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Show THE LOirr automobile PLACING r SHOW TO OPEN ON SATURDAY Un U. 3. LUMa OFFERS CHEER DESERET NEWS SALT FRIDAY JANUARY 5 1934 LAKE CITY 7 PRINCESS Know Your XWorld Picture travelogues of all countries on the globe j- cr rail Ride . Hutton-- arrived - y-- MASERU 1 Boulder-Da- o..iPoe..cocpeirirrt-'-iriWiiw:- , Scenic Beauty Has Been i ' ATTEriTIOIl! jiCRN L. mafytcmg m In all Its Majesty and . A - IOCl.WMtAT, h' t4J.JJJ.0M Woolworth fortune, is. treating hernewly acquired Georgian prince to a cross country jaunt In the car. "Curleyhut." borrowed from her father, Franklin Hutton. The couple were married , last June. Determined to permit no intro-- , aion of their privacy, the prince and princess politely but firmly administered a cold shoulder to newspaper folk who swarmed the Twelfth street station. Their car was promptly shunted serose town to the Northwestern station. JF BAS UTO LANBrF Aero-.trea- Brought to Our Store for You to See CVAIVOHKERS CATn. . tlvra-aro- $120,000 CHICAGO. Jan. 5. (IN8) Completing the drat leg of around the world honeymoon. Prince and Princess Mdivsnl Alexis and the former Barbara hers today in the glamorous splendor of a J1JJ.00 private railroad ear. Princess Barbara, heiress to the 1 " BT RAYMOND CROWLEY NEW TOkK. Jan. i CAP) , ; cam ...tear a drop eara..t that bend cam 'M ho , UCIl-cam that' shoot Welcomes knee Business their 'head ss "amooth.- a a grape being aa'jeeaed cat vf lie akin. r- AH these end mor are being for Message rayed in al! their glory today the 34th annual National Automo-- i ; tomorrow which opens bile how. in Grand Central Palaee. BY LMLJEGOCU) icebergs ahoea and tear?. The oalea- Jan. S tL'S- f . exhaii-tin- g the dictionary .. MtVlOKK. men. f 7m word sums up Wall hate coined new language to dea-- j ! strlT.rc-H.oU- , the preeilmt'a enhe the creation or instance. i budget message , The accent tnw tear 1 The thm 'that too. the finan-.tream-lminU.1 by aurpr.se was not dtart movie through water. the "new deals" cost s9 mQ teniisa were, but are round In front. poiElM - like, a snowshoe or a- fnh with these! cW.re'bu.U lrruitnd. -- Another TheFV:drTlhiiitirMng il!iei bod vdiga. fainr..juflre. .ammar, words Told' smart nw styling tion ten billion, would be reeded iine. but with the Ererything looks faster, smoother, to carry on the job and that unare budret would not be balanced -j Lamp hinges, door handies til 1J3. There were no Its, andi orsrreamlmed. Spatw wont Lf hwaywherethebree.es bnta about Jt-them. . ; While th is upeetUng to the there; Cushions are deeper, softer, en-l- ay ealled conservative-interestmore powerful Some pleaa-banother aide to - The president gines hith-lun- it his message baa put a ttefibltejure cars have superchargers, characteristic only Of racing dp recoxery expndttofeacrto The'lnng-Iegge'the is person machine.. both in Wme and sue. This Hue more room for his knees. sop t the g-- wirgers. . i Brice .Plena Definite Dote , range from under In bis message opening Congress more than ff.dft. the presudent sa.d the budget wowid, Along with the !U cam and bo balanced tn the Apt too distant ch ass's on view wilt be a million in h's flnanriarrtoj!sr O.I I. re, and P njrtJijrfcrts. equipment, review and forecast he 'places thearcessoncsT Dmo limit for accomplishment oft The show, being put on by the of thui 1ft the 1)14 fiscal ytar.Nr " i net ion al sutonioblle chamber Assurances have been given' represents in t'33 prodJced good with fore that the budget would be baL1r!1,ih need both the ordinary and wholesale value of jr.455.J2.