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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1691. FIXAVCE oU JVt k MVKvk-;-r- U. cm E-- X-r- rterebf to tale fraa i4t3 tie I MUjmtct UN tl u J a-- iw hi I be earn-ptCttBiuw - uir-- i rata iavt Wria -- Ummf ru XrViaa at a. to tcediH''7 refWUi I'f taking tmZ aaar. rI axt- - flood. ut tu KtvTuca. burU. aUm4 juJ I. iofAmtrc " i.;n huc. - . vkkfi Vnre are tuiumu infar m I ran lrm tba haJod to iefrit the Uianafarture cf for wmluwt end tb lahaisg m .trSBe" fcttmkxl thmbjr U? m food." 'oeart3iiiS uwrcr true it mar be that tLa 44 . common U tgrU tho prvee j OT M sxacle m ft ennaow a m wsirai any kv4ra the etam ii bo ejowj, by ahu trcltTa the Often peoas old hjmds souLoqrr. mcJi ordinate or Law a Ta take ar ast lake tt. at ear aarXV ple insist on taring aumethla; froia the V bmrt w anw to aaa tax anui riiwt iu exert window, an-- decline ta A ia ll in Uaaa a U tins if ankle In that eae, duplicate. Taal tart at amw rmt mf mtme.j atala- Or uu vm Miiiw ai? awn ac. am rjiiK;Te one, ve fctnJa the paint Am mr mf ev IW I aaataS fiw briti snd get it down; tot it it u autoHhiu la lar lawria Aal I fVvla't vat aaalra Ttt f(at lew priced we pr the carrbimer the I 4 War mi aiarrte mum ftm Im. raiwrtw f nacna tVt.ivmiaw Vm ttr a iujilk-!- a f Uain fI vrium fear la tar4l rare Wait cf aa a a ru auat4 ate Umnn nthiag. Interview in St. Luui lawv" Fck. t) MfcjUuai: 0. -- at mm aaKre'-U- r ur. : Ikneoaa-- 7 4 ksci4 both fee alJW window Baby Tor aOorr. K atarkpl bt rtki vrmU u t tae, COMMEECE. AND toll, . rrar 1 J . j Lad Copper. t. li Krw iI'r I U Si; mni Tia-- Trb. ' : Lake ir .. mum; trmi nui kui.l. bUaOa. Carriages First Shipment of the Season Just Received. WS h ! aliih nn4 tlfpar b-- CiGDO MAKKLT EEIDET. Vhol t. f M fcotv-r- ,t Vtla a aaai. arw eaua. int. arr ha m kL im rtL. Ueaa. No. 1 per cat. Xiumyt, hrearc. Xv. t ptrewl Ilarlry. faj. " tiarUir. eiMi4 r rrefraaer Ability. Among men of lelteni the Uit proni-meo- i uiiLijVxfr u jirobably OHorgtf Martin Lane, xp irtfrsor of Latin in Harvard. It i hi hubit to nnwn 0i If Mr. painful Wurmy land It ing the middle of the blacktruaUon. unuatuiml upprraaaaav prolar. ba k, feiliuar or t tbe wumb, weak rvtru feentenoe ru.e board. He begin to write a aiiteteraiuo, with bis left hand, and mug along until Vvawo, beanoit-autcbronio anuaalMJlia, eutiirratiua. mttain nlwni and Miuttmlaja he rvachnt a point in line with his face. if womb. the hi left Then be ehifu the chalk from hand to him right, and continue writing vatil he rea hea the end of the blackDR. PIERCE'S PELLETS board. When calling the roll thesta-Aunt- s rrrulite an4 rljwarethe Brer, atomaeh know by the motion of the boweta. The frtirel rtfrtabh auj hands jnst the mnrk le intend and prVfMJv aaralra. Oaa a Sow, vhU. a otau bold druxsMa. by to make. lie write with hia rifrht hand nntil he enmr to a aehoUrwbo answer "not DRUGGISTS. prrpareJ." The pen U instantly changed from the ris"t to the UTt hand. Every-bodknow that means a goose egg. Professor Lane if noted for twin? one of the finest Greek and Latin scholars in J.merio. His moat famous contribution te literature, however, ia a little oat of this line. He is the aothorof that pisdcultnral epic, "The Ltme FUhball." The waltrr Mand It through the hall, Te rfamery and Toilet Articles, "We don't sir brv4 with on nhlHai:" -- New York World. CIOAKS AND TOBACCO. tx-- e IW.t i auif harirx. laixiaarariJ at aa la paia ea Thr afortai4 ((itnatrr took the nmuiy n4 furMivith U'k feuatauMl aiao, muring aod Uuunun; trmj revuiml 'ItMUMUHH of w maen o tbrtr frrah,f. otHiotrauatx) to the naturally t Lr. I rx fmarnav lor the naiat tan. It I a attire cure oaara at oioiiUttl and otxtln in i ara. jU I laii. Ovta, 1m !' bf Cihano A Faierttvaite. Kf . tt-- H . Vjrl aJ mmi 1 S t i1 a 44 "ti-mal- 'a I I " hUrd Uata, par b'4 auj bLurt " Uat. Tirot.tl.y. ctrtit par t'a Tunoitiy, Bi'id "-Tup . dHHI c C 00 14 M 3 V) Oa4kB,lf-.