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Show iHE MIDVALE MESSENGER, MIDVALE, UTAH Who Makes Your Clothes? - Salt Lake Farmers Equity Corner Allen and Center Streets PHONE MIDVALE 28 HAY, GRAIN, COAL and LUMBER The Best of Utah9 s Most Famous COAL Solves the Burning Ques ' tion. j The Geyser Electric Washer and Wringer Quiet Running, Compact, Wonderfully Efficient ' There is absolutely no waste space about the Geyser. For the same capacity the Geyser is the " smallest electric washer on the market; and the most efficient. This is due to the fact that the unique propeller principle of washing (which actually drives hot soap suds through the clothes) enables the entire tank and cylinder space to be d to used instead of only of it. Price $130.00. one-thir- one-ha- lf For Sale by West Jordan Lumber Co. Booth Mercantile Co. CITY OFFICIALS GIVE FRE5, SHOW U. T. Jout nf Ctnlar City, HtuU: enator, bus filed n uiiyilit-- t Imi vriili Uie alula engineer for the privilege of Storing 10,000 acre feet of water Ip Duck lake, Kane county, and tor per mission to divert It by means of a tun net and canal about eight miles long to Coal creek, where It will lie used la the Irrigation of 7080 acres of land The harvesting of the peach crop at North Ogden bus begun. The con tlnued dry weather and excessive heui la taxing the nrchunla to the utmost to carry the bunion of fruit now It is said that the quality, as well 08 the quantity, is equal to that of former seasons. The body of F. C. Rinehart, for merly auditor of the Suit Lake office of the General Electric company, was found one day lust week tossing on the waves of Lake Michigan. 1(1 absence had not been discovered by hie friends. It is believed lie was accidentally drowned. Parents and employers of children of school age are being Informed of the workings of the new luws governing the schools which were enacted hy the The Informathirteenth legislature. tion Is being Imparted In a circular letter which Is being sent to all interested. B. M. Fox, livestock man of Ogden, has been selected as the chairman of the Ogilen Wild West show which Is to be held at the Lorln Farr baseball park, September 26, 26 and 27. The committee will raise $20,000 for the event, it was announced. Miss Zina Allen, the Salt Lake school teacher who died from Spanish influensa contracted while helping the lek during the epidemic lust full, Is given special and honorable mention In a resolution passed by the Salt Lake County Medical society. By way of hanging up n mark at which to shoot, the representatives of the Dnvls county farm bureau have gone on record that they propose to put Davis county in the front ranks of the state In llie raising of hogs: With a gathering of 200 or more sheep raisers and buyers from all parts of the country ns an audience, the fourth anunul ram sale, of the National Woolgrowera' association wits held at Salt Lake last week. A protest concerning the alleged mistreatment of die Korean under Japanese role was addressed to President Wilson by members of the Inlenuoun-tnl- u Christian Workers' Institute, in conference at Salt Luke. Mure lliun 200 members of the Davis county farm bureau, iu fifty, automobiles, iieaccahly Invaded' Salt J.ake City uhd Salt Lake county one day lust week on an excursion of Inspection and Investigation. Proclamation for the calling of n siHvlal session of I'lnhs slate legislature for September 20 will lie issued within the next few days, iHvonllug to an annoiincPiueul made by Governor Bamberger. Approximately $800 Is liruihddc at the Utah Agricultural college in help deserving students, it is uimmmrcd by Secretary John L. Coburn of the collpge committee of scholarships and wards. Of the forty-fiv- e boy who left Coalville to enter the war all have relumed but two. One paid tlie supreme sacrifice and Ills body lies la France and the other Is expected liome within two months. A Lognii judge fined William- Bank-hea- d and Robert Isircliinau of $16 each for killing pruiric chickens. Jacob K rouse of Providence was fined $60 for taking trout wlili a dip net. The Utah Postmasters asuoeiaiien and the state contingent of the National League of Third and Fourth Class Postmasters held a combined convention at Lagoon on Monday. Twenty-thre- e former service men were honored guests of ihe tienple of Clearfield at one of the most largely attended entertainments and banquets ever given In that little city. County committees to aid in ihe Mormon battalion monument campaign will be organised throughwill constiout Utuh. Seven tute each couuty committee. Means for enforcing the twelvemonth education lnw passed by the lust legislature are being ierfccied by Francis W, Kirknmn, director of vocational education.The demurrer filed hy the five Ogden chiropractors to the coniplulut of the state board of medical examiners was sustained in the district court. Notwithstanding the high cost of living and tlie high price of mutcrlals, considerable building and liuprot uincnt work Is going on at llyrum. Twenty buildings were destroyed and n total loss of $60.0U0 entailed In a fire which occurred in the Highland Hoy section of Hlnghnm. The Cliche county fair opens Septem-oe- r 2il mid to encourage producers cash premiums for live stock have been dou- Midvale city officials will give free show at the Elysium u Art your clothes and thoct mads in sweat shops and penitentiaries? If tome one accused you of wearing theee kinds of goods made by unfortunate convicts for no wage and underfed men and women and children in poorly lighted, poorly ventilated rooms .and under filthy conditions aa those in a sweat ehop, where disease germs are sent out with the clothing, you would feel offended and , rightfully