-eraordmar- y n B1u he open all neat week. expenditures but this, definite date has is the first time been set, lures over receipts of 1 2,000.000,. This is the paragraph that tells roe. We should plan to have a balanced budget faRthe the president's whole budget . third year of recovery, and r rom grain:,,,. excess on of capendiurea overjj,at time "The seek a continuing tin fiscal )'xr jdueiloa of Abo- - nxtw nal debt." , amounts to over IT.M4.MI.0M. MyBetter Way estimates fo' the coming year show an eaceaa of eapendl- - Te g MDIVANI TAKES PRINCE FOR s M. Accent this aa We regret to state we will be unable to puythe; C. WVA. workers Saturday, doe to delay in receipt of check paper. We are" expecting shipment hourly and checks will hie made as soon as received. - OUTH AFRICA. flsties is tWI this - tti' s. d it J0 e-- i - TODAY have foandations of omd end swteratroctares of gram. BASCTOI.AND ofGreaftB,'Ba InnTlna. 'i MU Ware netrm 5' handM the eheckMt laipopalation. capital. "C lbs. 47c from the churn daily. The Frh richest, creamiest flavor. to Caps Colony. This action 'the lafteTbeing- - the' most lmpor-of- i a rebellion which industry. Chief products are in. the ot nool wheat and cereal's. The coun- the binningeot ,ron wmrit- hs. try InlStlJlincetb.ttime prompted BsttsrS---2 cul-'ta- Inga and coal production has been ed under the direct authority of the promised. GO VERNMEN'T-Basutolan- d, crown. hi COMMERCE and reality, is a reservation set aside Agriculture bv livestock products form the chief for the natives, and whites are not, Powerful native chief.lsrticle of export. In 1530, the trade'permitted to own land. The terri-- l "business and financial interesta!Moh"h R. R. V of the the nineteenth'totaled: beginning fariat Exports, 317,434 pounds, lory is administered by a resident iiirinrtlnow know what to expert, as whrxe Moshesh clashed with the'imports. 477. J4J pounds .. tconimissioner. under the high com-- ! picture! a!ss the cost of the experiments jue century. I appear, In was 151 Briti.h and defeated. INDl'STRY ard missioner forSouth Africa. It Is A of divided Into seven districts, which Basutoland was a to ceded Basntoland climate. part oaring good !an,e accordingly. There hg,Qranra..FTex-fitat- a in 1544gndhas devotvd mucii of its land to ard subdivided into wards, admin-i- n ties of Natnrc's enlightened on that la the money 1171 all of Basutoland was and livestock femedies roots and From n tax standpoint the bud-- , hats. For er sixty get message is also significant. For; a ting with Somerset county offiyears Dr. Pierce's the fiscal year ending this June, Lynching Threat cials in tho probe, indicated a neGolden Medical Dis- - the president estimated governgro was wanted in connection Holds Arrest I ment tfac revenues sold J3.Z5J.J3t.754. df I StORI smrm at Up 1w ! with the slaying of Mrs. Margaret he fo'1"1" roar me United States. placed If yrowish tojkoc of Brupibley, whose body wan found GRIS FIELD. Md.. Jan. J 411. AP) on have pore Mood, and a char doth fw I her bed early Monday. las . . The threat of "possible mob . Tm 7M mllUonfl increase bo authorities, bamsrwlenn Improved the Wood, whUih. If It eontlnuM would of possible tho murder of an tte; ilttcowcnr . Itastanebtt through authorities ids sloeki cerredsuiiy brine In grtaiar rtvefioea. Marlon station woman on aged New mob action." the statement of the It Deadlock Results in New CMoraerh ITh ImpUcatlou la that tax bills Tear's eve. to delay the apprehen- detectives said, we thought few da, toUrts 9 cfe, V?dd 9 l tasll for the general run of citiaeno wilt sion of any suspect ill the cassv advisable to postpone our activities we A from until received sls tabs be formal Imued adviea in nuxt by hwU4.B-)- k the . statement, "V.P.Owlwinot rrestly changed Agreement to Com-two Baltimore detectives , higher