- ) m4 fim a30 lb. . liutUr. I lah. per due Lueeroe ared. uer lb... t'eotal ack Rmkw aark , Tim aalt, oar urk . U Otiioaa, ttMrk. aV ry tt Akl It t blUMf I IS mtm. l ",aU.Vw B4. ..ir!. U M wi.cr. - fTti-r- 21 15 (M fmAmm k i" .lay; M lin) ftil Hifci m (- m far. fH uT aVll sJtU ltJM. 04 ketaii prtee are abuat company, & G.HOCEKS, Liquor and Cigar Merchants II M TmOWCM. kiesel WHOLESALE II Lueerue ta (lanraraalt p'rt'a t r, " M M WUd 1 I tu I brae Biitt.T, bent, per SI : iu I Fred. fin "" High rataot Ktraucbt raJ ( M UfC irratlaa ( 'ore BM-- Co. f I te ia-a- . Furniture Boyle Price. dij dalar. holMair uroHoer mem 1 W rorrartad Ui.llUi-- t, f , MS VtB 4'-m )mi r 4 1m pmri X ImsM, HIlM MtU M K. -- M 1r MS) A-- llrpel Lltrlttlax ike A arts. 337 oar li Twratj. tj. Ogden, Utah. Pocatello, Idaho. mrm t All V.M'tl I'lLVnrMe.ic LAUr frlti K. Adltwt at i.fl rvKTLAAa. mUA. Watn . AGENTS FOR SOI) per eea', bicber. Wedding Goods, JOS. WALLACE ii STRAHON CARL UPMANN'S Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican DRUGGIST. PIKFS PEAK INVITATIONS, ROUTE! STANDARD GUAGE Programmes BCTWUtK & C - I - Gr - CARDS DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS A PCEBLO F. B. HURLBUT, hand-mad- e, Custom house Visiting AMD Macnvts Trlvphoaa. A new majjneto telephone gives prom Prrrriitiou ("arefulll Compounded. SALT LAKE CITY, rACIFIC ("OAST, and all nortu- west point. I ise or bcin;j largely used in England. Commercial Fablisliing Co., 2404 Wash. Ave. ATenne. Waahincton 2319 VIA The invention consintj of an arrange- andCLEN-WOOLASPEN LFADVILLK. ) MAN1T0P, ent for combining a telephone for do bl'KIMiH. merttic purpoxes with crank boll pull. BCENKRV EQUIPMENT toe urpanaed. Vueqaalled. audi as is ordinarily tact with in houe; SPECIALTIES. and the Mxx iid merit in it lies in the fact AMD RETAIL, Wrolualc Fine French Candies. that it nmy bs Cited without disturbing Home Made Tallica, retlio or TlironRh of Pullman and Pullman Sleepers nrrangeulenU existing any Pure Ice Cream. Tonriet car betweon Denrer end San Francisco. d vkilk-to sent workmau a h to quiring the hrurtoftlie rUirky Mountnin; Through Ax it. Iudoed, any man )f ordinary inthe muet eomfortabln, the afet, aud the of all triuiMSoutlnentHl routoe. grndit tnlligewco mny fit tt for bimwlf without For ratoe. diwcrii.tire imniphliit. etc., call on Corner Washington Ave. and Twenty-fin- h addi-os.1. 1). KKNWOHTH Y, teneritl axeot, tronble. A Finiuar telephone bif unr fitted. or SantA Fn Hoiite. Halt Laket'ity. any in the kitchen, a boll h used in the 11. t'OLl.KRAN, yeneral manaor, Colorado nan ii ifiv 4fitl tlkM BArvfl.ntlfBtlititir,n Street under Broom Hotel Ice Crem for par-ti- e Sprinir, t olo, ) H. LEE, goner al patwenger t'HAS. atrent. the telephone supplied at one. andnponher takiug up Den rer, Colo. not ire. day's the order is transmitted withdut reudor Lotus M. SCHWOT.nEll, to enter her for the Cor. 3Kth and WashFnnwT Btocc or it necessary iug ington Ave. room. Th telephones being magneto instruments no bat tery is required at all and the possibility of future trouble and la th Market. oort of maintenance is avoided. New -- DEALEE I- XAdvertiser. York Commercial Cnnt U'lTFR Pronoonoed the bet In Territorj kjviitM " a I hi Xrr it abd tatufjr yonraelTe. Rctf Lock ins Envelop. Doctors have inveighed' against the Agricultural - Implements, Xr. vx-- wvy Hangeroos