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Show THE WE BUY EGGS AND ALL KINDS of Almost here once more Again the question arises what shall we buy for gifts. A look We have a around our store will help solve the problem. great variety of all kinds of HOLIDAY GOODS, for all members of the family and friends. Our big line of Toys, Books, StatCome in and see them while ionery, Jewelry now on display. the stocks are complete. Special for SATURDAY AND ALL WEEK Ladles Silk Dresses at .... Groceries Pounds Sugar 60c Large Size Pineapple 35c Size Pineapple 11 Bars Laundry Soap 79c 35c 25c 50c 35c. 79c. 79c 10c 25c 15c 10c ... .... 4 COMPARE OUR PRICE'S AND SAVE 10 TO 25 PER CENT CHAS. FOOTE ONE PRICE FOR ALL & SONS NEVER UNDERSOLD Do Your Xmas Shopping Now Take advantage of the remarkable low prices offered during our 10th Anniversary Bargain Carnival which will be continued one week longer Our stock of Xmas Goods is large and complete. Hundreds of beautiful and useful gifts for young and old, at prices within tho reach of everybody. SPECIAL Just arrived. A beautiful assortment of Young Mens Suits, all specially priced at SEE THEM L. FRANK HIGH L. FRANK Prop. QUALITY-LO- Creamery Co L. Frank went to Richfield Wed nesday to look after bis business in terests in that city. it. Get your Tanlac where they've got Nephi Drug Co. S. T. Vickers, Leland Vickers, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hall were in Provo Wednesday attending the funeral of Walter Dixon, a relative. Clarence Foote, went to Lymndyl yesterday where he played for a Mr. and Mrs. James Andrews gave dance in the evening. a family dinner at their home Saturday in honor of Mrs. Annie Hill and A Parker Lucky Curve family of Salt Lake City. Lost Covers Fountain Pen. Reward Walter A were laid for twenty three guests. Sells. ''1 havt. taken bight bottles of Tan40 Buy your Christmas cards early. lac and have actually gained They are all embossed. 5c to 40c. pounds In weight and feel better and Lunt Drug Co. stronger than I have felt before In twenty-fiv- e years." says O. H. Man Tanlac will overcome that run affy, of Nashville, Tenn. Nephi down debilitated condition and make Drug Co. you feel just like your old self again Nephi Drug Co. Let us print your Christmas Cards for you. We have a nice selection for you to choose from. The BUSINESS BACK SEAL SALE W Mrs. J. R. Jackman and daughter Verdena and Irma, and Miss Gladys Crowther of Salt Lake City, were guests Saturday and Sunday at the home ow Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs. SALT LAKE COMMERCIAL CLU ENDORSES HEARTILY HEALTH WORK By unanimous action Mrs. Delia Tolley, 50c Alta Coffee 10 Pounds Navy Beans 10 Pounds Rice 15c Can Peas Bulk Macarnoi 2 Pounds for 25c Salmon 20c Salmon $14.95 POULTRY-Mut- ual ONLY HALF PRICE All Ladies, Misses and Children's Coats and Dresses. Men's 20 PER CENT OFF and Boys Clothing and Overcoats 10 NEPIII, UTAH, S, LOCAL HAPPENINGS :: AS TIMES-NEW- PRICES II. Q. DOUIL'H Manager family of the Of her entertained at a ditiner party Sunday in honor Silver Wedding Anniversary parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. G. The following were present, the 01 board; govern- ors of the Lake Bait Ornie. Archie Brooks of Beaver City, Lor-ett- a Sparks, Rollo Orme; Hazel Orme Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Orme and Mr. and Mrs. J F Tolley C omm club-Chamb-er of Commerce , Das approve d the 19. CUOmi S.ml Ft The county road west of town is campaign il being graveled and graded this week which will make it much better for for sals of Christmas seals, which will be launched on Thanksgiving day travel during the winter months. throughout the state of Utah by the Public Health association. ANNOUNCCEMKNT The board of governors of the Commercial club not only gave its hearty indorsement to the seal sale plans, I am located here in Nephi and will but agreed to help the association say to the suffering that in order to make the coming sale the success, have 100 per cent health you must which it must be If the association is have 100 per cent nerve power, I will to be enabled to carry out the health give you the nerve, power and program which U has mapped out for the coming year. nature will give you the health The Commercial club will lend Its come and be convinced at my office over the Nephi Post Office. Dr. N. assistance to the association by sendM. West, D. C. Chiropractor. Hours ing out letters to all of its members, 9 a. m. until 6 pm. Home calls by not only in Salt Lake, but throughappointment. Examination and con out the state, calling attention to the work that has been done In Utah by sultation free. the association along lines of education and disease prevention, and urgNOTICE ing all members of the organization to activltely and liberally support the Notice is hereby given that the an coming Christmas seal sale by buying nual meeting of the Nephi Irrigation and using the seals on their letters, Company will be held in the Nephi statements, bills of lading and corCommercial Club rooms, Lunt bldg, respondence papers of every sort durNephi, Utah December Bth at 2 p. m. ing the Christmas season. This letter At said meeting the annual financial ulso asks the club members to go still report will be given and two direct- further In helping the worthy cause of ors elected for a term of three years, good health In the stats by sending out and any other business that may pro- letters themselves to their customers and friends urging them to give sub-- . perly come before said meeting. By order of the Board of Directors port to the seal sale by buying and J. E. LUNT Secretary using the seals. KWTO KZOVSSS BY t CEN TRAL MOTOR WANT TO U I WHERE I K FIND A GOOD) WON'T GET) AUTO REPAIR I SOAKED CO, HERE -- TAKE THESE GLASSES ) AND READ Z 111 CM sreeiM COMMENCING SATURDAY, DEC 3rd EVERY COAT ON OUR RACKS WILL BE Slaughtered three j Ranges of Prices and in three groups as follows Any Coat regular price up to for $9.75 Any Coat over $22.50 ana $19.75 up to $35.00 Any Coat over $35;00 and $29.75 up to $60.00 $22,50 The last range giving the choice of any Coat in our stock. You can not afford to miss this greatest of all SALE ON COATS at the Nephi Mer. Co. Where Good Merchandise Is Cheaper The Health Crusade work instituted for the first time in the sixth grades of the district is meeting with success. Is evidenced by the fact that this sixty eight pupils were awarded buttons. The button indicates that the pupils have done the modern health chores for the past ten weeks. CARD OF THANKS We wish, to sincerely thank our kind relatives and friends for their" help and sympathy extended at the death and funeral of husband and father. Also the speakers and those who rendered the music and singing at the services. Mrs. Geo. Hobbs and family THE TOGGERY ijP There is something the matter with a man's auto vision if he cannot see that this repair shop is one that should furnish all the necessary repairs to his auto. Our methods of doing business will help you and your car. r Entire stock reduced to 'jpHERE is nothing more gratifying than to have one's holiday shopping over and done with early in December. It is 'equally gratifying to know that here is a store already prepared to fill the most exacting list of gifts for men. FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING -- ONLY THE BEST WILL DO |