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Show ? THE TACK SIX Our Unusual Bargains From Nov. 24 to 28, Inc Pancake Flour package; 20 ox. package Cake Flour, all For 23c. 40 oat cellophane bag, pound 15c Fresh Stock, 1 pound lophane bass, 12c. Seedless or Seeded, cel- Package, Hershey's chocolate Syrup, 5y2 oz. can 5c; 16 oz Can 12c . Firm and Rip, 5c pound; O. P. S. Jell powder, 3c package Oranges Utah Celery Large Naval Oranges, 6 for 15c; 1 doz. 29c. Crisp and well bleached, bunch. Sweet Potatoes Cranberries lb Cellophane 7c. Bananas Syrup 1 oz. 5 bags, 16c Pound Bags for 20c. per pound. Chocolates Chocolates Cherry Chocolates, 1 lb. McDonald's Assorted Chocolates, 1 lb box 29c. box, 29c. Mince Meat Coffee Choice Quality, 2 pounds P. S. Service coffee, pound 22c. O. 1 Walnut Halves Light Amber, 1 lb 39c 23c. Pot Roasts QvRSKWCGS r years. ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME Phone 1G8 PARAMOUNT PROVO- school confluence wii. a party last Tuesday aternon in honor of her dauchter, Ethlyn. on her eighth birthday anniversary. Games were played and refreshments served. The Junior girls of the South Ward M. I. A. enjoyed a candy pull at the home of Miss Ruth Ander-o- n on Novemberf 17. Those at the party included Ruth Burton, Melba Haycock, Grace Blackett, Minnif Howard. Kathleen Wells, Virginia n. Bench, Marjorie Linton. Alice Beth Carter, Geraldine Caz-ie- r, Maxing Kendall, Margaret n, Lunt, Afton Ellison. Maurine Elva Burton, the two leaders, Mrs. Lola Jensen and Miss Lucille Greenhalgh and the hostess Ruth Anderson. and look over our new moderatly priced line of Mens and Boy's Union Suits. Call in 65c to 98c Coyt Unions, Ages 6 to 16 Men's 3 Seasons, Heavy Weights, Sizes 34 to 44 Gray, Ecrue or White for $1.29 Men's Part Wool, 2 piece, Shirts and Drawers, Standard Government Army Stock, , 85c per garment L. D. S. Garments in Men's or Ladies'; Old and New styles; Sizes 34 to 44 for 59c, 79c, 85c, $1.00 up to $1.75 Children's Union Suits Short sleeves, short or long in and white, gray lg part wool or all cotton, - Ages 2 to 12 49c to 85c. LET US SHOW YOU THE MERCHANDISE Bel-listo- YOU BE Thanksgiving THE JUDGE AT Step-hense- THE Nephi Merc. Mrs, Mattias Allred enertained a few immediate relatives at her home recently In honor of the 64th birthday anniversary of her mother, Mrs. Peter Jacobson of Provo Specialties FOR Co. SALE Two stock and Irrigation shares Nephl lng land, fenced, adjoining Sevier River. Inquire Will L. Hoyt. att orney ueorge k. Howard estate f Coats-Hat- .Civ s rredaE-nsig- n s Frock Shop NOV. 24 HAPPY LANDINGS FLASH ACTS CLEVER ARTISTS For a Pleasant End To A Pleasant Day Attend the 8 25 with WALLER'S MELODY ACES On The Screen with Gertrude Michael Paul Cavahagh PRICES Matinees . Evenings Balcony Lower Floor Children .2:06 STAGE SHOWS 4:30 7:00 GRAND HAMKSGIVMG "MENACE" I BALL 25c 30c 35c loc 9:30 ARLINGTON WALK-OVE- R Thanksgiving Night LUBRICATION Check condition of battery to insure starting without use of crank and prevent battery freezing. MAPILE SEEVUCE mB m.2 yj FOR EASY STARTING AND MOTOR SILVER Sunday be held here next Sunday. Mrs. Matthias Allred enteretined a large number of young folks at WARMER UNDERWEAR Nephi GRADE MOTOR OIL INSTALL A NEW HA DEES CAR HEATER FOR DRIVING COMFORT Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sorenson of Satl Lake City spent Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. Sadie Sorenson. ITS COOL WEATHER NOW BUT GETTING TIME TO FIT UP WITH COLDER $3.95 to $6.95 Ffficient, Satisfactory Service Ira F. Gay's CHANGE TO WINTER Miss Laurel Aastard. who Is attending school at the B. Y. TJ.. spent tlie week-en- d with her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. John E. Aagard. TV Dresses SATURDAY TELEPHONE President. Ralph Gar- ports he la getting along fine as Bowles, Dorothy Brough, Margaret Crapo, "Ralph Garrett. Marie Kensuperintendent. dall. Farrln Mangelson. Norma Molyneaux. Clare RiKby. George Parkes. VeraDean Parkes, Don Bath Oil ia EUpkaaU Wallace Ord. Reva Vic-krr- s, Whipple. It take eight gallons of special Maurice Barnett, Tom Cowan. oil to give each of the elephants at Wllmer Barnett. taa Loadoa aoe Its annual "beauty bat." The Ladies Literary Club met on Monday at the home of Mrs. George Time for