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Show TIIFDESERET o LAKE CITY SALT NTIWS FRIDAY JANUARY 5 1934 t and Although there Ur about ruch go much red Hake This Darlicg Dress! matoeau one la apt to pet the cold instead o! taro loving arntsi r ' Its ! Flight spread I about one a ent to tbe Voncert and They To Fashion It and Alto concluded that their vowa were ' Hearta break, yea, bat and each had been on the; gather Just as Chic they wrong aide but now they- were mend again If we give them as Can Be for life, and the me. I wouldn't give a coni. "Blest tinental for the person for their wedding. addressed lo should br played whoee Mtm - By HELEN WILLIAMS that the heart hasn't been broken one Mary Moure. UmkI Nm LJnH Answers: (1 Yoke. (2) Sleeve. way or another en the wheal gwx kn lo one. HigtM omtm and 41 Buckle, (k) Belt of Ufe. Not until H baa can g (21 Bosom. adrirrw Is irqulnd. but will b . Illustrated Dressmaking Back. Seams. (7) Inka. bcM In confidence person really understand life, Gtr of -,6 Tie. Front. serve Collar (10) his fellow-ma- n. ll)Band lesson Furnished with lor column Form grow. (14) It la through the tear. the dirrMeni. till Hem, dtertblni boi pnbltkbrd fteaar -Collar- - Yl 115 tbe heartaches 1 to nor mk (or prrmnal rrpiir. sorrow, that Every Pattern we are refined, hammered Into bou!derrTltT Wa.st. 1S Bind-cBand. (22) (21) Bound. the DouT you think it is pure gold that Ufa can I6) airline use, CL what ahe thinks of It.ajto'her Itjy,, (23) Binds dress? It deals in all the neyrest UulS OF Unite $ Sftoirpri or what! Automobile PropoMl Dont be afraid to be hurt or good, bad. 'mprrtirvent. modish hip pephun The features. not, a'er which she reads it aloud j Give each guest a pencil and- you'll be afraid to live, and ; Dear Miss Moore: narrows the waistline. However, it copy of the atory. Tbe words propliving fully has Its own A Borers Romance ran be omitted, if you please, at seen Two works from today 1 am go-- : are blank In apace the the in fitted fi led riy be to bor to give a miscellaneous shower The word, oca words r.edsfn ny peris of an automobile. in small view. The pattern also pro' for a klH frtnrf wtMi ls eNml to blank eoaceawi.K or b meet And then of hie true love and af vides for interesting short sleeves. G re He thought ber a hiaiden be married and I should like anj to a . it fection ho As for materials, you will find IT wondrously fair, nenntard a ropr of on her bright tph have you for me(Spoke). rofna ThVg,e, w),ge.the She wore a blue( just a dim most successful and (harming in v ( little hair, Hood). gold "(Spark) woolens, rayon novelties and about 40 girls Who will attend this greater numberttrtr ' the around her fair throat ehe For then I'd be happy. I (an but supple silk " (in plain or print). The crepe afaower, and a clever way to are, in the allotted ' ( M Jff.er). did remark. twine. be.,. lo he", lover Her range the gilts lor her to open. Style No. 3280 is designed for stars is clear, was daiijtyMy heart It would weigh quite 11, 13, IS, 17 and 19 yean. jrA-isc; 3H yards od 3k sK mv'I?Xr some tTriaeren pat j surely am pining, swetheart. for inch materialrA "I canr j jhe replied ' and; him. .to aeemed j sake your I am pleased to glveyou 7 1 on To gaze on her face was to aee and j And If refuse me, my heart It for a bride a while gc.ien h.,.i rested fcvr lowlng must &Tnr? j Fa inanly4Brak) hi .shower. n t XHrtisht maid berTrauty a t his pieadin iertTiie didt Price ttf Pattern 15 Cents preuv and pren A - (Tire K would r i gTmcefuIly daiiilv her yield. for vr1rr BEAUTY.. . FASHIONS. . . PAT-JN- S he. would win Jier, ah.lAnd told. "Tow may be my pro-an-d Games Butwhen what It Ufe f not a the new hook of FaU and was rub. the there tector a golfer, he (Shield). after hr 'or - moot of tbe She came from tbe haughty ,JlAt some future