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Show .. C TIIE DESERET, NEWS HERE STOP LIONS ENROUTE YORK 'V Columbia Team Tired WtaIrandAggies Open Play in San Francisco BasketbalPTournament Of Celebrating And Rose Bowl Champs Go in Salt Lake 1 Doctor Little Utes And Holme About Worried Get To Eager Bears In Sight-Seein- g .... .1 Re--' - " ,EY JIMMY HODGSON ALT LAKE played host tr the heroes of the Rose Bowl for about three hours yesterday as the Coluro-biafootball team with its accompanying host of eastern sports writers and school officiala stopped over here long enough to get a glimpse of our fair citys beauty and hospitality. ZZZ - Tb ridden were rushed train to the temple grounds ..where they were given a abort tallc ty President Joseph & Peery and fine oryan re ' ctfaL- - brief ... ( b. CochetAsNo.l ah sight-se-I- , par- ty ended at the chamber of com- dinner. Keyeer. Fireworks ENVER, Colo, Jan. S (INS) late last night after It tho Columbia footbaU special hadj loft Salt Lake City far behind that' tho wntercame upon Dr. Louis Lit-- -, A new and attractive Inter-- -tie ritUng in the club car with ii;Bectionlll ba8ketlall spectacio will . head in hia hands. staged for San Fiancusoo fan What now. Dr. Louls?T requir-j, od. got a headache?" tonight and tomorrow night, when No," he replied. T waa just sitquintets of tho ting "here thinking how tough It Isj of L'niversity going to bo to have to play Ysl in Utah and tho-Utour "first game next fall. State Ag. Bang there goes another multural Col-aT pu have now estabmeet those lished the long --distance worrying 7 1he Culver record for 134. Here you wro sitiiy of Califor-li-a ting out in the Wyoming aago brush and Stanford In January worrying about a footin a University ball game tbat will he played in double header next October. Connecticut ound robin those Yeah. he said, but ournament Yales are apt to be tough. Stan, Tonight So la the steak we will get for 'ord and the Ag-l- es dinner in Denver tomorrow night, will clash I agreed, but whats the use of n the opening worrying about It now? Besides you .. must remember that those are the ltlfornia and laughing Yale you wro going - to fair tangle la i play, and that thejLdon't play fool-the second. Toball to win but for tbe fun of J morrow night coach. sodating with their dear Stanford will California th. u,ah talk that. Youll got thosa fellows E All four teams rale as able repmad If yon keep up that laughing Yale business and they'll drub the resentatives of their respective sections. Both Utah and the Agglea daylights out ot us. are leading contenders, in tho I tiled it before the - game and it didn't Rocky Mountain conference tbo unbcaten thU mod. Califor- work." I pointed ouU "Fmtbermore tho-4are going to nU. lncthft artgnt of Coach C hfpVales have to do more Thaw Juki wipe of the Pacific Coast that rnn oft before they start drub- - 15"nf!re"ce neJ th toPou'ltrn dl'ision. with bing tho daylights out of anybody ,ortunale to very reguUrly. They're going 'SJlf"r.TtTh5t,e:'! have to revamp and tasiall new Kinney Touted life Into their entire athletic sys tem. In tonight's C&Iifornla-L'ta- h