authorities. year or two. A FAMOUS MAII Pm. 450.040; nally better thdt way. rather than to tryiem. to corer U op in the more thanj Jtas-t- Stew for breakfast, cut up m is for aaladsu Have LICENSE ROW OVER LIQUOR . . - Reduced below low level Braebum and Kuppenheimers, Michael Steam included are without in models for men and reserve, young men! pre-inflati- on ex-elusi- ve TSuits and Coats Regular 25.00 Values ' Suits and Coats, Regular 29.73 Values ..j All higher priced line, reduced in proportion. that Youth Flees, Arrested Following" Shooting Jan.' SBflXS) & A smashing disposal of alt holiday SHIRTS, including 'such fine lines as Arrofc, 2. CT M. I. custom made, W'mn-sutt- a and Manhattan ! Reg.1.63 Shirts Reg. 1.63 Shirts Reg. 2J0 Shirts .....1.24 .....1.47 1.87 The Meng Store left-over- s! PAJAMAS And Nightshirts our entire sloe of flan- nelettes, broadcloths, silks and novelties! Reg. 1.30 Nightshirts 1.12 Reg. 1.93 Pajamas . . .1.47 Other Sale Price Groups ' up to 637 Street floor - fleeing n a bicycle Harry boxer and Kaplan. gun collector, was arrested today' and held for questioning in the fatal shooting of Minnie Hardt. 14, a maid employed at the home of tho youth's sister. Mrs. Josepo, Marshak. Kaplan Insisted that the shooting vat accidental, the result of a ocuffle with the girl over Of a revolver. Dther mem-- : ben of the household' were in an! adjoining room when a single shot was fired and the girl fell dead with a bullet in the left breast The youth avid he - became fr'ghtened and fled. -- Shirts Al-te- r- Plane Hops Atlantic NATAL, Brazil. Jan. 4. (AP) The great -- French flying post "Southern Croea arrived here eariy crossAtlantic an today completing ing from Saint Louis. Senegal. Tho hydroplane la tba French entry in a race with the to first set up Germany air malt tine between Ea- -j rope and South America via Africa.; Within two months. The French! government hopes to Initiate dally' service between Parts and Rto de p Janeiro with a hop scheduled ever tho South Atlantic., Jour-motor- S lb. 10 Utah Idaho pure beet sugar. 53c Coffee Cakes ea. 15c Marmalade Buns20c Pimento. American, King George's Sardines Thoae Bakery SMALL lb. pkge. 17C . . . . . . Vz Ew-is- Just right for breakfast 2 cans 25c . . ASSORTED Loaf Cakes famous Sardines packed In Norway In parent oils. ED AXD WNITE- FIctt43 best bfch The lbs. 41.53 - grade flour for 9c Pancake Flour i 2T . Red A White brand, easy to mix for early morning break Beef Pot Roast neck cuts. . lb. 7c fast. 43c Maple Syrup ?.V A ffch9yrop that will im- prove the flavor of your pancakes. - . Cream of Wheat 23c A delicious breakfast cefeaL Cut Beans 2 cans 23c Blue & White brand, adds a tasty vegetable dinner te every Rump or Round Roast Beef lb. 17c .......... 3 cans 33c - Pierce's Peas ia that ere Early June sifted terVler and delicious . rr. suc Clorox IuUr J Sweet snd Juicy end so easy to peek . 2 Ihs. 19c . . Selected corn fed baby steer beef that la aa tender ns chicken. pint 11c 2 doz. 45c . Oranges Texas Spinach ' delicious Rolled Prime Rib Roast Beef , lb. 19e Boneless and rolled nl! meat, no waste. and free from sand and dirt. Crisp and Leg dr Loin Roast 17C Veal,- lb. Crosse & Blackwell's Famous English Jams. . . lb; jar 35c - fed selected quality. your teeth sink into these savory roasts priced! Heinz Quality Ketchup 11,"!.. 2 for Made Choice quality spring lamb that will please every palate. from fresh ripe tomatoes, slices, yraoulated sugar, distilled vinegar, onions eniLsalt. Cream Cheese .7 . .. Leg or Loin Roast 17C Pork, lb. ..Ih: 33c Specially cured for Z. C. II I. Large cheese keeps more noist while curing:. Best ty serve with pie. Tamales. Super HIT Our . ........ 