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Show - - Romance of Beautiful Scenery Wonderful Music the South Pacific,, now on the screen at the VENICE THEATRE Seven Nights Until Tuesday, December 8th You'll want,to see it again and again it's romance and beauty of the islands! - SPECIAL PRICES Nephi Local and Social Items Here's More About . . West of Lake Child 30c Student 75c; Adult $1.00; business purposes, and that only per cent would probably use the west of the lake road. This, does not take into however, 10 Highway consideration passenger cars Mrs. Kent Larsen of Helier Eugene Beck over the Thanksand trucks which are now going Mrs. with City spent Sunday giving holidays. Continued .rom page 1 via Tooele from West Millard T. Warren Allred. A S. 189 U. at Heber City. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Bellis-to- n and and areas to the south. Modern steam are miss- county FOR RENT Mrs. Forrest Anderson acJuab County is vitally interspent Thanksgiving day in great many motorists at Heber and ested and in favor of the road heated furnished apartment companied her parents, Mr. and Manti with her parents, Mr. ing the junction going directly to Salt Lake City construction" Earl Hawkins, phone 302W Mrs. Parley Madsen of Foun- and Mrs. Leonard Harmon. Com missioner on U. S. 40 he pointed out. Gardner stated. He also pointtain Green to American Fork Mrs. Leonard Belliston visitGolden Black of Delta, high- ed out that the where they visited with Mr. development of Mrs. Bernell Bowers on ed in Springville on Thanksgiv- way committee chairman of the the recreational area on the, and out Mr. Lions Mrs. Vernon and club Delta with pointed ing west side of Mona reservoir Saturday. that "we just dont go to Salt which is being developed by Taylor. M MlHIHf Lake City through Utah cou- boating and water Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gibson skiing enMrs. Glade Van Nosdol vis- nty. He indicated that the ma- thusiasts, would be well and sons Vance and Daryl, acserved The shadow-sliin ited Payson and Springville jority of Delta and West Mil- by the companied by Mr. and Mrs. on construction. now day. Thanksgiving are atresidents lard County Clifford R. Birrell of Provo late in the meeting going by way of Tooele, rath- tneAlthough tended a farewell testimonial! civil defense benefits were and Mr. Mrs. Bendixsen Kay er than through Nephi or Eur- discussed, for Mr. Gibsons nephew, El- this seemed to iman(l family spent the week end a and then through Utah all in attendance as one rJKle,.Rbin?.ne..la1'!frd visiting m Salt Lake City with eka press sea-kiroute The county. proposed his mother, Mrs. Mary Bondix- - would save residents of West vital point which cannot be overlooked and which in itself 17 JEWELS sen. returnMrs. Alice F. Bailey Millard approximately 40 miles the construction of the justifies after ed home round visiting Sunday trip. CERTIFIED Mr. and Mrs. Read Black and per highway. with her son and daughter in family of Grand Junction, ColoWATERPROOF Carl Callaway of Eureka also As soon as the remaining law', Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. rado spent last week in Nephi indicated that the Tintic people committee members are United States selectdurby Barney in Salt Lake City visiting his parents, Mr. and would probably save 18 to 20 ed the committee will meet Testing Co., Inc. ing the Thanksgiving week. Mrs. II. E. Black. Those visit- miles each way and consider- witn the Utah County commis-sioneBulova and only Bulova Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Barton ing over the week end were able time by the proposed new and then with the State and Mr. Mrs. Keith Black and and daughters, and Mr. and waterproof are certified highway. Tintic would whole- Road Commission to further the Mrs. Howard Brown visited in family of Dugway, Mr. and Mrs heartedly favor the route, Mr. loads construnction. waterproof by the United Vernal with Mr. and Mrs. Don Neil Black and family of Gallaway stated. States Testing Co Inc. Kearns, Mr. and Mrs. Read Elden C. Sherwood, representBrown on Thanksgiving. Give Bulova and