so. Yet you may be wearing just such clothes as these are usually sold under retail dealers' names. Protect yourself by demanding clothes with the maker's name on them, so you can investigate conditions under which they were made. We carry nationally advertised clothes, shoes, shirts, etc., and we defy any dealer to undersell us. It simply cant be did. The THE BEE HIVE STATE j iimm-dhitcl- Five yearsjago we introduced the Chevrolet line of Autos in y Salt Lake County. To-da- every owner of a Chevrolet is a booster, and every state- ment we have made has been substantiated. Nufsaid? We can supply you with any car in the line. We have just received a large shipment of 490s and F. V. Models, also half ton light delivery and one ton trucks. bled. The activities of the Utali Muter Storage association, recently funned iy representatives appointed liy the oniity commissioners of Knit Lake, I hi vis, Weber, Utah, Wasatch, Tooele, Summit and Morgan counties, will be extended to the entire state. Typhoid fever season U Just coming in In Utah. Tlie state 1onrd of health iiiiinunce that typhoid vaccine Is free by the boaid. With tlie opening of the automobile vmrt up Cellar canyon In southern Utah, 20,000,0(10 feet of lumber will bt 8 si till a PUT ONE DOLLAR ON TOP OF ANOTHER and emulate the example of this countrys biggest men. They are big because they realized the value of the little Remember your additions. at a money is a money-makwhen rate of interest high placed with us. theatre, next Wednesday evening, September 3rd. Only men over 17 years will be admitted. The picture Fit to Fight, is being exhibited throughout the state under the auspices of the state board of health, and the city officials will have charge of the exhibit here. All male persons over 17 years of age are invited to attend free. U. A. C. IN FINE SHAPE FOR 191W0 8CHOOL YEAR. With greatly enlarged facilities for Instruction, the Utah Agricultural College is ready for the opening of the thirtieth school year on September 15, 1019. The muln building has been renovated and repainted throughout Everything has been put lu the best slrniie possible for the coming students. The chemistry building and thorother buildings have received ough cleaning. There are three large new buildings ou the college campus, the animal husbandry building, the plant Industry building, and the agricultural engineering building. Of these, the animal husbandry building will be ready for classes on the first day of school. The college has taken on a new and much Improved look due t many campus improvements. The old football field on the east campus so familiar to the student of a few years back, will be converted Into a large quadrangle. Preparations are already under way for the seeding of the ground into lawn and the planting of trees mi that the east campus will, eventually, probably be the hub of the school activities. The Quad will be bounded on the west by the long main building, the conservatories and part of the inechnnic arts building; on the north by tlie two new buildings, tlie animal liusbuudry building and the plant Industry building; on tlie south by' the new engineering building. A much enlarged curriculum will greet the student ou September 15. Facilities exist at the Utah Agricultural College for the thorough training of the young man In 48 professions or occupations. These Include almost everything from an office mans ager to bacteriologist or worker. Tlie youug woman's choice Is hardly less limited. The new courses In Public Health and Rural Sanitation should prove very popular. Vocational courses will receive special attention this year. Prospects for a bright year were never better In the history of the Institution. Inquiries are coming from all parts of the state as well as from outside states from prospective students.. Athletic prospects are very bright and the college teams bid fair to surpass all former records of winning. College authorities are looking forward to a record enrollment for the year 1919-2- 0 at the Utuh Agricu- er Midvale State Bank Midvale ff e are Utah never undersold-qual- considered ity P. C. Rasmussen & Sons Operating Four Stores C. S. Rasmussen, Manager FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES FRESH. AND CURED MEATS QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR SPECIALTIES 8mlth-Hughe- . ltural College. H.F. RASMUSSEN TAILOR AN APPETITE FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT IS BORN IN ONE West Center Street, WITH US YOU CAN FIND THE BEST THE Utah. Midvale, If that appetite is. not properly cared for nothing will taste right GROCERY MARKET AFFORDS I am now devoting my whole time to the tailoring business, Your patronage is solicited. Mens and Ladies Suits made to your measure. Prices reas- Try us for awhile and see for yourself onable. ALTERATION, CLEANING PRESSING. AND CHRISTENSON'S STUDIO Studio open Wednesdays and Saturday. Mr. Christenson makes Midvale personally on Wednesdays, or will come by appointment any time. PHONE Murray 392 fT'nrl is a yJsAdy good time to send in your subscription... DELICIOUS DRINKS Midvale Tailoring Co. Frank Patonai, Prop. Suits Made to your Measure. Pressing and Cleaning Main Street, near Center St Midvale, Utah DR. R. D. GEE Our pure ice cream and real fruit flavors make the refreshments that you get at our fountain really nourishing food. And we try to keep our serving dishes and receptacles as clean and wholesome as the best housewife in this town keeps her kitchen. . STOP IN HERE r; then take a pail of cream or and get a sherbet home to the family. thirst-quenche- DENTIST fiir-ilshe- d THE VINCENT DRUG Office corner Main and Center Sts over Cdxs Mirket Vincent & Miller, Proprietors i |