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Show Patronize The Nephi Merchants Who Are Helping To Put The Town On The Map-L- et the Money Stay In Nephi Read What The Nephi Merchants Are Offering You--- It WU1 Pay You To Read The Ads And Then Buy In Nephi Nephi; Juab County, '.Utah, Friday, November 16th, 1928 The Times, Vol. 18, No. 46. Hawkins Elected President of Base Ball Association Russell Hawkins Elected To " Presidency of Club For the Year 1929 Money in the Bank For Next Season. '.J-- ' The annual election of officers of the Nephi baseball association was held Wednesday evening at the Nephi City Hall, when Russell Hawkins, dur who served the club as presidentcomfor the Ing 1928, was ing year. Mr.' Hawkins was advanced to the office of president of the club of during the early part of the season of term fill the to unexpired 1928, He was sucDr. C. W .Woodbury. cessful in heading an organization of that gave to Nephi a good brand and baseball during the past season, 1928 from a financial standpoint, the 'season was one ' of the most successthat ful on record. Records show hun- there Is still a balance of one AroA nllarn in the bank to start the next season with, which is something new in small town baseball. The board of directors entertained th hSsRhalt nlavers at a chicken dinner t th Forrest Hotel Wed npsdnv evenine. during which the financial report was read by Secre and the Doys retary E. H. Steele, of the money due ceived the balance One of the pleasing eventsthom was the presentaduringZ, the dinner, .ni watch foha to tne donated players These fobs inwere the Sanpete- to the winning team Nephi league by the makers of the wilann baseball. ro dinner. President LniinHtio' ed ' MURRAY HULBERT r 2 3 The big elk hunt is new on, and no doubt by the time the paper. goes to press a number of this hunters will have their bull Elk killed. The first one reported killed was checked In by Lee Burdock of Ogden, Utah, who reported that he killed the at- mal at nine o'clock on the opening day In the hills above Broadhead's Receipts from Dance $161.85 Expense for Dance Costumes .... 47.67 Prizes Masks 17.25 Music ... 10.00 oii Advertising 12.15 90.02 Slight Decrease in School census 3.50 206.41 THIRTY PER CENT OF WARD POPULATION ATTEND CONFERENCE HIGH SCHOOL 9. Total Gross Receipts Expenses paid out: 354.40 Players Doctor Bills .... 4.20 Labor for 29.75 Players Equipment ....238.93 Ball Park 23.40 Expense ...57.15 Advertising Phone CalU .... 14.85 20.00 Insurance 22.02 , Transportation Engraving Medals fit ui a A 12.00 Tournament 200.40 977.10 Gross profit for year Accounts Payable .... 10.00 Fwfeit 8anpete Nephi 60.00 Leacue 164.42 Balance In Troasury $104.42 Ed. Nielson. ws Taxes Are Delinquent At Noon On November 30 th Service Star Legion Enter Men and tain Partners At Banquet and Good Dance. Program Ex-Servi- I ce 1 I I Tr'l 4 ld"M MiVi l- n,H MmyjM treasurer of the Repub J. R. Mean national committee, hoi dm o .one of the official receipts givento v ery contributor - to the Republican Presidential campaign. mil Itt. The Tenth anniversary of the sism- ing of the Armistice was celebrated in Nephi .Monday with the most en thusiastic group of people assembled sine the celebration in 1918. -- The activities commenced with the firing ' or t guns and general serenading at eleven o'clock, which was followed by an banquet at the Forrest hotel, wnere an of the service men in the assembled. commuqity Following the banquet a program was given at tne, nigh scnool auditorium, where the high school and junior high school and townspeople were assem- bled At 5:30 the Service Star Legion entertained the men and their partners at a banquet ' and program given at the Juab Stake Tabernacle. The balance of the eve ning' was enjoyed at the Arlington J hall, where the Nephi Post Number 1 Legion held a car- -' ce Army Officer To Be Here Monday rKVn' The, local post had as their guests during the' day. State Commander Frank Deming. and A. H. Beeslev. both of Captain Everett M. Graves, assist-- 1 district committeeman. Seventeen members of the Nephi ant instructor of the 'Utah National Provo. At the noon luncheon, Com-- . Business and Professional Women's Guard, with heaaquarters at ugaen, manaer Demingr acted as install- g club were guests Thursday evening Utah, will arrive in