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Show Nephi, Utah Page Two Thusday. December 3, 1959 Science Film Series Now Available for Nephi Local and Social News Utah High Schools Sunday guests of Mr. and, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barker Mrs. Robert L. Hall were Mr. and family and Mrs. Catherin Rich- - Bowles spent Thanksgiving in A dramatic new science film, and Mrs. Leon Hall of Dallin Mr. Mrs. and Provo with Mr. and Mrs. J. field, EDITORIA, series "Horizons of Science is 4ATIONAL available to Utah Junior and Gardner and children Lori and J. KeelOr. Senior High Schools this year, David of Salt Lake City, Mrs Thanksgiving day guests of it was announced recently by Ronald Crofts and children Mrs. Ernest Foote and Mrs. Richand Mandon Steven of Dr. E. Allen Bateman, superinfield. The occasion was the Ernestine Vest were Mr. and tendent, State Department of Ingram and son Published every Thursday a! Nephi, Juab County, Utah. birthday anniversary of Mrs Mrs. George Public Instruction. Robert Hall, and the blessing ol Craig and daughters Lucinda Entered at the post office at Nephi. Utah, as second class The series is being spon- theri daughter, who was nam- and Claudia of Lehi; Mr. and mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, I87r. as a public service to ed Jodilyn at Sacrament meet Mrs. Dillon Frazier, son Allan sored 2.2 Six months, Subscription rates: One year $4.00; education ing in the Third Ward Sunday. and daughter Carol Ann, Mr. by the Utah Coprates Mr. and Mrs. Welcome Chap- and Mrs. Stewart Ivie and Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising per Division of Kennecott Elizabeth man of Fountain Green were daughters Teresa, in request. Copier Corporation. dinner guests of their son in and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Three of the ten science films law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs ert Frazier and daughter Susan A. B. Gibson and Roy E. Gibson Publishers up the complete series Perry F. Hall on Thanksgiving all of Springville, Mr. and Mrs making E. Gibson Editor-ManagRoy Ross Fairchild and son Don of are now available for rental by day. Utah Junior and Senior High Provo, A1 Salisbury of Dug-waOffice: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah Mr. and Mrs. EksAyn Anschools from each of the states Mrs. Colleen Sizeman and three Universities University derson and children of Salt son Tony and daughter Debra of Utah, Brigham Young Uni- Lake City, and Ms. P. N. An- of Salt Lake City; Terranctf versity and the Utah State derson spent the Thanksgiving Vest, a student at the Univerholiday week end with Mr. and sity of Ntah, Mr. and Mrs. Eric University. Films now available are: Ex- Mrs. Carl V. Anderson at Wankier of Levan. ploring the Edge of Space Boulder Beach, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Glazier showing how man's plans to Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Dee entertained at dinner on Sunmabeen have conquer space Lunt and Present were Mr. and Deborah, day. terially advanced by the use of and Mr. anddaughter Mrs. Milton Lunt Mrs. John L. Schofield of Pro-The TUNE-U- P the plastic ballooon; Mr. and Mrs. Reeve G. Worlds of Dr. Vishniac" a and daughter Rebecca and son vo. Wendell of Salt Lake City, Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. J. small too of living things study to be seen with the naked eye, Curtis Weston of Georgia, who Warrillow Brough, and the host and "Visual Perception, an in- currently is making his home and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. in Salt Lake City, were dinner Glazier. vestigation of effects of some of our assumptions on what guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miss Mina Lou Broadhead, a Lunt on Thanksgiving. we see. at the Brigham Young student The seven other films to be Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Brackspent the ThanksSecond. South and Main Nephi available by the end of Dec- en of Magna were week end University giving vacation with her mothMachare ember Thinking guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank er, Mrs. Olive Broadhead. ines, 'The Mathematician and Lunt. New Lives for the River", Miss Janice Broadhead, a stu-- 1 a Case History in AnOld Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wilson dent at Utah State University thropology, Project Mohole--Repo- rt visited at the home of Mr. and at Logan, and Niles Broadhead, As- Mrs. George Latimer on SunNumber One. a student of Snow College at) I tronomy Today, Microcircu- day. Ephraim were visiting their 1 The Capillaries and lation Mr. and Mrs. Rulon N. parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Latim- Broadhead Rockets. during the Thanks-- 1 had as their dinner guests The ten films were produced er giving holidays. on Thanksgiving: Sergeant mder the direction of Educa- and Mrs. Merle Kay and famMrs. Annie M. Farnsworth Princetional