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Show Nphi, Juab County, Utah Thursday, (EIjc LEVAN LOCAL Nephi Social Items May 9, 1963 Pag Two Luncheon on May 16 V: NEWS Miss Anita Gadd visited in To Honor Juab High Fountain Green on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Niels Anderson with Mrs. Eugene Allred and MCT POODS A f NATIONAL EDITORIAL ' visited recently in Woodscross Mrs. Euray Allred and family. School Girl Graduates t i t,, .y0 visitis Mrs. William in Musig with his brother and sister t , t ' 00 TUUlSUlfr law, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew An- ing at the home of her son in luncheon Girl S0aAI)v3 derson. Graduates The ; N, They also were in Salt liw and daughter, Mr. and sponsored by the Nephi Fed-- e m! r" Mrs. Clark Greenhalgh. Lake City on business. be will rated Womens 3 dubs Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. 1 ; Mr. and Mrs. Lester WadeJ Mr. and Mrs. Barry Avery, held Thursday, May 16 at 8 Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah, as second class House. Juab Stake the and Mrs. on and Mr. at her visited pm. of family, and Ogden family mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. with her parents. Liuroyd Westover of Joseph This annual affair honors the Saturday Subscription rates: One year $4.00; Six months, $2.25. Mr. and Mrs. Erbardt Bcndix-e- City, Arizona; Mr. and Mrs. girls of the graduating class on her fathers birthday an- Jay Bingham of Sandy, Ray of Juab High School. All dub Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising rates Mrs. and Mr. members, and mothers of the Curtis Westover, niversary. request. DeGraw .and Mr. and Mrs. girls are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Morley Archie Alexander of Provo, The Delphic Club, with Mrs. Roy E. Gibson of AJtamont announce the birth Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Westover Maurice Tolley, president, is Utah South Main St. Telephone Orfice: 96 Nephi, of a daughter on May 3 of Santaquin spent Saturday at in charge of the catering. The Nautilus Club, with Mrs. RichGrandparents are Mr. and Mrs the Mantl Temple. J. Clair Collat'd of Levan and ard Whittington, president. Is GilRevent visitors of Mrs. Mrs. Eva Morley of Provo, in charge of the program. The bert Bailey were her daughter Ladies Literary Club, Mrs. W. O. Mrs. of and nieces, Mrs. Clela Jorgen- W. Sunday visitors Stcphensen president, is in II. Pierce were Mr. and Mrs. sen, Iris Irons, Eva Stapp, and of the invitations and charge Lake Salt of City, Pierce Hay Rayola Turner of Salt Lake tickets. Mrs. Theda Cloward of Mt City. They came to celebrate Ladies from the Nephi FedS i vjL Ault Jiyitijf iiM tr ' Pleasant, and Mrs. Pearl the birthday anniversary of erated Clubs who plan to at! V- of American Fork. Mrs. Bailey. tend the Utah Federation of p Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ronald O. Belliston of Ogden Womens Clubs convention at (Editor's Note: The follow- market them. When you have returned home on Thurs- visited one day last week with Provo on May 17 and 18 are ing is a continuation of the agreed on a price with the invited to contact Mrs. Max L. HERE COMES SANDY CLAWS discussion by the group urging buyer, the sale can be con- day evening after spending sev Mrs. Lester B. Belliston. Lori Carlson doesnt take too well to the idea of Orme. a "no" vote on the coming cluded and each of you go his oral months hi Alma, Georgia. hands with the huge lobster held by Robert Breyette in a Manchester, shaking in and Mrs. Dellis Painter visited wheat referendum. It is pub- own way. In such a transaction Enroute home they food store. Perhaps, the little lady thinks his claws are too sandy. Conn., lished for the information of there would be no possibility Florida, Louisiana, old Mexico, daughter Elon spent Saturday wheat farmer's, and may or may of running afoul of the law Grand Canyon and the Petrif in Pleasant Grove with her son Nephi Garden Club not express the views of the covering marketing certificates ied Forest Mr?. Pearl Taylor, in law and daughter, Mr. and Members Enjoy publishers of this newspaper.) because none would be requir- a sister of Mrs. Paystrup, ac Mrs. Clyde O. Green. ed. companied them home. and Mrs. Mr. Douglas Day Under the certificate plan, One objectional feature to and two children of Salt Lake Meeting at Black Home inSecretary Freemans wheat no such simple transactioncomcertificates are observed and City were week end guests of be could plan is the use of marketing volving wheat to punish anyone who Mr. and Mrs. Elmont Carter. Club The Nephi Garden certificates. Penalties go as pleted. In addition to the mar- ready those provisions. violates was held at the home meeting In the card and in fines as $10,000 required Mr. and Mrs. Lemoyne De keting high Such a way of doing business Black ten years in prison or both for past, now marketing certific- is foreign to the people of the spain of Holladay, Mrs. Leah of Mr. and Mrs. Harry 6. on The garden May prayer used the with will be also violation governing the use of ates States. We are used to Robinson of American Fork was given by Mrs. Elnora C. Government United able States the certificates. If you have United to go ahead and spent Thursday with Mr. and for .being some cattle, potatoes, or