Nephi next officer, nd the officers of the of the Provo club at a banquet and day and spend aiweek or ten days Nephi post were inducted Into office. program at the Hotel Roberts. Prof. in this city m tne interests oi tnei ine program consisted of an address . Jarreitt De Jong, of the Brigham local battery. Captain Graves, will by Department Commander Demlng, Poung University gave a very ex visit the business men of this city, land by Chester Foote, local Dem cellent address, his subject being and ask for their support In getting! mander, and a musical program.The parade held at three o'clock ' "The Appreciation of Music." The the local battery up to maximum following Nephi members enjoyed strength. It is hoped that the local in the afternoon was one of the the trip: Mrs. A. E. Smith, Mrs. business men will assist in procuring largest held on an Armistice . Day Sadie Cazier, Mrs. V. M. Foote, Mrs. the necessary quota of enlistments celebration in this city. The parade was headed by the Nephi high school Alean Pace, Miss .Mabel Howard, to keep the battery here, Miss Mabel Sperry, Mrs. W. G. Orme, band, following in line of march were oirt weeks rumor went The several Miss Lillian Blackett, Mrs. E. M Battery 'E" of the Utah National not did if that the Nephi battery Service Star Legion float, and Guard; Claridge, Mrs. A. L. Garbett, Miss ago to It to men enlist up bring Service Star members; Erma Lunt, iMiss Melba Anderson, full enough Gold ' Star be takeu would It strength, that Mrs. Beulah H. Bowers, Mrs. George Mothers; American, Legion float, and are towns as of other this out city, Belliston, Mrs. F. D. Evans, Mrs. of .Y: members of the' American Legion; Geneva Gibson, Miss Ida Parkes "tV,'""B, of "T'U'"A,S unit . Nephi City Fire Department ;' floats I Mon-lln- I I "Taxes are delinquent at noon on November 30th," says Miss Ida Parkes. County Treasurer, "which gives the taxpayers of Juab County, only two more weeks In which to make payment." Miss Parkes states that the taxes are coming in as fast as usual, and that the usual last minute rush is expected this year, the same as all other years. For the benefit of the County Treasurer and her deputies, the payment of taxes should be done before the last day, where it is possible, as it makes the work in that office very strenous during the last minute rush. One Act Play To Be Staged At Venice Saturday Night In order to raise the necessary finances to pay for a scholarship, the Business and Profeeslonal club of this city, are staging a one act show Saturday evening at the' Venice Theatre. The play will be presented under the auspices of Mrs. Leeta Mc-- 1 Cune Squire and will be given in con- nection with the picture show. The "Bosom's Hold play is called, Hands,'" and the cast is as follows: Mr. Bosom, Max Ellison; Mr. Mason, Lawrence Announcer, Blackett; Clarence Warner; Mrs. Bosom, Nina Mrs. Cleveland, Maida Chappell; Ruth Sperry. Foote; Poetress-Mald, Burtons Entertain In Honor of Departing Missionary Judge and Mrs. T. II. Burton en tertained Thursday evening, Not. 8th, in honor of their son Clarence, who leaves In the near future for Mission field. the Swiss-Germ- an Games and music were enjoyed until 11:30 when refreshments were served to about thirty guests. Mrs. Burton was assisted by Miss Florence Burton and Miss Bertha Stoker. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christensen and r.va .Mrs. son Rex and daughter Hoyt, spent Sunday In fait Lake Miss Frances City, visiting with Christensen .a curse In the Holy Cross hospital. They also visited with Ballard Hoyt. who Is being treated at the children's hospital. They returned to their home in this city Monday. - I I I I I I Annual Old Folks Party To- Be Held Next Thursday prive the men E-I- l, 3 K-- ll from getting ' the band, and "j grade school students. proximately twenty thousand dollars irom being distriDutea to tne men The annual Old Folks party will and boys of this community. be held next Thursday, November 22nd, at the Juab Stake Tabernacle, School Board in V Regular Session' CO. commencing at 12 o'clock noon. The THE JONES MOTOR Committee in charge is anxious that TO HAVE FORMAL all of the elderly people of the city OPENING SAT. NOV. 17 attend this annual affair. An ex cellent banquet Is being prepared for The regular meetrng of the Board