Service, Testing of American left and For the YOUNG ONES, ily Fork; Sunday to return to her ton, New Jersey, with the as- their grand daughter and her home in Berkeley after visiting sistance of the National Science husband of Orem. with her father, Charles E. Santa picks a The Foundation, Washington. and her son in law Stephensen, educhailed been series has Mr. and Mrs. Maurice B, and by Mr. and Mrs. daughter, ators throughout the nation as Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. excellent in stimulating stu- Elwin Walker and family of Rulon Ogden. dent interest in science. Provo were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Briggs, Designed to communicate to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Annie M. Farnsworth of students the excitement of L. S. Jackman on Sunday. The Berkeley, California and Mr. from our new collection science and the understanding occasion was the birthday an- and Mrs. Rulon Ogden enjoyed) Infant to Size 14 of the significance of current niversary of Mrs. Jackman. Thanksgiving dinner at the scientific progress, each film HOLIDAY DRESSES home of Charles E. Stephensen. covers a specific subject by Mr. Mrs. and Jesse Bailey k Neil Greenhalgh, a student scientist in Boys' and Girls' showing a visited in Salt Lake at the Brigham that field at work. The scientist and family Young JANTZEN SWEATERS City with Mr. and Mrs. Merlin visited with his parhimself narrates the film. on Burraston Thanksgiving. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. GreenBUSTER BROWN POLOS The 16mm color films are Mrs. and her daughter halgh during the produced by a team of profes- Lucile Bailey Thanksgiving up to size 14 in Lake remained Salt vacation. sional film journalists, led by Alfred Butterfield. Study guides City until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn Steele of for use with each film are proMr. and Mrs. Harry Beagley Pram SUITS AND COATS and Mr. and Mrs Santaquin vided by the Educational Test- visited in Salt Lake City over Keith Barney of Elberta, spent Service. TOYS ing the Thanksgiving week end Thanksgiving with their parwith Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tate ents, Mr. and Mrs. John V. Madam Alexander DOLLS and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Famous STRUCTO TOYS! SOCIAL ITEMS OF Kelson. They also visited with Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Beagley in Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Chris' American Fork. tison and two children of Richfield visited with her parents, r Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pay-stru- p Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Garbett on and family of Tooele Thanksgiving day. Phone 71 182 North Main Street Spanish Fork and in Sunday Mrs. Jack Wright returned spent Saturday Miss Diane Hannifin has acwith her parents, Mr. home on Saturday after visit- Nephi and Mrs. Ralph Carter. cepted employment with the in tew week a California for ing Sperry-Uta- h Engineering LabMr. and Mrs. Robert Carter with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hesse in Salt Lake City as oratory (Blanche Burton) of LaJolla; of Salt Lake City visited with a secretary-stenographe- r. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Christison his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sherwood Carter on Thanksgiving (Beth Burton) at Torrance, and with Mr. and Mrs. James D. day. and children of Provo and Mr. Mathews and daughter Susan and Mrs. Max Shields and Hal Carter was honored at a children of Kanosh were dinMr. and Mrs. at Riverside. Arthur Latimer of Pocatello, birthday party on his fifth ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Idaho joined them at the birthday anniversary Saturday C. Sherwood on Thanksgiving. Mathews home for Thanksgiv- given by his mother, Mrs. The Republican Ladies Club Carter. Games and redinner and returned home Get the many benefits of chain store merchandise and STILL ing freshments were enjoyed by will hold their monthly meeton Saturday also. Mark and Donna Greenhalgh, ing on Monday evening, Decown your own business. Consider the money-makin- g possiMiss LaVell Schick of Santa Randy Carter, Daryl Gibson, ember 7 at 7:30 p.m. at Rays bilities of converting your present business to a prosperous Rosa, California, a student at Stephen Greenhalgh and the Cafe. All members are urged to Western Auto Associate Store. the LDS business college jn honored guest, Hal Carter. attend and all others who are Salt Lake City spent the week interested are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Bracken Hundreds of owners of hardware, electrical appliances garend at the home of Mr. and of An immunization clinic will Magna visited in Nephi with ages, auto supply stores, etc.; have doubted or tripled tneir Mrs. James W. Mathews. Miss friends and relatives over the be held Tuesday, December 8 Western Schick is a niece of Mrs. Mathsales