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Show oabh.N ottiiitni'.NiKs. Professor Paul ami JuJje Ilrniirnou on Drniocrary. t. Small lllazr, A .Narrmr Ltcapr Tho Demoorntlo rally In IheOera Heme at 0,deii last nlgbt waa well at tended. Tho Ogueii brsri baud furnished fur-nished the music Tbohtoge wav beautifully tat with n ralM-d rjwfsa colUtxu neue, tho Alpa ehuwlnup In Iho background. On tho data back of tbo "stage auditor luia" eat tho drum cor"nilJ the mountains," presenting a pretty 1 lc-ture. lc-ture. A vaieof rcaogerauliima ndotu id tbo ihaliuinn'a table, which waa drajd lu ILo etaia and atrl-rs Tho aptakrrii w eru I'm ittor Paul and Juugu Hindi raon, llulr lo. murka ieru llstoned tu with rapt attention at-tention and anliuio waa ImiUeull) and wanuly itivoti. A !AM. 11LAZE. At 1..10 yeelcrduy un HltDltary Iu rprntor Lewis waa going inioU;U the llroom hotel allsy lie duoovend llio undir Iho Ukheu floor. Jlu brie I boned lor Iho chimlcal, which aeon urrmd and cxtlugulslied thu blate. Had It bappenwl at nizht wltb n wind bluwlng, thu Morley house would aoou bavo U-eii couruniod. TllllUWN HIOM A HCOur. Joseph Btarr ami Ueoigu Welch had a narrow cacapu from injury If uot death, yeetcrday afternoon. Tho uutlemeu wore driving In a Ingle bugg) behind n s lilted black rauro, and when croislug tho atreLt railway track nt thu coruer of Woahington aveuuo and Tweul) founts strett the animal, from wbosa bridle the blinds bad hrtn Just removid, auddeuly took fright and fctnrled to run. ilotli mou grabwd the lima or d braced thcmstlver, but their combined tlTmta wiru of uo avail. Iho frightened and frautlo aulmal awung erouud the lorner, aouth along thu aveiiut, bo quickly that unooflbe wheels of Ibo bughy t;ao way and the vehlclo turned bottom aldu upwards, l-otli nun being uutlerueath. Portu natel) they ecniuil without serious In. Jury but Ibo escape waa n narrow oue. |