b'1- convinced I wasn't If a scoring duel I in prospect dully sAfter trip the Aggies V s Stanford Game Promises BV BILL COR CM .1 Tilden Ranks , Hoopfest Record -- For .Early Perplexity Corum Consoles Coach Sets : , Yale Tilt 1934 Captain Montgomery and Coach Little ceive All Kinds of Offers Norman pui vleei Brookes Placed at! ce president of the chamber o( commerce acted ae AH the: host. city eommiaaion r ALAN COULD I attended the dinner along with , Coach lk Arm-Trom tho rich and dramat-strong and other tennis background of his remark-- 1 notables. Coach Lou able career. Big Bill TJlden today j po Wmoolf oquareiy on record as basketball league THlv Catholicinto .Jhamf Hodgson delighted over1' ranking action a Janu swing game. . the outcome of the x game on tho open Cochet of k.y Bulb four A h "haven't gotten over the thrill yet. V Two new team. ar in docket. F r ne a and experiIt was1 the moat pleaaant Ann e ana bt. .ea.on, this he league In football ever had have ence Norman fc Jur iait,v of i.uadalupe and the trip has been like a dream, Brookes, the T.ie defending champion. r -- .'The Californians treated ua royally left handed Patr.ck . In the junior logee end ia the senior division Aii I'm sure there la not a single Au.tralian - a , .lint-haunu.ualiy strong - member of the party who wiIIjfov 'o be tvsnr, spp-.- r botu in w done for 1 ,nd No' lidivMbini iv inr for the title, 7 , Jretyerybiothat ... dont Those- - Californians The schedule comes game. a. know when to stop when It indicated, all games (Kacvpt where In In th first i.i W hospitality. be p'aycd Judge ateuionai ten" that hf gymnna.u.a. 4- - - Regarding the game. Coach avuo. eacept'snem went to tho coant and game stated.-picked by rejompr aa n result of tho 2 quest, based a .il be piayed in suctessioo.)v. St. r.-- . under-rate- d Perk . of the January hands opon at span to beating thq of hls own com-- Ann , 1 il; Ogden Vi Cai.hcdral, - Princeton. That was Just wbat we f - wanted. We were unquestionably i petitlvo career Jlur-.- o St Patrick, January wince the war f- Jvelow par In the Tiger game and Vndpciptr K;i"rrE!;1 M.dvale. at Murray high. J.Jo. ame frame of mind that he foe out t plus tho com-- " J.nua.y ir-ot at our peak for tho Stanford battlo iaiurdea Lady am now. You Bear forward. Both men are dead-difor the Alee club, b 1 n a t ion of tiur Oivine bavi'iur. . o clock. and that's the whole story.'" t ee Stanford at practice. Butjly (hota as ell aa outstanding 1 1. BiB Tatar "Tennis genius January it St. Patrick. Diin tbe word of tbe wo. 1 did. They leaders. Tilden lourde. fseuiors only), l.lt; and stroka production.' were oat Jbere gaiioping --about in Monford Bolitawd Ask-F- orBi"4-ic ia .tear placed his Old rival. Llttle their long white drawers and aweat Park Cljrvk Ogees ho Johnston aa better than fifth. Con-- 1 onl i. and The Stanford five will books autograph btrtrigning I g trenthened for the doubleheader while your boys were Regulars .tdering amateurs aad profesalon i laogbmg, vs. Saviour Divine return of Talt Keith Topping January If into shape to play a tough by the JetUedtai-fjuutoraUyL-- a we.landed oclocWg1 