date, I win be your Winter Faslueaa. Read bow to RE Advice to Bride was on the CAPTURE YOUR PERSONALI dear wife. '(Hub). city, the to tear ehe It hae been said that free ad- time, and she began together ITY... .Mere ways to be tbe beauty again While fce In New York saw tl And then we will could nver w'n him Tire la worth just what It costs j life. it is your right to be. See ,wbat the through (Motor), f would like dOr nothing. However, much fun can She down by! n. You rwmwantMart - are toewearing, tct she deeoied to And . ,.ved ntar the be had out of the ganie of givumreuff hi enears. aew issue. . won't to miss to Ism instead Each guest gratuitous advice It has Maguee. if you know what 'writes a piece of advice to the P( on a hold woe d brik hrids on n slip of paper. Thohr not All are aeated In a circle around hi heart, till It ea'e at .Tanuid tie a may.dll today for your copy, j the slip are folded and placed In room. One person taken the1 . $ na He began to . bowl and shaken np thoroughly.) Tins -part of the Builder, the others are1 ptg 10 cetos m Mump Each guest than draws a slip, but, and Invited her to go lo is vestment will save you (workmen, such ns stone masons'. before aha reads tt she must say concert. So she decided to cm srardwinter pour bricklayer, earpentara, plasterer.1 sctnal dollars (plumberu. electricians,' archnacta.1I robe. Addresa Fasbaon Drpsrtment Be mu to fiB m tbe sim el toe 'gas men and a forth. The Builder stands to tbe en- - aattern, and ter. tails tbe story f hlsj 5 or coin (tote us-trouble to bnllding ths house. A fermd). Mmp each occupation in Burned, that Price of book 10 pUyer rises and gives an a why hU work was The- - Builder goes on with - (he story, and aswhen he uses ths term "Builder.-he frequently dor In referring to himself, all present rise and bow to him. When he says I moved In." .1 rise and scramble for chair, the with ths rest The player left without n chair takes the part of the Builder. No one is allowed to take the chair next to him, but must try to cros the room and get u chair This, is merry, lively gznie Other Eatertslaasewg An avening of fun can be had in playing table games progressively, having a different game at each table. Or It la heaps o'fun to play Hearts or "Bride's House ' at each table if the group has it too often, already. played Another wav to keep the gi interested Is to have them maaal HAS Pneumonia Ends Sinple SMALLPOX MARYMOORE Head "Reports Condition In State () g t " rr , tSttl rennV I tmtt' !.' Z!!SSaJi.I-- ir suns fove -- -- J 1 . waa-mot us lau ('-.li- Ji - ) ut J khit de or jnnon tiv -- Saltf Lafie ttniWiing Store 42 South Msin n In em " A II II Vv A AA CAfiLaLj I- - FuU sat. also flna lists wttb Rayoa Stripe, alse: and small. ReguUr toe, W Vpw or OM mm Ur. pb0 Myk fiko Ilk gurkenw tortory odds mmd eov It rods. 3S?.. 35c ron 1.00 Tettli ffkf, tel t4 flttlnc Rcnlar Ve. prte 29c ck Short sleeve Cleanup... ..... ,. Wlatsr Weight, long Ug or long sleeve, long leg ReguUr StOU. : n Ribbed Silk Misses Plaited Full Length Hose ReguUr OSc w .. 1I 0f Cleaoop Free -- Fine pair 2 Pair for 90 Light Shade lQ1 Wool Unions Mens 10 Heanap Price IJMr( If ABfV, .Womens Snuggles Kona " 20 Only Childrens Knit Dresses .. JQm Reguigy pricf-ft- LDS. Garments Rayon Bloomers - Wool Unions weight, 'hoe '"spring Mens 23 79' Medium need Knit. Regular St-N- Sale k seVee.y.e. PrtCe ing EXIfc s!l at tbe top as follows of Birth'; Babyhood be Inscribed Place Days; (Childhood Wool Sj49 Mens Wool Mixed Boot .Sox "CourtDays"; "College ship"; "Proposal; 'Marriage'; "Children". Or you could make more than one book since tbersare to be so many guests. am. twenty-livto present tho gifts In a new way.' Breakfast Baked Tou Anewer: have Melba probably eggs. A very unique .way is to kids some kind of functional heart dia- stewed figs. gifts