the occasion, after which a program of Education was held Wednesday chuck full of real entertainment fea E. L. Jones, Manager of the Jones evening. Present: Harry. Foote, A. tures will be given. The general ljotor Company, makes an announce-- 1 H. ueinston, James H. Ockey. public is invited to the program, and ment this week that this company Raphael Garfield, Alma C. Dalby. also to the big dance in the evening is having a formal opening at their I Judges of election, for the school which will be given at he Arlington place of business, Saturday, Novem-- 1 election to be held December 6th, hall District ber 17th, and invites the general were appointed as follows: public to visit their show room I numbr 2 (North Ward) N.' A. Niel- on that day. In another part of the son, a. j .uowers, George A. Allen. Mass Meeting To Be Held riace, worth Ward Amuse- paper Is an announcement, from the ironing Hall. District Number 4 Motor Company giving a ment At PihrJ Hall WofWtHavJ I Pontiac n n thair caro whtrh will (Nephi Ward) James B. Riches, D. nam also be of interest to the general M. Miller, James Andrews. Polling Commissioners room at Place, A mass meeting of all people in- public. Courthouse. terested In cemetery improvement, The board authorized the painting and specially those owning lots in of new scenery on the stage at the the City Cemetery, Is hereby called to high school auditorium. meet at the City Hall, Wednesday, A committee from the Nephi ' Novmber 21st at 7:30 P. M. ITEMS LEVAN Kiwanis club, cmposed of Robert The purpose of the meeting is to Winn, A. V. Pyper, and J. A. Whipple discuss plans for plowing the cememet with the board relative to the tery, removing markers, and other Introduction of football in the Nenhl improvements. Word was received from Miss Inez! High sahool. The committee nledeod By MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL MnneplHon-statithat she had ar I the supbort of tha cluh In th nr.H ar ne rived at her destination, and had- taking, and to extend every possible commenced her. labors In the miss- aid In the transportation of the ' Members of Nephi Kiwanis He address is szu Ion field. players If the game should be in- Club Guests at Salt Lake 8th Street, Pueblo, Colo. stalled here. The Board after listen set forth, took ing to the Winter the matter arguments A number of the members of the Mr. and Mrs. Christian under advisement until the Centerfleld, in next he their and part- spent Sunday rgeular meeting, December Nephi Kiwanis Club ners were gueets or the salt Lane guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merl Jen 12th. a Claims at Kiwanis Club Thursday evening, against the district wer nings. allowed, and after the transaction of hanauet and dance at the Hotel Utah. ac Bradfleld Mrs. of and Mr. in was honor some Joseph held other minor business the meet The event Kiwanis International President O. companied by Mrs, Sarah Lloyd of ing adjourned. ween the and Lake past Samuel Cummings, Secretary Salt City spent Parker, wko are making a tour of at Heaver and Milford, Utah. the west. Nephites Visit Relatives Mr. and Mrs. Glen Axelson are In Salt Lake and Logan Annie Mrs. with Stephensen, visiting mother of Mrs. Axelsen. The Utah Agricultural Hxperiment hllity. Station is distributing a nw circular Last week being Educational week on the selection of dairy cows In an educational program was given as which the Importance of performance in strongly emphasized. George Q. follows: Superintendent of the Hinging America) .... Student Body Bateman, Farci, Is the Mr. James H. Ockey Dairy Experimental Prayer Tom Cowan author of this publication. Piano Solo Three aged grade dairy cows are Paper (Good Health and How to Guy Foster chosen as types upon whl h accurate Keep It) records were kept as to the smount Paper (Need of Vocational Kdu ca of feed consumed, the returns in milk tion In high school today) La Von Rowe and butterfat, ti e feed cot t per hun dred weight of milk and per pound Paper (Srhool Costs and How Taken Care of) Clarence Anderson of fat, and the amount returned for each dollar expended for feed. These Paper (Changes In Home Life as records were kept during a total Civilization Advances Theltna Ockey lactation period from freshening date to freshening date. Pappr (What the Schotilo do for returned $1.45 One cow. Cow Citizenship) .... Thora MacFarlane These papers were the winning for each dollar expended In her feed; returned $1.92 papers of the following rlagnon: another. Cow Junior High, Sfcond Year English for each dollar expended in her feed; returned $1 68 for class. Third Year English class and Cow ea.