4 for 25c X Slit a pocket next to the bone in the loin and fill with - dressing. Tastes like turkey. J ittle Pig Supet lb. brick15c I . . : . Cudahys Rex that Is so easy to serve. "Pure White Lard . Sausages 2 lbs. 39c 2 lbs. 19c 41bs7tT35e t765cr ,' 8IbsT AI1U. 8. Inpecte4. , Colored Roasting Chickens . . lb. 21 C ,Roeka or meaty and Plymouth . roasted with dresamxJ . : : . I7V2C :T ; Fresh dressed selected kualitv. Reds Rhodeifjmd ' delicious 30 .... Selected -- owjt product, specially blended , Chili -- Shoulder Roast Lamb, lb. . . 12c Pure Orange Marmalade lb. jar i .... Milk Jam. spectally lowAbsolutely pure. Black currant or strawberry. World-famo- er rib cate M lb. Eastern core fed steer beef , the kind that wias the prises at the shows. All ; U B. .Government. Xnvp Jbewldey Our own super product made of IW, per cent pure pork. Sugar Cured Sliced Bacon j- when Stewing Hens Finnan Haddies lb. . . ... that Large Delected Naples brand Itu flavor. Fresh Oysters . . te. . . . v lbr23c . L Ib. 23c hi't mouth-melti- , lb. 27 The family will enjoy thin qvailty bacon for breakfast. pint 49c quart 85C Large Detects. lb. - . 21 C Shipment Just pecetved of prime 1 7 Birds. k to 12 lb. average Turkeys STEMS .77. lb. Fresh Ground Beef 3 lbs. 25e - A aaper prodnet G Rcr:J cr Sriss IDs Cat from caatcra cora fed beef. trans-Atlant- ic non-sto- , Baked by Z. C. M. I. famous bakers and only tlw beat f . Ingredients are used. ell home cooking. eutsiSe- -I wnv-fit-M cheesefl a 2 cans 27c late suppers. Including Chicago. -Home rule for Chicago was the bone of contention- - between the governor and tho mayor. After the agreement wao reached Mayor Kelly said, "it will give us home rule for three years anyhow. Hu statement was baaed on the fart that Chicago will have a majority, control of the special commission. Under the plan, which is to j be submitted to te state legists-- ; ture. Secretary of Stale Edward J. Hughes, of Chicago, will 'be a member. Another is to he selected by the: Chicago citj' council frour outside Its membership. The chairman of Itbo state control commission Is to be tho third member of the Chicago commission. Meanwhile In Chicago- - the police are clamping the- - lid down that on liquor establishments have failed to get licenses. PoAllman of lice Commissioner John Chicago reported yesterday that ,23 such places had been closed Inca tho first of tho year. CHICAGO, and k L famous Virginia C Eakd Ham' with omaxe more eaaoerolo - yams. rolls, apple pie served jylth coffee, tee or milk ,..(4115 Z. Hfcila Bntod ... extra-cain the home for luncheon mod Kraft Cheese promise yewla few Sugar 111. Jan. I SPRINGFIELD, (AP) Tho tumlo between state and city officials on the question of how to manage John Barleycorn In Chicago has resulted In a com prom kw in the form of an agreement for the creation of a liapodal commission to hear cense appeals from Chicago. beBreaking a long deadlock tween Mayor Edward J. Kelly and Gov. Henry Horner over the question of liquor control tn Chicago, the two officials agreed last night upon the special commission, which is to have complete authoron to pass appeals which grow, ity out of the issuance, the revocation and refusals to issue licenses in Chicago. On an other matters, however, i' such as the collection of revenue, the fixing of standards, a state commission is to have jurisdiction. ap-- i It also will All Overcoats All Topcoats . . All Suits II toe Shrimps a ILLINOIS ENDS g 2 lbs. 25c ... 2 can25c Pumpkin, No. 2i2 size hap- LC.ILLLc::bssa Wrapped in cellophane to keep them fresh. J ' r.rr . . . Date a wiO be pier day if you aieet your friends for a Press . 2 lb. pkg. 23$ h Well-water- k Satsnky 2SM0 ' tnade only from the beet quality steer . beef. , - |