footbaU gmmo. football field. y tho IfeH Lady t itMadaiape vs. 7 h not he in the beet of basis !5e.KfLT.bl ' - Norman E. Brook. Aistrm.. iitr Ldval. Though .!" Jv. the Murray Before saw it result. Hgh. the , most 'Tou Vrero. said ketball . They condition, his defeqsivo . M vioutes wire over. 4 as fine January IT St. Patrick's that, is expected to aid in curbing school, turned out squsd o'clock. Lourdes Junkra only). Rene Lacoste, France. looking players as ever' walked on ability "would average op ta, ours. It waa! the offense of thoravored-Agsl- e vaunted va. JO Olvlno Saviour Januafv sod field where whipped mentally, Hn4.usleln. Germany. abiier fight and tho will to win that quintet. tpark City, at Fmrk City; jtt. Ana t- sad actually. Had Mont" pheicallr 1 want tol . over and 4dcii at i Jvj a. th to few Ogden. boy toss elected '.cPuL passes gomery Vincent Richards. L. 8. A. Patrick's vi. jmwarjr . tell you that Im mighty proud of, mti some ms iuvtticgty wnde sprir T. Richard X TVilliimi, Ti. 8. . ai, 2 o o o k;- Cuadalupo so ties as it has ever been my pleasure Vandals and Huskies hd ti.) every one of them." 4 8. Jean Rorotra, ranee. o.lock t to sea the other team offer. It Is si 1 Coach Little was busy opening Jnnnarv 27 'i. Patrick j va. park f Bruce Bamee. V. S. A most a certainty you would have Open Hoop Season op; 19 Karel Koieluh. Cxecho flo-- r scored another touchdown, or don't, telegrams during hia short rortt r which ad of ou so nx think here,feEATLLE; Jan. S . t Ai) eonuined coaehing offers, but , , the northern division Torino know More Mkhs m Ud v 4 3a weU o'clock. our, satU k. stated that he was conference besketball oea- Cochet and Brookes, to Januarr 3a iourdes w Jfumy-- amt wu not '' .... thy were tired by the fm. it n knew d... .!, .t Murray high, t Jo 22..SI to pUined TiMcn. the Idaho andabt win me any chancek 'at took them t a come npff th trrmtnii executed more tennis ahotsf tehruarv S Dtvlne Saviour va an argument expected gf jvresenL ifter ur bora had smacked t.i leat I hare cvf rf plavem Too Rsrtfts Wrrr boopJar-football learn. Rose Bowl dent Joseph S. Peery telly about this wonder--' CaL- - ClUt Moxugocnery shared kimviK-- At' the aam 1 cimvi won t be it continued, S." still p!lt dopesiers, V Voclorkf1 popularity honor with the mentor., were masters of stmtegye I rsnkf-j- ,, fui building. The arrow points to Captain for yuu to start fretting about the from wrong guessing duringgrogy their tiresome rliatiijiionv, liwk time out th Laeoato and Noaelem ahead) j both Montgomery was sporting a very Cathedra! va Mur .i.ruirv Yals until thy start frettitig ab uv footbaU fantasy, rate the two team c trai.-to a or t:am role ntinor.ta! Cliff Montgomery. At the BOTTOM. i. Bill fhemeivea their stretch result a as 0f shiner not were Johnston because they elaborate at Murray h'gh. 7 te Of all the questions aa about even. jravU'dvM !e- -Washington, they me if) Cetifornlathe most p- -f :t ami r.ike a - trip around February 10 sh. Patrick a vs. vg .a heel which he got early In thesny better match- - players than) din. left, k'iprei Nw.taff Comm, It will bav say. fastest at oarfeo. moving th matter with He kiso had couple uf.JJUXy.Jbui because elt mas Whars jrmme. ""ttift I ake a- - :'ir-'- ? L andthe fellow who puhtirirei Columhia'lnto YaJe o( the Chamber of Com- to mbfch mv Invariable reply quintet in years. Th Vandals, fea.greater equipment and . ( u f , . 