-'dollar expended in ber feed. Home Makln gand Civil Uovernmen The record of Cow ghows that (Continued on page 8) 0, ; - NEWS SELECTING DAIRY COWS E-l- 60.00 - , Rpfplnts League Games 67.90 Out town 178.50 Reason Tickets . (Reporter, Lorna Kendall ) 89.00 Advertising Fence Concessions & Donations ....119.55 21.13 The U. A. C. will present its Auto Raffle 129.00 I varsity players in "The Moluse," at State Tournament the high school auditorium, Tues July 4 Donations ....303.50 day, December 11. The townspeople 253.90 657.40 The will remember with pleasure Receipts Dover Road'' presented by these Less Expense of players last year. In all probability this entertainment will equal or exPlayers Purses 100.00 9 00 cel last year's entertainment. Relay Race Children Race 13.75 10.00 Dr. Jenson of the B. Y. U. gave Parade 21.30 his second lecture to the teachers Insurance 101.45 last Monday night. The subject of Fireworks his lecture was "The Constitution of Trap Shcotlng 15.00 7.50 the United Slates. " Labor 12.00 Gate Keepers 29.00 Mr. Grossbeck Is beginning to Advertising check on the eleglblllty of the basket Fireworks 8 60 We have ball players for 1928-2Scaffold 73.00 Ban prospects of a strong team If the 20.00 420.60 136.80 boys will take care of their elegt Battery E 1141.52 V. P. Jacobson, e I Thirty per cent of the ward pop ulation were in attendance at the annual ward conference of the Ne Dhi ward, held Sunday evening. ,71.83 report of the condition of the ward was iriven by Bishop Thomas uaiiey Gate Receipts and Presidents A. H. Belllston, and 270.90 Thomas H. Burton, of the Stake League Games Less p.c. paid Presidency, also spoke. Music for 107.00 clirbs the occasion was furnished by the 40.00 ITmnlroa ward choir, and the Ladies Chorus 121.40 2.50 149.50 Umpire Ex. Each group presenting several num bers. Gate Receipts Non League 109.91 Games Fair Prizes ....100.00 209.91 Less Refund Program-Parad- fn two Ciir :yejX? iiia .Mrt; YEAH ASS'N. fceld Celebrated With , n,o. REPORT OF urv4ri4I, inaH NEPHI BASEBALL V The Armistice Day is i boatd election will be districts xt the Juab School District on Wednesday, December 5th. according tir- Dennis Wood,, Clerk of the board of edu cation The election this year will be held In school district. No. a. kflown: as" the Nephi North Ward, .and in district Number 4, commonly ' ' . ? known aB the Nephi ward. ranch. James H. Ockey is a member of There were one hundred and fifty Jthe board from District No. 2, and permits issued tor the Nebo district, men and a large number of these Harry Foote is on the board 'from were hunting on the opening day the Nephi ward. It is very evident according to C. A. Hallstrom, Deputy that these same men will be placed, State Game Warden, who is in charge on the ballot to be voted on in De of the Nebo district for this hunt. cember. Already a netition has been The following Nephi tea have re circulated for one pf them, which on this area; carried ttpprox&nately 'twen.ty-tiv- e ceived permits to hunt LeRoy Nielson. James H. Ockey, F. names. The law requires that ach W. Bryan, Vermeil A. Beck, R. E. candidate, or at least five citizens Robert In behalf of the candidate, file .with Chappell, O. T. Chappel, Winn, Elliot Miller, R. S. Golden, J. the .clerk of the board of education, 5 G. Irons, Eugene Lunt E. L, Jones, not less than fifteen (Jays precepting of. election fc signed stateT. Warren Allred, A. J. Crapo, R. V. the Murray Hulbert of New York, who Stanley, Ernest Foote, L. E. Beck, mentday announcing that he or she is was elected the grand exalted ruler of F M. Beck, F. V. Liddiard, a candidate. the Benevolent and Protective Order Mr. Foote has served the district Levan --r Ralph Peterson, Eric of that convention of Elks at the Wankier, Orlando Anderson, Ernest- as member of the bos' d for the fiast in Miami. R. Pierce, O. H. Pierce, L. S. Jack- eight years, and has been the presi man, A. Trundbridge, George C. dent of the board for several: years. Stephenson, Jas. R. Paystrup, Arvll