hogs standing by to see that the trade with one another when Mrs. A. J. Bowers. Mr. and Foote. The club history Elthe past year was read by for sale, you can go ahead and regulations pertaining to the in lawful products Mrs. DeLoy Bowers of Santa- sie Sidwell and the financial dealing without the government inject quin also visited at the A. J. report was given by Treasurer ing artificial regulations into Bowers home on Saturday. Harry Black. the picture. Our laws should A letter from the State GarWilliam H. Garrett of Reno, be designated to facilitate Nevada visited with Mr. and den Club committee was read than business rather legitimate President Elizabeth Black. encumber it with unnecessary Mrs. Lorin Garrett and Mrs. by She also read a paper on How LaVern Bowles week. last He regulations and penalties. also attended the funeral ser- to Take Care of Paint BrusIf we surround wheat with vices on Thursday for A. J hes, and The Care of Windows". excessive restrictions and red Gowers. Seeds and plants were ex(ape, we only enhance the opchanged by members of the portunity for substitutesmar-to club. Plans were made for come in and take over its summer meetings, tours and kets as synthetic textiles have canyon parties. in the case of cotton, and marAlRefreshments were served garine in the case of butter. to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ready wheat has practically Best Wishes to All Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward disappeared as a feed for pou1962 In Mrs. Rue livestock. Mr. and Wilkey, ltry and Golden, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Utah raised 3,800,000 turkeys. POP-141.- 00 Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Smith In- At 23 of a bushel each, they Mrs. Stella Anderson, could have eaten 46 per cent gram, Mrs. Coquella McPherson, Mrs. V of the 5,466.000 bushels of on Mothers Day, Velma Hansen, Mrs. Twila wheat produced in the state 4 5lcBT'giN ' 1 IV v " v n nj, xV X n Editor-Manag- er 623-052- Committee 5 Gives Additona! Reasons on W heat Voting v Pay-stru- d ' ALL GROCERY ITEMS FROM LAST WEEK CARRIED OVER PLUS THE SPECIALS ON THIS AD MIRACLE WHIP Q51c MOTHERS SHASTA j "CARLINI - Reg. No. 7719 that year. certificate plan for will not permit the wheat wheat growers to regain any of this market because the national wheat quota as provided for in the Agricultural Act of 1962 includes only as much The Utah State Grand Champion 1956 . i J wheat for feed as was used in 1959-6years in which very little wheat was used for feed. Two basic factors should exist in any wheat program that the program should is adopted allow each farmer to operate his own farm as he chooses and should be developed with-- i in the historical framework of cur American competitive en- terprise system. The certificate plan does not satisfy these Winn, Mrs. AJligee Anderson, Mrs. Velyn Stevens, Mrs. Elsie Sidwell, Mrs. Olive Broadhead, Mrs. Perry Jackman, Mrs. Blanche Cooper, Mrs. Lula B. Memmott, Alicia Read, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black. Owners: Mr. and Mrs. Verl Shell For information, contact Owners at ElTonya Motel after 4 p.m. requirements. Xv 'Owvw.v. BACK TO EARTH Scenes like this will be multiplied Not a speck of trouble ! put her trust in Filtered American Brand Gasolines. For the American FinalFilter is the final step to assure you that both American Gasolines are free of contaminants that seldom used to be a problem but could stop your car - many times at the Clinton ounty Air Force Base near Cover Job Wilmington, Ohio, when Armed Forces Day is celeIf you have placed some leftovers in a dish for use brated May 18. Participating will be the 101st Airborne the next night, but lack a cover for the dish, try put-Division and reservists living a saucer or bread plate ting in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, over the dish. It should Michigan and West Virginia turn the trick. 1 Four hundred miles is a long way for a lady to drive . . . alone . Thata why she k- - Sunday, May 12th SHORTENING - - CRISCO 3 lb tin 79c SODA CRACKERS 2 pound pkg 39$ SANDWICH COOKIES-- 5 var.5pkgs97c SPRING GARDEN PEAS - - 5 cans 95c MANDARIN ORANGES 5 cans. 00 GERBER BABY FOOD -- 9 bottles 95C FESTIVAL Good trip : W3 PEPSI COLA quart bottles 3 for 39C Plus depor --- 0, National Top Ten Champion 1958 7-- UP AVOID ACCIDENTS cold today. Filtered Gasolines with M2P G available only at American Oil Dealers one more reason why millions can say not a speck of trouble You expect more from American and you get itl PRESERVES strawberry 44 oz 67c Aunt Jemima PANCAKE FLOUR -- 4 lb 57c Puss & Boots CAT FOOD 3 cans 45$ KEN L RAtlON - - Toll cans 2 for 33C lb package - -FROZEN FRYERS 98c Each 43C CREAM PIES "They Are Delicious! --2- V4 WHITE SHAFTER STRAWBERRIES BANANAS ROUND or Choice, 6 pounds 19c 2 cups for 49c Ripe, Firm 2 pounds 25C SWISS STEAK PORK STEAK Special!! lb 49$ 49c per pound CHEESE - EXTRA GOOD - - per lb BAR S BONELESS HAM Fully Cooked - per pound 85C GROUND BEEF-BI- G SAVINGS 2 pounds 89C per pound 39g FORK ROAST - Very .e:j THE AMERICAN FINALFILTER HAVE YOUR VEHICLE PATENT APPU10 TON CHECKED REGULARLY ..and only American Oil Dealers have it! AMERICAN Oh. COMPANY 01 AMERICAN phone 0 69C COMPANY. American Trucjonc Association. Inc. 623-045- 2 |