11 w Cathedral bresa-m- g A short and fast I vs I was, is know turing passes that Hiein read enti-f Lou T.iUle on the Bowl Coarh e So is. h it finer sportvman kW" game pierce. party.as Snce turning in perfret sa in other seasons,-- win. like n, 11 papers, where th hoys say that Itrmtucf at quarterback and mak fighter' evtr stepped on tbe courts F'hrnarr at Presi while vs hfks tiie the Mjr3ve wise to tejnpte don't thv football 4o Pity drk right, win' natch. hnu. than Johnston, but ho had his 7 3 lag himself a natiunal grid B Jt you,phr el ?l irrav Tr. Little, Great things In the nay of baa- Montgomery admits that he has had Lacoste and Nuasltm. Frbruatr 17 Lutdes high, don'i be, eve them, beenuaeapparently vt lar a movie con at their hr and vmiketinq ere looked for from Howard JQ want pffors including brothers no at Park OltK have City best, weakoes. sit trylnrdo figure op and 21 o pound Idaho center tract with Warner Grenier, s Tie-rtf beginning In the Yi bowl Felusrv IS l)tvine Saviour Flaa-Place e many coaching offers. nith an altitude of and a . Petrous, t oxloik; inOcYAbr where yoUteffwfMn nt ugden ger-QuiMartm Flaa. the French pro, 4 o'clock Bowl on January 1 Life aems quarter. Tfthhigfellow grow nt a 81 bit and Gerald Btll former PaUersod. fo wh be a the Ann's Take weary, fa howl howl nan" lo you of Parks, February May jut yotf In Imagination, Australian- - Davis cup atairdo not nd while yMnrrgtgr hr Murrayfeigh. hear been out of school for a few yearn, the Bulldog growl. Tiny Thornmil will toss hia six foot six frame tnt ve Park Movie .Test, quit measure up to th qu&llfipg- - pFbruery2t---Caihdrsl 5 Loos-og tho frav. hak in Falo Alto. mut tm h City: MumywMldvale t my ftrerten. Of th to the eh of the fJtfl Ltn He added "1 may takeo-acre-tear products of recent. yMirs.imi in- Th Huskies will present a after riudlng th 'ar through the q rroyq big deat with Warners next spring on Cramm of composed of four veterans Ann. .. S o'cltririivm. Savour hdow" of th Flrr Madr 1 have finished school but 1 am tak-n- g Crawford of Australia. Germsry and a new center Clyde Wagner.", 4 - WKV not, her Perry and Guadalupe 4 oclock. an engineer course along wtb Austin my dar dne for, es fo Ytne or vs. slated Job. will b th alt about It until nvr nesa subjects and if of'Bnghind. Ogden at Og emny Idboslke jor forget and thn to get into some 4ne United States and Satoh of Japan. th vlo!ta fall starting his first gam, of Business 4 tt. vs I Ana's h -- of business. College! Cetheurar cannot rank them as yet upon b&xketbalL If net. Ill likely try TTS, dld THE Hnagr junior Intermouo Pm-- , irtT-uImovieo. 1 don't personal experience. . mj inek with Che s v. ftuadilupe (seniors onlrl into the coaching game. -- h A A. IL. champ os las tain at Tilden admitted dvai va P;Ir probablyr viack; ' - It a too uncertain organized aeun zuJ are out 4 o Work. ' hae Of would find out soon just whreJAr,,'r. We sura Jutd a great trip , ant) v...ktng for bg y Anns va Cathrors! y"rcb U we had lost, overyQpngj VjDes h entitled to be.'