all y over the house In - odd LrUnch . Cooked asparagus, 'erder which makes your circula-- j the comes uui for ooked string beans. Salad of P'at--Irregular. Fystematlc exerclte tne to open th gifts, she to icrcre and leuuca with eream'and diet, if persisted to. will bring given a trky contajntng slip ofcheoso dreosing. about a cur, paper on which Sr written thal Dtonsr Celeey soup; Broiled l,,a bic ken: Steamed rutabagas; spin- (About OUs) For Instance On th top of the Question: Mr Dwight R. writes: piano 0r "Under the tee box, 'I wonder If it to all right for my etc. Tbe bride find on gift at a wife to use anv of the following! time, she cur.ously opens it. and' MKJSUA 1 la reasonable amounts; olive nils, abils the gueou are admiring It, Breakfast Coddled egg; the bride continues the bunt. It! toasted shredded wheat biscuit- - !o11' f0 oiU cottonseed oil. add sesame oil? raleina. will cause Iota of Dm when ahe reads oil the name of The places' Lunch Mushroom soup; Head, Answer: I am sure that ahe will md these ottowholeaome and pal-th- e wlth dresshere (he gift are hidden. Have l,ltuc peanut butter m?d by thlnnmg peanut but- - atabl. mho can. send their! In guesi present ahead of time so that you ter with milk) Boiled' freak Dinner beef can have a chance to hid tnem (Chaas of Bods) , tongue; Baked squash; Combinain the party room. The late Qwcstioa: Mrs. R. J. R. writes. tion aalad of cooked carrots and can be -- placed, room My husband has just had a setge Hope yo ir party turns out to ho peas and raw eelery; Baked pear. of bolls on th back of his neck. I maintain they are caused from the best ever. TUESDAY his blood but be argues that they Breakfast Crisp bacon; Waffle are Infections to th roots of bis butter with and syrup. maple East Jordan Mutual . hair and have nothing to do with Lunch Cooked carrots and peas; the blood Will you tell us, please. and beet salad. Plans Stake Institute Tomato Answer: You are both right Dinner Jellied tomato eensom-mboils start from an Infection Tht Broiled lamb chops; Cooked SAXDT. Jan. S.Salad of grated raw beets; which often enters at ths root of selery; take M. I. T tnMi-ut- a will be held Minced prunes la gelatin. hair. Only a small pimple would with -- t Midvale- - First ward result tt one's blood were to a chapel cream. at 7.3d p m. under clean condition, but where direction the WEDNESDAY f the stake presidency.-Depart-icblood stream la sluggish with morInstruction to drama, retold Breakfast Dish of berries (can-ae- d bid material a boll may develop and itory, music, public speaking and without sugar). Glass of milk. through mors Infection spread so 'anclng win be given by the aetlv. Lunch Baked or boiled pota- that thera will be a whole crop . toes; Bplnach: Celery. of holla from Ih first Infection. To ty jeadcrs pf the stake. Dinner Roast - beef. Baked' stop them from forming, th blood ground carrots and turnips: Salad must find be mad pure the soil X CLASS HAS BUST" of vegetables to gelatin (minced im which the germs grow must be SAXD Y, Jan 5 Ths B string beano and peas); I os cream. amoved through a cleansing diet lass of the Sandv school, under and th atlraulatlon of all of the . direction of their tescberr Mias THURSDAY eliminative functions. erda Stewart were given a "pea-iFrench Breakfast omelet. bust Stswed h the school Thursday Whoiewbeat muffins; Straying electric currents In a riernoon. Thlvc!ae sold the hlgh-- st prunes. number of tickets to th school Lunch vegetable New Jersey city were found reJ In rotato Decetrier soup; Stuffed colery; Glass of milk leently to have changed the qual- - Dtonsr Broiled mutton chops. of the water Yn "underground Intended for ama'eur filer, a Baked parsnips; Asparagus; String Ity mains, discoloring tt and causing hght airplane beaa salad; Apricot wbl dimgreeabt odors and lutes. in Germany w.th folding wings that 1 FRIDAY permit it to be towed over ordinary roads by an automobile And Breakfast Orange x Glass of sweep miik. stored in a private garage. X Luncb Rico en came role of shredded lettuce. Dinner Tomato and celery aoup; Baked White fish; Spinach. Lettuce and taw carrot salad; Jello or (no Cleanup Mens Extra Heavy - Wool Boot Sox Colored Topu Regwltr to H Clnnor . Mens Heavy Suede ' Work Shirts Color: trey. Sixe II t 17 Rctflar 91 29. 