by becoming distributors of w'eek end. at 10 a.m. at the Juab County ews. Auto merchandise. Investigate now. Courthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hale and Miss Sonia Peterson of Proof Deseret spent Thanksfamily WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY vo, a student at the Brigham giving with Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mathews and family. Young University, spent four WHOLESALE DIVISION days over the Thanksgiving 2 bedroom George T. OKeefe SALE FOR holidays visiting her grandparBox 1031 home at 545 South Main St., ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Irons. $3500 Contact Val Truscott, OGDEN, UTAH phone 556W 3tipd Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ingram and daughters Dorothy and Linda motored to Colton, California on Wednesday where they spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Hamer Thornton (Alice Ord) Mr. and Mrs. Merl Ord and family and Robert Ingram, who is employed in Los AngelYOUR NEWSPAPER es. They spent the week end visiting points of interest in and around Los Angeles, reIS REAL CONVENIENCE! turning home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jarrett and daughter of Salt Lake City visited with their parents, Mr. A wonderful way for busy young mother to and Mrs. Fred Hedberg of Nesave rountless hours is by shopping the ads la phi and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. of Levan over the Malmgren hometown her newspaper By knowing, before week end. er y, BENDER WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND BALANCING ALL DAY -- We will be serving 5c HOT DOGS-1- 0c FREE COOXIES AND SPAGHETTI PIE A LA MODE OF GROCERIES -- All REPAIRS - OVERHAULS ED'S 6& SERVICE - tfolukf Gifo PRETTY WARDROBE top-ran- y, SPORTSWEAR TOT SHOP NEPHI CONVERT YOUR STORE INTO A WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE El-mo- nt Children Must Be Accompanied by Parents PHIZES PRIZES - MOTOR arte6 We extend an invitation fo all our many customers to come and join We will be giving FREE BAGS in our flliiilVERSARY PARTY. GUM DROPS AND ORANGE SLICES 2 lbs 4QC - - Large jars, Each - 45c sew FRUIT CAKE MIX CLOVER LEAF ICE CREAM - Flavors! Vi gal. 79c KLEENEX - 400 pkgs - - 4 WALNUTS size pkgs - targe 1.00 Quart jars, Each CARNATION TUNA 4 cans for Q5c CARNATION Q qt. size POWDER MILK 67c ORANGE JUICE 5 SPRY 3 lb. 694 - 5T NIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL - 6 cans 1.00 59c PINNEAPLE JUICE 46 oz cans 2cans 52c package DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES -ALL NEW - 5 pgs 97C WHIP MIRCLE -S- cans 47 PAM con 47c lb pkg - 53C PURITY SODA CRACKERS --- -2 PURITY COOKIES 1 pound bags, Each 4Se cans 7 for OQC HEINZ CAN SPAGHETTI HEINZ BABY FOODS - - Regular cans. - Q for l.QQ SIMPLE SIMON OLEO SWEET ALL PIES - Apple, Cherry, --R- 2 pounds for 79 c eg. 59c Pumpkin or Mince MORNING MILK - TALL CANS TASTEWELL MARGARINE - -- 1 - - - fe cans lb pkgs Q5 5 lbs QQC SHAVERS GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 5 cansl.OQ CHEF BOY AR DEE PIZZA PIE MIX - - 47c El-mo- nt fast-movi- fo The Busy Housewife . . . HOMETOWN A a she goes to town, which products she wants and where to buy them, she can do an efficient job of marketing. While the housewife spends her time becoming an expert nurse, laundress, cook, playmate, and bookkeeper, the local newspaper is bringing her the shopping news. It tells her about the latest products and services that will ielp her accomplish her wrk most efficiently. I' t 11s her where to find the best prices offered on it ns she needs, it saves her many long hours of hopping around HINTS BODY & UPHOL- 180 South STERY SHOP Main, Phon 597R. Seat Coer special, complee set $29.95 Kitchen chairs covered, furniture material for sale. Many patterns to choose from. 4 pan. DECEMBER 4th The 4th H ARD IS THE PLACE TO BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS GALORE! PILLOWCASES AND APRONS TRIMMED IN LACE THEN SALADS, PEES, AND CAKES BY THE SCORE! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAINS per pound PORK LOIN ROAST 47 per pound PORK LOIN CHOPS 49 BUFFALO BURGER pound 53$ FROM HOIT MOSS FARM - - FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED! SWIFTS PREMIUM FRANKS - All Meat - per lb 4Qe SWIFTS BROWN 6 SERVE PATTIES - - - 5 OFF 45 PORK ROAST - - SPECIAL - per pound - - 29 The Newest product! Reg. price 48c per lb PREMIUM BACON THE BEST FOR LESS SWIFTS PREMIUM CANNED HAMS - SWIFTS SPECIAL- PICNICS - - READY TO EAT - RAISINS AVOCADOES 2 Lor 9C ORANGES 10C lb GRAPEFRUIT -- ea. 5 3 lb can Cured with a wonderful flavor I tf 2.63 - per lb 57 2 lb. p!sg. 37c MEAT PIES 5 for 1.00 CHICKEN BREASTS per package STRAWBERRIES Regular packages 59c - 6 for 1.00 (advertisement) FOR SALE Modem brick home in ideal location (20 West 1st North) (Carpeted, steam heat Reason- terms. Kendall Realty & Iable Co. Call 344. After 5:00 call 221J. five-roo- - m 6 Nephi, Utah |