. a second A. A L. cham-- j 1: :,ris BY tlon. Bill Corbus thd tom ers ser.es of matches next Wed- -' V1 wV would have bttn d.fferent, but VrCk T Guad man moat valuable igoard being th I were t '1334V enough to pull through nwday at Madi&on Square Garden J,i,,L"rc,rIlTrr5 ontvt The Business cOi!g squad will! l7 pftril, itt ii.k and we hake sura ben shown a time jwher the the Jian.c that romped California! I,up (juniors j ae practically Jao. oh a rirrus l IkowL- 1 of t wth th honor ttqaoa. U Howard x Hard.ng Jones, the. Only Three Hlsliig ilte'thev ' n;- - n1 ni ur' George. r.jy Pain Jjhn Jo- Leonard . First anl'TH D.tvia STAKE o7 out Cantenrllle Second la head Iran of Southern Califprn.a Dji IU aad back nd riny"rThomhni Will hzi PO lifUiober, n thst mavbe It w..'111 S and r th utleujd Ply -CCht at, 'ft on. "Lost. IV b-- ol h.r cr,t.Ic,t. with ' Aidrtixa. backfield worries - s pair.rretich confided that MontponuT ha'lrv girl. 4rthp' foohal xrrat Uneryitya S forijne. scores BogmlMl l.ftno M4,wi Ke.sner ng and Hamutonr Wednesday beside a nd there wasn't "af'er irenimf Crayson. are the most proTkia,! ..ntimiu were H.pworth. E. Eun-.y rnr 7 TrgdyJa looking forwaM next an Dellen back for two more FnWf uLfy.Vtt w eore of th HoMvwoed qu,s it 0( gruusTVif nw can. ini)nu?5t(f,J R C. Fornellus Argvle. F)r. Evara, r b ever to Jib than .will on a no w Muller, Caliaho are tryvrtg for the rgmar and Stringham. fc.iiijnwbera'Kn Bountiful . f.od : certainties poaiuona. "Th condN . Hee anl atlfel IXertA (Bountiful to r .375 t ' .s w hopes 4 sxra'tF p the ' T Voh'gom t Xevadw TrJ ' were, Four t ' rr . o f?f p.urtl r th tv Karmirgton . , . . bu.l I another ior lhe ,mc Tho feRowa W'sen-n LCatl uUtriit "n on b fquvl hitln -- oil iUnQISOUteCl f 4 a a a Welllnr f e t r eeaaoned thoroughly durui the! Th Hngrr squad ha plantird a CntrvlH 8c.nd tt mint av;iut l",k eooertr H ,ot ab. a a a . HrS.lul.f I Wa hr Bawh AM S I Prmart uid" ' ot North th last II eithtr should rcacntf.p lirr'wrRert.nro Farmington Pafit campaign iwenifrir' will in tb ut XeLruvi ot the first Race 4tvfrt . 4 3 ! 4 Rw c .. I 4 I 3 heighw next season. isUtniord, January Smith, rerryirg about th game.Tiqv tne t L.j VJORTH FARMINGTON staged Games will b pt, p.med some 2 5 Btlt-- r, Th JJJJJ. f has also very How; icir capable f m acifie and IHU-lfMs in the South unct Walkre 4 Kank M'Ar'iy Xitt took th nbiapted Sam I S J, Baker g 2z l have also footoall. friBlA commg chdu!d iatr viam e T F P .j P J' with lvXi Yiedneviaynlghri j'-any nort; Vfn echediil.tl nh tfi. d" tnthw'rWdHWwqir ttitHi whmett tquad aad '7ark I'., i Xi 4 X will Cardinals the V'unmil back Bountibe luck the 4 1 Cedar Wven 4 at 9 by turning r rat strong City. Uh u rf,. a"gUs if. I 1 iLs aoPh-o- f lat 17 infya ho Has Dream n' ,r n c at Hamas and veral other'(t sond squad 21 te ? in a bec-t- Totals i 12 2 26t TUf.. J ; j team forat least two more-r.. 4 14 top-U- n ; oa G.t h. 2 tun.giit gave HeaaoD. 