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Show THE If SOLDIER BOYS OUR COFFEE! The Soluble Barrington Hall Pure Extract of T Times-New- i minute crystals Packed in Sanitary iirrvn rr . ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. Money To Loan on Improved Farms Satisfactory Terms We make a thoughtful study of your particular requirement, which enables us to give your business more than ordinary service. Ask us how. The Geo. C. Whitmore Co. OFFICE FIRST NA'l IONAL BANK. is s r-- j 1 P) Oil J U U lS-Qv 1 rw JUAB COUNT Y 1 ner, and for the lst two months half since I came here, it seems like I have been standing at attention, two thirds of the time. It will be about another month before I get into the Navy Aviation School. Balboa Park is one of the most beautiful parts of San Diego, it used to be the old fairgrounds. I thank you very much for sending the paper it seems good to look over the old home town paper and see what is going en. Am feeling fine at this writing and hope this finds you the same with best regards to all. Yours sincerely Mel Stanley San Diego Caiif. Mr. Keep you loans at home! . v and a Glass Jars Reasonable Rates. TO THE1 1 UQEl Jersey. No doubt you will be surprised to hear from me but thought I would drop you a few lines to let you know how I am getting along. Lite hi the navy is altogether different from civilian life, but I guess I will have to get used to itThe dicip!ine is certaily strict, and it is some change for me to be told when, where, and how to do everything has to be done in a military man- 35c. & 65c. Jar . COLUMN We have received three letters from soldier boys this week, and we are publishing them to show how widely scattered our Nephi boys are at the present time. One of these letters is from a "'Quiet spot in France," another from San Diego and another from Camp Merritt New Mr, Dennis Wood, H Barrington Hall Coffee E concentrated to NEPHI, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S, NEPHI Dennis Wood The Times-New- s Wl i- kji ship X is known as the Farmers' Equity, which institution was organized bv the farm- - & juau vuumj. n nuw na a uiciuuciof two hundred farmers. TWO HUN- - p aL. v-- E have in Neohi what t ai 3 DRED farmers that have taken stock in it, and we should have two hundred more. In fact every farmer should be identified with this company, if for no other reason than to be protected in the farm machinery r i mat ne nas to use on nis rarm. Just a few lines to say that I am well and feeling fine and enjoying the best of health, and hope this letter will find you the same. The Nephi boys are enjoying France very much. Amos Irons and I, are in the same company. We get to see the Nephi paper once in awhile and we sure appreciate it very much. It is certainly good to get the home town pftper if we are so many miles from home. I wish we could get it every week We are doing our bit every day, but I cannot tell you what we are working at as this infor mation is forbidden by the cer.jor There is not much news w here we are working, so I will close with kindest regards from Ernest Sud w eeks 101 4 .1.11. We are not here to antagonize any competitor, but simply to purchase all materia! used by the farmers at the lowest possible price and give the earnings of the business back to the stockholders and patrons in the shape of dividends. As all earnings over and above the actual running expenses will be either added to the capital or to the customers, as you can readily see that until we are fully established that we will either have to keep adding a part of the business earnings to the surplus until we get thoroughly established c r else have more stock in the business. 8-- v We will enumerate a few of the itcni that we carry in stock, and abk that whenever you need any of these goods, call and see uj aid patronize yourself first, and in case we don't happen to have what you want we will chcerfuily send and yt it for you and we believe we can save you money. We expect to have coal sheds up soon, when we will be in shaje lo take cate of you much better than we have been able to do up to date. We expect to install a gasoline tank and can furnish you gas, can also furnish you with automobile tires, and later on we see no reason why wc can't get your lumber for you, in car lots, if the farmers w ill join together and make up a carload and, by this means, make a material saving for you. Infantry France Mr. Dennis Wood cxxcxxxdoccocooooocxxx: C CCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOCOOOOOOO The Times-New- s. I am now on the east coast or practically so, we are about G miles from th e Hudson River, and the city of New York is only about 15 miles south of here, and I spent at out 24 hours seeing the big city. took a look at the famous Fifth Avenue, and rode around seeing almost everything possible in a short time. We took the subway and went lo iwnoKiyn ana came back ovr the bridge. I also went down to the harbour and saw the Statue of Liberty. We sure had a great trip corn Rent Our Electric Vacuum Cleaner ing from Vancouver. We came $1.00 per Day across in four sections, I w as in section 2. One of the reporters in section 4 wrote up the trip in the Sapper, the regimental pa per. a copy of which I am mail ing to you. Camp Merntt, is one of the No. 1 largest in the county and is large ly an embarkation camp, and cooooocoocxcouucooooooajco oooorxxxocooouocxrxxxjcoooo men are coming and goinr all the time k you can fee what that means. I pure would like to get over there, as the sooner we go, the quicker we will get back. I used to think it would make a is man feel shaky to get to the was leaving for j.int where hethe the front, but feeling sei ms and at.ut eve the is opposite, just ry man seems more than anxious to tfft across ami see it through. Well, my next ktkr will come from "over there" sol will wri.e as fWKn as I get over, and send my address so you can sef.d the . Give my N'st letrards to i vour family ard also totheTim News force, with Kir.d regards to yourself I l'g to v We Sell Paints Rakes Oils Hoes Shovels Varnish Kalsomine Forks Brushes Lawn Hose Electric Motors White Lead - 1 KENDALL BROS. "The Plumbers" Phone The Liberty Loan Drive over. Now now a good time to start We pay four per cent interest on savings account to save. NEPHI NATIONAL BANK ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS FOLLOWING WE CARRY If! STOCK Sanders Disc. Plows, P. & O. Hand Plows, Two Way Gang Plows, J. I. Case Sulkey Plows, Peoria Disc Drills, Acme Hay Rakes, Acme Headers, Tendem Disc Harrows, Iron Frame Lever Harrows, Wood Frame Harrows, Osborne Mowers, Acme Mowers and Binders, Some extras for the McCormick, Deering and Osborne Mowers, Garden Tools, Wire Field Fence, Mow ing Machine Oil, Automobile Oil, Wagon Grease, Wire Nails, Cement, Barb Wire, Harness Oil, Lun CrAi Wir Stanlps. Rinnmtr Twin W X47l1l 11 lrrlr IVV-- V o- ira II II v itlf ntn f rvo OUU11, Roof f rrr . VUIUVUIUIO V We say again, farmers, this is your business and every member ought eath to take some more stock m that we will have a working capital, that we will he in shae lo buy in quantities, and which, if you Will do it, will prove the best investm'vit that you can possibly make. Don't Forget The Place t g 8 FARMERS' EQUITY 9 8 I at-er- Yours f incerelv. A. B. (Jihson. Camp Merrill, N. J. H DEPOT STREET - NEPHI, UTAH C II. GRACE, MANAGER ft |