, shimmering along the horizon many miles ahead. Yo,t may well imagine how enticing this looks to those who are tired, warm, and thirsty. This is not water, however for when the sun rolls around to the west, it disappears. It was merely a mirage. Grit. Ink That Last ted Through the usi- - of the gas-becauldron It is believed the lorn; Insi art of the ancients In inukiiig ink that grew darker with the years instead of fading, has been rediscovered. The new process retains the color and will not corrode. The old Inks, which are still bright and clear after hundreds of yes'rs. were timde of various plant lulces. e .JfiSi&TtffeVAftNISHES ton. Good tires never disturb your peace of mind. They give you no more occasion to think about them than a spoke in a wheel. We are speaking now of Goodrich Silver-townthose marvelous dependables that make the sands of time pile up mountains before they're through. Silvertowns are a permanent vacation from tire worries just put 'em on and forget about 'em. IONO A.UN ed r We know a fellow that won't take a long drive because he's afraid of tire trouble. Others that won't put a toe on the starter until they've investigated the soundness of every tire on the car. Where's the pleasure in driving if tires are constantly on your mind? I d 11. Wwtara Nswapapvr Union Tennyson Refuted $5,000 13 Tennyson Is said to have once re fused an offer of $5,000 for Christ anas card verses. V t2 PAINT NOW r and Save Money wait until your home looks before you paint. It's expensive to neglect protecting the surface. Good paint now will save you additional expense later. You can keep your house bright, fresh and new looking, and increase its value at little trouble and expense by using LOWE BROTHERS HIGH STANDARD PAINT. It produces a beautiful weather-proo- f surface holds its original color, and protects for many years. Come in and get color cards DON'T -- KENDALL BROS. |