9 ani HoHfSOn tic game. -s was the first i4orj Hasalilal . It I I 'r Rrrswoiilej Gnlmlik , n Tzjifrs- a ttIv Trft M Ais.,f fireidrxea the craab'a Tony 1 1 rl 5 L ? 5? vroft the and ,h 6,Mn Will not get r Jh00 umsMomoue:. Still Stanford v yui.n, end who piyd a whi.e M M ilarkduil a brilliant 1 es " GTFp ac '5 . . . . a re ua shooting a irh 4 There's ont ;tb?r battle f areati 3 pmei. h ie i Oanmoo half. Th first gxvine etd f. lai foiw a a tfT. A 01,.Dl,;d v tatNifr-stri ; UpwrtUf est thrill .n th who tr p th. Irlual'. .rowdot players at California uni. 7"3 r- -r VT Haahesi " 2 and Bill Ingram' e team TTrTs 4' dhtTCirg'vmTTGmger Rogers af Tba'' I r p r.pus part, of I teh. a J m a n versity lbicHrTnS-wlt- b surpne-- i Br i;-y tHnran.g wf 1 tlfuj removed from championship Harr.er Srulo patty far not y 4 Ilefewd lltl K date to continue as hot rivall - da? last falL Washington, Wash c. 9 ryf 1 9 a 3 :T T WliJKa Hram ' And he wPcd otr 4 piott4Wkttg. 1Tirp.B J 9 Zv tv hie c . th lead Bountiful has wofnNyeti ,, sai Uin with, hia .to b and Oregon Ltrum r,,r:n,an theJ-w- Catholic Basket League To Open This Week End c 1 as-"- I SbuahfSadon't -- i rv- Xo -- Ut---t- Wo ", .j. f; .reurfof irtbrru it -- Oar it Ag-lik- i X c;; dn t-- l. get-tin- uteri-from- -the 12 Mur-ra- ..it - ,r jni trenl ' J Dj)-cni- , rk. -- Itbe-aaything-tr- r Pre-seas- enrre-;medt- they-manif- t X . e eanes. ' ? -- iiXde n ti Marth-Lourd- want-to-g- Mur-sv-- luy Ti Coast Eleyens-PoiFor Stanford in 34 ... j 1 I r-i- , i Favorites - Capture ' Industrial League Basketball Tilts enfi: t er E- , six-fiv- -- P fend 7, f U. Honors A.A. off pnrn te --. North Farmington Stages Upset In South Davis Basket League le o ni ?; p, l10 o-- In Cottonwood r- ft . -t joNa 1 iY' U lr cat de-it- on T 1 1 J "'t 11 Eight Indian Regulars Returning With Backfield Intact Jones Rebuilds o rank-The- - R-- v'h v RtahtTrAx-haric-ttrxi- l- ' rg 1 Y hj f- ta re V - ha f VtS, 4- r rip yw-Heetm- .. i ! d lhif0eJj 4 Jthat bis to the R'se Bowl was m the u had Corum but party noining praise . for the Lions wrrass ivKgtt Twi.i . h as Coach' Mrrd. u?rpiLittle. . J HoU4ar Sth three hour? After an -nvRbl IaTF P 2 r t r CTFP the- Columbia itop-v- r party 4oivr f s T Btt If I y I? ? 4 iNritv contnwe to shout 151 pm pirfd wXh r journey across the cpnttnwt Kr.ae 4 t fr ba 1 n- -- W- - - tf :r nlverattyof Caltforpit. ... a Leiiw, h,!a m jurit u Blir Spaulding e doing part b, of La, the -'eariy andwjUmt tnthued-vejrthelr.ump- 1 i lif j i 1 1 ..444 jn w 4 v rc.n ' tf -- f f'i.riWnll L3(lfS ft 1 Total 15 7 2 22 Total 14 It 3 2 Refroo ftVoollty ao.I HMeso fUatli Betmftliel I fteaftmlll 9xrM I T K Fi G T V P. .4IL - ftnirpamUr 4 I Hae?k Duncan f ft ft 4 DJaaML ? 4 14 nerljr L- -k H4.rh j a f .. 11f m iriltiiiiioi t t tlitt till confer-icontr- ol & A l4 lv Mow.c -- Qirp v T-- ' Y ptnrg 7 ji:Toyv hi: 1 i'T t . 1 Hatch g, cleveriy.g Fmervf Thaima 11 ft Strnrtm f ft. v A fioftth Smith . 1 Jt Tola la-Beforees Totnl I ft ft- - lift2 YlVtnFlwLf 7 4 744 W oUey ft 4 Farmlncfna !Xowiaf74 Ptafniwf. 