gnm which is used on some 1 1 t f iiivit nveloiee, and mishaps have been frequent as tho result of damping the gnm Wagons, a envelopes with the tongue. All of snch accidents is removed by the automatic lock envelopes which have Of this city, are equal to lieen patented. On the flap of the en- FlSEPERFUllERandTOILETARTICLES. the most famous in the velope are two projecting flanges, and world. The curative propall that is necessary to do to close the IUFOSVKD AND OohCITta erties of these waters are envelope is to fold theso flanges by ready Knerines Mills. most wonderful and bathstamped lines, and insert the flap thus narrowed in a slot provided, whereupon ing in them is most pleasthe folded flanges automatically lock Attended to. Usil Ordort bjr No case of rheuma- - . Promptly ant. themselves in the slot, and the envelope tism or blood disease has cannot be opened without tearing it Fifth 8t Near Young, OQDKN Waon Material, Heary HardThe operation sounds mnch more coui-- . yet been found which plicated than it really is in practice, for could not be conquered I one of these now envelopes can be closed ware, Iron and Steel. by careful treatment at as readily as the better known gummed WB will p jr th kbor reward for any of Ltrer BlackBarbed these springs. ArrangeNew York Telegram Complaint, Drtpriala, Sick Hradaehe, Indlmatlon. Con Baker "Wire, envelopes. tlaUna or Coittreneu we cannot cure wiia Wevt't ments have been made to th dlrectlnn arettrlctly LlTrrm,wl!i Vnbl Another New Gu I .amp. compllrd with. Thrjr are purely Vrgrtakl. and never smith Tools, Etc. all Raymond and have Laiw bona SufrarOoatotl to tlirctlon. frlr fU A new type of gas lamp that has been ronUlnlnx rule. tS crate. Beware of counterfeit Whitcomb excursions stop . introduced abroad consists' primarily of and Imitation. The genuine tuanufwtmvd only by OGDKN TTTAII. COMPANY. CUICAUO, UX. here for sn argand burner inclosed in a globe, ItUi JOtLti C WEST over at least one field by A. II WALK Kit, "with the air for Irapporting combustion and all Pacific Union lroeatHU Ocdev. t'tah. day ! admitted both aboro and below the overland tickets are good flame. The lower supply of air passes OGDEN TRUNK FACTORY for a ten days' stop over through the center of the burner, while THE the npper supply enters from above the at the Springs. The Finest Billiard Hall in Utah burner into the globe, which incloses besides the burner a metallic deflector Tip Stairs Over Iatlens. Ttpon which the flame impinges and is conducted to a porcelain bell mouthed Is in competent hands, We have the Inmost Hall in Oei'.pn and rise ?rit above. The supply of air entering the Brunswick tables exclus- service may and first-clas- s from above is thus highly heated in its be had passage. The result of the well balanced the at Springs COME AND US. proportions of gas and air admitted to Hotel. Come and out the globe, which practically becomes the try the baths. The Mocombustion cluunlef, results in a brilltor makes through trips iant bulb shaped light of high illumifrom the Broom Hotel nating power. New York Telegram. THE BRUNSWICK. w & STORM'S - R - S. n in any s iiuwauKce lieer 1 The'Pabs EXPORT, SELECT EOHEMIAN AND HOFBRAD, CONSTANTLY IN DEUGGIST, STOCK, BULK AND BOTTLED. s ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE ADDRESSED TO ODR "OGDEN OFFICE." Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guar- TOILET ARTICLES GEO. A. LOWE, OQ DEN'S r w Great Sanitarium, rn irnTTTT uxx Druggists ty Iload Carts, Huckboards, J. KIESEL & CO. F. THE THE OGDEN CRACKER CO. HOT SPRINGS, (INCORPORATED.) Turbine Wheels, Saw CIGAES. anteed. . $500 Reward "Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. Factory in Rear of Central Hotel a5th St. P.O. Box 268. THE OGDEN $KUNSWICK mt0m EIGHET'S I. G. Proudfit & Co., Talked Too Much. A farmer always had a prodigious number of last words to say whenever he was leaving the farm for the city. Mnnufactoree the Best. Trnnkn, Rrairinj Ou one occasion the hired man's patience rrwrinly attndsl to. Old Trunk Tnken in KxchanitP. Orders eallcd for and Delivered to said he, "you'd all gave out. "Mr. F part of the city. KLINE A OrPMAV, Yon"d die. be an awful bad man ter No. ill) Twenty-aftSt. have so many List words that the undertaker's bill would coino iu before yer rni(T ltrtl firltMihThmimt "was dead." Christian Union. wnik r.r t. hy Ann rrs h IXKV en.1 Kept In. Servaat Mr. Maccay wants his break-laserved in bed this morning. Landlady What is the matter? Is ho st 7 J 3 Pi A hiMne, m Lots of Thieve. Easterner Have yon any horse thieves ia your section? f Westerner Lots of 'em. -- v; Lour. "Yvt. j -- . - Cemetery lota" f..; . . Good News. lu!mo,nio. whfr.vr y.i era. why end Ilv h at t ere atr eemltve ftm Allnc- - vrhowrilow if reilttftrffiT. nd mil rmi. t'a ntrtt In Mr time workor ell ih tird. iiiff monr? fr er.. K:;lhir unkti.w" mnoe si? Servant No, ma'am. But the tailor came a little while ago to crease his trousers. Clothier and Furnisher J". noun, ."? 8 wnt em wotli .fltaioiitit. TmttHloll a, II. KlalleUdc '., NKW o ,inl wwlerfwl. rertlriitar Bljf O f in,vmi In ITolAY8 MMeeirbr tswmISC frr. eIwrtla4l,M.t) fca "CHICAGO SHORT LINE." from the city limits. The Hot Springs Co. THE CHICAGO Milwaukee & St. Paul THE ROCKY M0UXTAIX . RAILWAY Is the only line rnnninit Solid YeMibtilcd, Steam-heateand Kroctric-liRhte- d Trains Daily betwoen Chirouro and Omaha, composed of MagnUioont Sleeping Cars and lue Finest Dining Cars EVERYTHING actrrtiwladgetl the ieadinr remedy for at CIMdC (ionorrhnjt The only w remeiljr lor IrguearrliiroorWhitWi. 1 Drearrlbe it and feei pare in rewmmeuuu'a u corner as per time table in this paper. Fare 30 cents for the round trip In the FIRST-CLAS- d World. S. Transfer Co., BAGGAGE further information as to Rates of Fare, etc., will be cheerfully furnished by ALEX MITCHELL, :fmmercial Agent. T. F. rOW ELL, Traveling Agent. A., JVeet 101 S. Main Street, Salt Lake City. and FUNERAL FURNISHINGS Services conducted ofiChicafTO. No 361 Sth Si. Telephone at onr Parlors when desired. Embalming EICHEY'S UNDERTAKING PARLORS. of liodies for shipment a specialty. . ;,7JS7;y"----i'iiJ- ! n mini mi inn ji,u.u,.,rnj e THE FINEST HEARSE IN UTAH. 2263 Washington Avenue. Telephone 207. COKEY BRO'S COMPT, & 2432 Washington Avenue. LIVERY & FEED STABLES M.Mindrnt SINGLE AND LWer? "nd Transfer business heretofore carried on by Messrs. to receive orders for DOUBLE PARTIES, DRIVING RIGS, CARRIAGES FOB OPERA AND WEDDING MOVING OF BAGGAGE OR FURNITURE, LADIES' CALLING CARRIAGES WITH CAREFUL DRIVERS. , Onr Boarding and Fcedins Department will be found Satisfactory in every respect COK1CY BEO'S & COMPANY Washington Avenue UNCTION CITY MACHINE WORKS, w. rpRACTicAL 1VO-1- Furniture MoTinga Specialty. PARLORS. Wo carry the largest, most complete and oleeant stock of CASKETS Is prepared to do all kinds of Any Ogden, Utah. UNDERTAKING 2432 DEAYING. CO., Funeral Directors and Embalmers. HOTEL DEPARTMENT SEE . W. F. PEICE, Slanaser, 31) THE CRACKER Demler la Bteam Xnglnea HOLIEST), Iroprletor, Founder and Machinist. Twenty-thir- d bet Wall and LInooln, Bollen, Pampt. Xto. I will ftiral.li and erect Enftnei BoUen, Heater end Kachinery by oonbae and do my work n tte beet manner. Genere maohtne work end reveirlnf promptly attended to at shop. |