Show SOW SOV GOOD CLEAN SEED There is probably no one thing that brings larger net returns on the farm than the sowing of good clean viable seed of every crop that is planted says Professor J J. J C. C Hogenson of the Utah extension extension extension exten exten- sion service Poor seed reduces yield and quality and at the same time increases increases increases in in- creases the danger of ot introducing noxious weeds injurious insects and other pests onto the farm All of these factors reduce the value of the crop grown and also the actual actual actual ac ac- ac- ac value alue of the land itself It is hard bard enough to control weeds commonly found in grain fields without sowing a fresh lot lotof lotof lotof of weed seeds every time crops are arc planted The w weed d seeds carelessly carelessly carelessly care care- lessly sown with grain cost the farmers of the state large largo sums of money in loss of yield and the contamination of the farm fann Get out the fanning mill mm put ItIn it itin in good working order with unbroken unbroken unbroken un un- broken screens and properly adjusted adjusted adjusted ad ad- parts advises Professor Hogenson The seed for planting should be cleaned and treated thoroughly before it is ready to sow for a clean field of grain To avoid much contamination plant only certified seed which is required required required re re- re- re to be reasonably free from both plant diseases and weed seeds All seed grain dealers should be unceasing in their efforts to provide provide provide pro pro- vide clean seed for their customers custom custom- ers just as much as farmers should be unceasing in their demands for clean seed It is the the over-the- fence farm to farm neighborly exchange exchange exchange ex ex- change of seed that spreads a large percentage of the weeds observes observes observes ob ob- ob- ob serves Professor Hogenson The individual farmer must watch I these carefully With America using using using us us- ing fourteen billion pounds of seed annually the importance of quality quality quaI- quaI I ity runs into big figures against the farmer if he uses poor unclean seed and In favor of the farmer if he uses good clean seed |