Mr. Ockey has served in this capacity for one' term of four years... Wankier, E. N. Christensen. Fountain Green Reuel F. Jacob- sen, Bardell Collard, Lyman Seeley, John H. Snow, Jas. L. Neilson, Os Nephi B. P. W. Club 1 O 1 mond Crowther, Jesse L. Hansen, Members Guests At Provo Edward M. Hansen, E. J. Jacobson, o read at the meeting: J. R. NUTT Elk Hunt'Started; School Election on ovembeilJ 5 on December The annual school census of Juab School District was compieieu with day ago and the report filed the State Superintendent of Public instruction this week. The report shows a decrease of 12 children of I school ace from the census or 19 27 I The The total for 1928 is 1203. nraisins talk TT. chnrt t W uuchaw lid. Mlia fnr tho rnnd sportsmanship school age is from six to eighteen state was shown during the 1928 InFor each child enumerated the that , anH that a vs S25.00. so according to the atatprt school district never in the history of baseballfeel-in- present figures the will lose $300.00 in revenue this NeDhi ' had ,there been a better The Ivpnr from that ofr last year. tiy lug a ailluiiftBL .k thev adiourned II census in detail follows. Boys, 641, a nuhlic eirla 562. Number enrolled, 1160 ni... u.ii whnt-and Number not enrolled in any school, officers and was held, meeting directors for the next year were 41. Of this latter number 11 child-electe- d from various as follows: President Russell ren are legally escused Enos L. causes, leaving 30 pupils of schoolHawkins- reaJones- - directors. Dr. P. L. Jones, A. age in the district with no legal not son T. for L. Dr. attending W. F. L Garbett. Mona a The census by districts: HavmnnH The I nBryan, t ... 129: Nephi Nosth Ward. 237; Nephi r"",- .ui h annointed Ward, 316; Nephi South Ward, 296; hv the board of directors. Th following is the financial re- - Levan and Mills, 225. port made up by E. H. Steele, and io jinr The News, Vol. 12, No. 46. she produred each pound of butter- fat for .084 cent less than Oow and for .046 cent less than Cow therefore. Is 82.4 per cent Cow l, more economical or efficient than fc-- E-1- 3. E-l- and 17 per cent more Cow 0 economical than Cow It would take 2.$ cows like Cow 0 to make as much profit as Cow E-made alone and they would eat 2 6 times as much feed as she did. ap With seven cows like Cow l, proximately all the feed consumed could be produced on 20 acres of land with profit of 11099 above feed cost. To realize this profit with cows 0 would require 1.2 like Cow cows, and 62 acres of land would be needed to produce the required feed circular Conies of this (No. 75) are now available for dis trlhutlnn and will be sent without chare to those requesting a copy Address: Division of Publications, Itsh Experiment Station, Logan, E-1- E-1- 3. E-1- ll E-l- E-1- Utah. Miss Maurlne Powell, who Is at Mr. and Mrs. Y. U. at returned home Joseph II. Greenhalch tending srhool at the B. week Tuesday from Salt end the Provo this year spent Lake where they spent several days here with her parents. visiting their son Read at the L. D. S. mission home. They accomnanied Douelas Shenherd of Richfield the missionaries as far as Ogden. Levan visitor Sunday. was a While away they visited in Logan as of Mr. and Mrs. O. N. GibMr. and Mrs. Anthony Winter son.guests Mr. Greenhalgh states that tha some lime at have been visiting for given the missionaries in Fountain Green with Mrs. winters training the Mission Home at Salt Lak In parents and friends. . wonderful, as a great deal of valuable information Is given. Joseph the entertained Mrs. Ira Morgan Read Greenhalgh and Lester H. afternoon "II. O. A." club Thursday Belliston set from Montreal, Can, A pleasant time was had by all on the S. S. sail Duchess Anthol on Delicious refreshments were served November 16; and will of land at LiverGilbert Shepherd of Sail Lake City pool, England. Is here, where he will hunt Elk for the kiext few days. The Juab Stake Uollef Society exArrangements have been made tends an Invitation to all class louder snd committees appointed for an Old and teachers to be present at a class Folks party and town .reunion to leaders convention to bo held In the be held Thursday, November 22nd Stake Tabernarle, Sunday November A largt crowd is expected to be 18th. 1928 at 2:00 p. M.. Dean John ' Nuttall will bo the speaker. present. . |