you There are wonderful new Smith and family and Alicia ing the Nephi Lions Club pointGet a set toMr. and Mrs. Dean L. Free- Read of Nephi. give the finest! ed out that the vast numbers shows on TV man and sons, Mr. and Mrs. of trucks which are going from day and enjoy the long winWe have Fred E. Beck and children and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Chap- - Meadow to Delta to Tooele to ter evenings ahead Michael E. Beck, all of Salt man and son Paul visited in Salt Lake City to escape the some beautiful new Zenith sets Lake City and Mrs. Emery W. Pay son with his brother in law congested areas are increasing and also have some fine barin USED sets which have Ward of Price were guests at and sister, Bishop and Mrs. almost daily. He said that the gains Phone 341 the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Rex Hiatt and family on rout, particularly from Meadow been reconditioned to give a to Delta in Millard county was good picture and good perforThanksgiving. not constructed to take care mance. See them today at Mrs. William Bailey spent the of heavy traffic and that the Chapman Furniture Co. Thanksgiving week end in Og- road is being "beat to pieces den with Mr. and Mrs. Robert by the heavy trucks. NEED EXTRA KEYS? R. Hull and family and Mr. and Have them made today at 4D Mrs. Paul Harames. Mayor R. E. Winn of Nephi & Builders Supply brought out the fact that most Plumbing Mr. and Mrs. Elden Sher- motorists and truckers have a 44 West Center. wood and son Wesley visited predetermined destination, and in Salt Lake City on Monday. that the destination would be GIFrS for all occasions the determining factor as to weddings, birthdays, etc. Gift Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Ny- whether they would go through 'ists at Chapman Furniure Co. man and family spent Thanks- Utah county or not. "The truck his par- route would serve all the peo. HALLMARK giving in Logan with Christmas cards ents, Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Ny- ple of Southern Utah, Mayor and gift wrap now on display man. They also visited w'lth Winn said. at Robert Hall Pharmacy. Mr. and Mi's. Joseph J. Ras"We, too, feel that the mussen, parents of Mrs. Nyt OR RENT standard from Springman, and with other relatives. apartment, ground floor. Elec-tu- c ville to Santaquin is a must and refrigerator, anci range Mr. and Mrs. Reese SherMayor Winn concluded. floor coverings Kendall apt. wood and family were ThanksJuCommissioner of Gardner Mr. giving day dinner guests of pointed out that 80 TIMEX WATCHES $6 95 to and Mrs. Byron Memmott in ab County per cent of the traffic through $16.95. Lay-a-wnow at Rob Lehi. the congested area and into ert Hall Pharmacy. Von Ray and Carolyn War-- ; Utah county on the north has ner spent Thanksgiving with as destinations, Utah county 1952 Ford F6 FOR SALE their parents, Mr. and Mrs. points. He also pointed out that 14 ft. steel bed of the remaining 20 per Truck half Mrs. Mr. and Warner. Harold 16 oz bottles Warner accompanied them on cent probably would continue Glen Stephensen, Levan, phone their return to Salt Lake City to use highway 91 because of'0497Rl. Price $750.00 Cartons where they attended the Dairy Association banquet at which cans Light Solid Meat Carolyn represented Juab County in the dairy princess conMorrell's Shortenin- gtest. Mrs. Inez Perkins and Mrs. May P. Memmott also attended the banquet. enden J GIFT of a LIFETIME f m BULOVA 36-INC- same size clothes as 1 IETTUCI ORANGES 3 doz. for 1.00 10t each CHILDRENS WAGONS 2 -3 J 11 cans for 1.00 SWANSON CHICKEN THIGHS OR BREASTS - pkg STRAWBERRIES 00c 2 pkgs 41 M F PEAS - 2 pkgs 2SC -- 4 LB TIN - For Wheel Barrow M98 0981 Dad's Little Helper GAMES -- TEA SETS DOLL LUGGAGE CAMP CAR 17.08 LADDER & PUMPER TRUCK - - - 21.08 this new Fully Cooed - per lb Mrs. Chastie Esplin and Mrs. Emily Tanner and children Joellen and Leo of Orderville and Donald Esplin of Salt Lake City were the Thanksgiving and week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Pay. 85 C SAUSAGE ROLLS 2 55c HALF T COMPLETE PROCESSING OF BEEF - PORK - LAMB FUN way Spinaround Mrs. Wanda Burridge had as her dinner guests on Thanksgiving day, her son and daughter in law: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burridge and son of Brigham City; and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Butler and daughter Verna Marie of Nephi. PURITAN 1 LB. rolls for . . . Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kendall and children Clayton, Sharon and Tamera of Idaho Falls; Mrs. Alton Cheney and son George of Laketown, and Miss Clarice Kendall of Salt Lake City visited with Mrs. J. A. Kendall over the Thanksgiving week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Steele and Mr. and Mrs. Lavar Waters and son Bobby of Orem were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyman. WHOLE OB 33SES body Youngsters LEARN as they SAVE IN OUR MARKET - 07 - 1198 Radio Rancher, with extension ay 5Qc BAR S HALF HAMS VIRGINIA REEL PHONE 7 J98 1.00 GENUINE BUFFALO BURGER -- 1 lb 5$c Reg. pkgs SAUSAGE 90 Radio Flyer 55 PKGS FOR ICE CREAM - SWIFTS PARKLANE Vi gallon 7QC for 1.03 MILK - - SHURFINE - TALL CANS--- ? SHELLED NUTS -- Fancy Mb bags Cashews or Mixed gag SHELLED NUTS -- Fancy Mb bags Peanuts 40c DEL RICH MARGARINE- - - - - 3 pounds for fl0c PINK LEMONADE Radio Super Radio Tot - MISSION BEVERAGES- GEISHA TUNA PRIEO - DOLLS - 4.08 Lot values to 9.90 KIDDIES TRICYCLES 13.00 -- 14.08 - 75.08 -- 16.08 NEPHI JEWELRY LARGE HEADS ar 10.00 old child ng is DOLLS H Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones and son Milchael, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Malmgren and daughter Renae of Levan were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jarrett in Salt Lake City on Thanksgiving. Visiting at the home of Mr. for and Mrs. J. C. Cooper were Mr. and Thanksgiving Mrs. Don V. Cooper and four sons: Russell, Jerry, Michael and Gene of Payson; Mr. and Mrs. Gail White and sons Richard and Kenneth of Tremonton; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ostler and children Steven, Jeffrey and Jerilyn of Nephi. and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Cooper of Logan. Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Cooper and two sons Alan and Roger of Tooele. Steven Park, son of Mr. and Mrs Loran Park, returned to his home here Sunday from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he has completed six months of training with the United States Army under the National Guard program. He plans to enrod at Snow College for the winter quarter. PLAN-I- T coin bank Cleverly simulating the Solar System in action, this novel, sturdily built coin bank shows tne sun and all nine planets (with their moons) in approximate relative sizes. It names the planets, tells the time they require to complete each giant swing through space around the sun. disk spins freely on eighteen steel ball bearings. Placed in the g The t, a half dollar) when released by the action of the disk coin (even any disappears into the sun. Then the space platform continues to spin. Makes saving fun and instructive. Fascinating story about the Solar System comet with each bank. $1.75 planet-carryin- sun-slo- &? s- &&, x BOOK BANK Looks like book. But its a bank ! Holds both coins and currency. Your choice of colors one for each child. Also special Baby banks. 11.50 ASK ABOUT Give an Give a ADD-o-MATI- BANK C i Adds and regi- sters nickels, dimes and quar-ter- i. Shows exact total after each coin it in- ANTIQUE BANKS THAT "KICK", THROW", SHOOT" You con order amazing antique me- chanical banks that kick, throw and shoot coins. Theyre fun to operate and fascinating to children. Choice of 12 different banks. $10 each serted. Your VC- choice of colors one for each child. $1.75 &Mk-- V Give a Give a CHECKING ACCOUNT SAVINGS ACCOUNT! with name and address on every check a personal account for wife or college age children. Start the Start the account with any amount you wish, opening it in the name of the person you are account with whatever amount you with. Names imprinted FREE. ft? giving it to. Suggestion: Solve anniver- sary gift problems, too, by additions to the account. FIRST: SECURITY BANK - |