1 4 4 211t' 3 -- t H Grerory f, t t t J SVlaeng.r ft " f24 14 4 lilt (riPmluag ) L I 5 r. . Smith t--j T. F P Jak90a.f 9 Eldrdg f N4laoo.LT I. 1 3 9- Total R Pwfv-- J ft FVtJorc.. I 2 1 Brown, w I ease Defeat Cathedral rr!f Wtrn ft 7 ft 1 ' Ti ? 1 " GTp f. " ' le, big I. 'artmrtomrf no piece of, construction that, , " Southern a stiff fal:ornid .vjCtlllllfil O wm 'T"T. get the Briilna to the top be- prfT and Northwestern goes' 1 battle if It 3 Turt the crat t ham- - fore many mor aeasona. The team ifTe r l t to Pao Alto to play Stanford nxt I nv.. 4 piocship next season. The' An.ir.on., 3 i Trojans. that wln the Fac.fic Coast cham- these regular eeewn! ! O.ost oLLhc iWJ regulars And Pnsh.p must travel a long trarilf;"; ,Prhpe ! ! ' . msy soft n the confer,! accident. WB WB . (Bpeelsr)- Jores must rebuild from , ... Jed. enc faculty committee enamel (he' BIXGHAK. defeat. Big uemmell 1H elab v Tot courtiers I f s j ;j. - Toai Ckawp Rose 7 1 n tnd i'iomo'es. Th Bos game. The Pacific Coast I1 carting cropf 44 to.-- i. In - L wax onlv Residents of Southern California conference is endeaaor.ng to secure d Cathedral. her at: Southern-C- alThe laat game n x bagu night. In v Bowl Roe of the pf'Nrbw, r iforn' a ast fill and few rtf elhtill r hoping kth aoira ! 0wMfl f ? to Nw York, hom And antbCr Mg rf 4 3 I 14 J 3 1 w Sme was mtratlng for a quarter its rnlaim far aa selecting tne wt7w 4 ounxster cave md. cations of He- - encf WJI aeaaon if but after that the victory Jumpd so Ratbu if. 9 reception ; J ; J John ,ul and and coirtrolHn B a'we garaea tnB post ? i VYfXzxn.i against 4k. .t. ebsvera ltTg Fmckrta mitbs or elL--1 S 3 J 1 Brmwl champion to com- ,game are concerned. Tbat mit a . i i Pi CB4VrYlllC ?h in q . I would Bow Rose Teams. the game. th further twtedtt persuade 'vtlrwrtf-- I S I Totals ll (Vivee,i, T:a1 3 En ORT!VtTE'j4ii Cotton fftijl B uk r? f . 1 1 a i Warimrton of cotirve frm the east and south have It a look more favorably on th Rose Grantaen First ward downed ioa!i Rfr ,.t Howard, nmp.re iSensen LW.ttr ft ft .Bowl game than it has while the 9 WareLt-9 t aill be ,he roan arojnrf w hnnJPnonopolised Rose Bowl competition CcaumD flub CatMval fast garna laati If t IT In Mams llrl ( TaylraUir defied contest ws. controlled by Ptadene if , jath. 0 Baahj lM whn oh, stllt , i -- The "nc his i- w- fJones G.TFP4' cor foUowa: OT.ftP B'tbt 7h C.TFP bui end! Ten end mien tradition 4 people. i J t . Aaaaliwllle Big Harkar.rf FI raft i Dugsa.rf 3 1 1 Perao rf 1 4 I 2 Taarit Boalk t! Hjrker f bn -C 147 of s nmc west for the Xew Year's gune. fi 4 ! Favosa Bale Change 2 I TiAdamwIf. 1 1U '0,y port. v'' 7r 41 Mraaa 1 I (U Howard Jons Is another promt- 1 S 2 Dbltrm.rg 1 11 favors changing ary rt ft Ig t-- ft "permit: 4 2 4 2 SiOnnUf. 2 he- -, ' h;T . ecrlmpiVT . I chenge would do, lcG,fc" 2 2 iMfcrwc 1 1 Osofid.Ig 4 u $ it of Manford. orThe Calif to the jtnMif and will" ftrdinis Southern ?ui4 interesting appear against 1 12 ajZ Bob Howard, aznp&rc, J Totals,- - IU ft,lft Tois.. Totals J ftft :i ios er few plajecs by gfadua-iTotals $ I4 Touts. la Los Angqis daring th next odd hi vote for th Idea. - t rc.f n4lfc4 - Wood.o Roblaaa, Sl4 Seaaer K r H t G T. 4 t t3 P. I S 1 J 1 ft ft iVT f. J t tt tt tI g 1 TotaIaTlft5 '1 4 9 |