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Show I HURRICANE '.HNS DEBATE MEET ' i Dixie college History is being Lastof week the realm in the debating made at:. lower division entertained . district's fives, the' Dixie Flyers undofea-te- 73 particip- the Hurricane Tigers, Friday end on Friday,' February schools ants,: representing the college teams will .go to California, taking part in a. series of debates with 9 LEAGUE 'LEADERS TO CLASH FBI DAY Therace' between Dixie - three college teams there To Hurricane goes the honor must como two and to an 9 fill the local gym' to ty to witness- tho finish of this long By neon Tuesday, ac'expected' clash. will Crowds cap-''acl- lf of cording to reports, nearly first and second, places in this high tho reserve seats had been sold. The affirmschool debating, program. teams will take the floor, won was and Grant' Clark each with 'wins and no defeats. For Ballard by: ative Cornelius, while Loon Hall and Dwaine over three weeks- basketball fans and Atkin came thru on the negative. MilSports writers have been 'waiting for "and"and team ford's negative Deltas negative predicting such a buttle.. Every team were close, behind. "" school in tho state, 'and especially high' on a state tourney The extemporaneous speaking '.contest the so with.-- eyes-sowas won by Charles Thompson, B. A. CV, of this berth', will- waif for . and Caroline Clay, Milford., game Hurrica.no team' and supporters will bo 'More students 'participated eon; this of course, program than any formerly held .inf Dixie;' Loro' in full forco, but, ar werearc Dixie Schools fans :'Eurricano backing the 'represented Enterprise,' B. A. C.,-- Farowau, Eanab, Dixie Flyers,' The Flyer's are in good shape, with tho Ordorvillo, Milford, Delta, and Dixie. manCoach fohn T. Woodbury and.;' 'debate exception of Captain Talma Heaton, who ager Be Lance Squire: were responsible is out with oyo infection. Doctors hope, for the, program. In tho .afternoon a however, to have him- back for this game , .D. Banquet was held for the guests, with Miles, as toast master, while' in JBGYS CLUB SPOrSOBIHG BA1 ! MET the evening a free basketball game was Boys of the colie jo should plan to atascordod thorn. banquet tomorrow 1" tend. the Fathers-Son- s Tho Dixie debate 'team shorts a groat night .at the coble :e' gymnasium at 7:30 Theical of promise. Mono of them had had Boys' club is sponsoring this as previous .. experience, while .they all won one' of the activities of the year. Othwill take place er "important-their share of the contests.' taking ono-ha- The---tw- 6- - ' . . ; t the-outcom- e-.- ' ovor-papul- I ' j -- ' . M.-J- : Tho college teams will bo accompanied Mr. Miles,--and--thewill travelf with the. B. A, C. teams in the latter s bus with Mr., West , coach of the squad from 'J on Beys' Day. A ! splendid program built on the theme, .. . Cedar. Tryouts, . ; . now being hold to Sly: Dixie men to. make the trip. are ; select .D. committee lias boon' in think up an impressive- The Commencement session to pro-Sna- m. Yes. tho .school, year is more than half over I . - ; The theme will be announced soon.. Individual students will fx co s GET YOUR DAD3, 'BOYS, bo admitted for ' AMD BE THERE. |