Moratorium A. Sperry. Airs. T. W. Allred. pres- Jud Tun kins says a man can Ident Of the Club was In r.hnro learn so much In college that be t.ltanv WPS led bv Mr, nirrnn Hnw. can't nope to Uvs long enough to ellLs and the music was In charge Of Miss Neva Booth A miart.ft toil kt aU. composed of Mrs. O. M. Whitmore. Mrs. win u. noyt, Mrs. T. W. Allred and Mrs. G. R. Judd sane th Aus Big BaJ Wolf Win. PrUoa la the Bosnian woods six years trian National Hymn.' Rheta Sperry ago a wolf cub was growing up to piayea two piano solos by Shubert. be as big and as bad as bis parents. The following papers were given: Austria or today" Mrs. T. H. Bur But he was caught by a police clerk "The Cultural Life of Austria" from Vienna, who saw htm while ton: Mrs. J. M. Chrlstensen. bunting. Today he Is Europe's finfollowing mpmben wpro at est police dog. Trained with the theThemeeting: Mrs. George A Sperin Austrian the police service, ry; Mrs. T. W. Allred. Mrs. W. F. dogs the animal took every prize In the Brough, Mrs. W. C. Andrews, Mrs. International police dog show, mak- Byron Howells, Mrs. T. H. Buring not a single mistake la tests ef ton. Mrs. Robert Winn, Mm n M. Whitmore, skill and accuracy. Mrs. O. R. Judd. Mrs. P. B. Cowan. Mrs. J W Chrlstensen, and Miss Mabel Sper ry. The Fleming The Inhabitants of Flanders are known as Flemings, and their language Is known as Flemish. In the Sixteenth century Flemish was the language of the court of Flanders and Brabant and Is still spoken by about half of the inhabitants of It belongs to the low Belgium. German branch of the Teutonic tongues and is closely allied to Dutch. Our Most Diversified Stage Show Yet! One Day Only Want Tfaaf Ortiler in a Distant Town? James F. Robertson returned Students from Juab County who home Saturday after winding two ere attending the Brigham Young weeks in Salt Lake City prior to her sons departure for the miss University at Provo recently formed ion field. the Juab Club. Officers eltcted are Fountain Green received a rain Marie Kenrlntendent Greenland was on rett; on Saturday and Sunday. his way to Cedar City where a con- dall; Secretary and treasurer. Norference of camp superintendents ma Molyneaux; reporter. Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Wallnr fhridnn. was to be held this week. "Dick' Orapo; sports manager, Wllmer Lee sen have returned from Salt Lake The following are the is enjoying the work at the Moab Barnett. City after having spent the past camp very much, and from all re- members: Carroll Bailey, Catherine six weeks there. Surety of Purity" f ens i Boys Underwear Bum -- "A ilf Mrs. or the Moab C C C camp was In as follows: Neplil Monday for a short visit, Grain fed Baby Beef, Beef pot roasts, 12c lb. WE'LL HAVE TURKEYS CHICKENS. LAMB AND PORK ROASTS AND VEAL ALL CHOICE QUALITY AT MARKET LOWEST PRICES. i Local and Social Ft. Green News men mechanically inclined to The Stake quarterly conference train for many opportunities of Mr. Zetta Oikey went to Bait was held last Saturday and fered by the last growing Diesel in Lake a ten day Sunday In the Fountain evening Tuesday for Green ward dustry. A special arrangement will visit. City chapel. Elder Reed Smoot of the! be made by the Diesel Power En Council of the Twelve and Parley, glneering Schools of Ban Francisco Eccles of Salt Lake City were the and Miiieapolis with the first man The Nephl ward Primary confer and gave timely and ln-- j accepted In each community. Reg ence will be held In the Tabernacle speakers remarks. The attendance; J P Maury will be at the Forrest Sunday evening, November 25, com Btructive was large at all sessions of the Hotel Sunday and Monday to In mentlng at 7:30. of All members conference as has been the past ltl the ward are cordlallly invited to few terview applicants. Richard Greenland superintendent 15 19 Local Local - Social Raisi ns Thursday, November 22, NEPHI. UTA'H S. be present. Large Cans Fine quality 10c per can. 2 Dates 5c Cround Kidney Suet, 12c pound. Pumpkin Sugar Powdered Cane, Suet CLASSIFIED TIMES-NEW- At The Huge Assortment Short Kendall 's of rolls, cakes and cookies in our display case and you'll know why everyone likes our pastery Seven Keys goods. X. L. Bakery 4oc IOC HOSE FOR LADIES 95c New Winter Shades Just Received s Elpin |