79c AO JQ 70x80 Double Sheet Blankets ' Large Size Part Double Blankets BI- fk Fan-- e tetce plWaCleanup wfl (awy atrip-nk- H fence nlalda. Regular gate. Cleanup Price .... ... BUmketta .....j... Off. Womens CottonTnions Cream colnr. g!)k atnpe. built up ahcoldera 9ie 24 to 44 Regular 5R, Q PAIR. .Cleanup roi ULwfioL Teannp Regular AQ Otbrr flTi UukM L. D.S. Garments Ftlra Mens and Women's .Ileavy Shaker Knit ' PrJer lac Regular Hnivy 2S S -- Bn 79 Off Mens Dress Shirts Katsoog Pnblix. Brand. Plain cr farcy eolr 3X(st 4 to Iteg ulary tleansp ll AQ ...7.. ml Knitted Soils and Dresses- - - Womens 3.49 Order we urge yon SALT LAKE 42 South Main 42 -- g .lifts gsIsCiaCO; -- . . -- i Us. 10 Stss r. FEFrERf TCM3T0 J'.'ICE Ri CGs 2fsrl25 eta .. PtLEillW UiCir.:l 34L . . . SOiP er 5 Eabh -- CSntZFT . etiCc fear Es SPACCETTI Ee JEU0 tH (Inert . . , , . tkr. 4t UCC3Y S5iP . 4c ML SALMI CrjSSL'3 . . . , (;iri2Ec ta jL e; nd Impromllo make griddle cakes that taste home-mad- Hot Just Another iheanatis Agony Jell-We- ll PAIN EASED FIRST DAY SATURDAY PillToteadenPa Breakfast Poached egg on MelIf you ar sufte.lng awful rheu-- j ba toast; Slewed peaches- Lunch Generous dish of Jun- matte aches and pains are stiff. and Joints sore and swollen Its im ket. - bccnus nric sed or othsr imut-In- p But a wonderful modem Dinner Salisbury steak; Butpoisons htTt settled In Tour which acta upon the condition tered beets: Joints and muscles. What yon need Is RUJIA and need It ylffht away which CAUSE the pain. Taka them paragus salad; Cup Custard. RUMA is a harmlsss yet power AND and SALAD. should TOMATO BEET suder less yoo regularly ful medicine that acts on Select large firm tomatoes, scale the internal and less each month. PERSISTENT liver and blood and to helpskidneys, nature drive out of tho USE BRINGS PERMANENT RE- and remove akin. Cut across out centers. Put tho poisons that cause rbenH LIEF. Sold at all good drug aona. halves and scoop centers aside for aoup. Fill each matic sufferio.- Small sise SO. half with grated cold beet, using Wo lone wait for relief KtTOCA first Ton cover will be pain tho day. large aids of grater, and LYDIA E. PIMKRAUS with chopped hard boiled egg. eea- - surprised how Quickly your muscle soned with a l i and servo on crisp wnoeo wna a lemenosn diseppoar. dressing of Olivo OH if desired. Whv lot your rheutnatlc attack! in keep you KHIKEUEF AND PREVENTION airony when all rood' AND ANS8FEBB yjt ! tttfftO drupgisto Hho Echramin-JohnsoOF PERIODIC PAINS RUXA to ffivo you outek ;urnntc4 (Hot Flushes) and aafio rollettjBionaytecK IpislIHa Jerry - writaus "Every t adv. n. s- ays-te- m So j K ni lafj PANCAKE Lare & WAFFLE FLOUR 17c - CoalSuffer yet are light and e SPERRY 1 dmto-- Eaekai -. CLACX - Tomsto-spinack-a- So Mall 3.; . . , . bi -' EXTRACT r",nDun 3 so an aae-q- Yon may never ngain w( such prices on this quality merchandise to stock np sale starts tomorrow at 9 a. m. lisessEY- Cl FIEAFF LE Non-etarc- wlf-r- -- . - ut Wool Plain color 7 ARdtker .... Clean .tea Es nt 7KiM3)0 ,.....:.29c price VESSC.1 wa-,i.- on East,-Jord- . . . COFFEE, Schi..'lrg th'tM. ' .... .... fcrcsis. . . krga pig. 2As SOAP, Crplsl Tffcila . . , 10 22s CLCmOX . . . . . i .parb I7e CC."G, Sksnl . . . . .3fcr2Es FLCU.T, CriRsi Smwi. Esg SIX3 Safe-arda- Heavy Work Sox Slightly soiled. ' PAR Scnoo Day; Days"; - Mens Heavy An Butter, tdidpssk . . .. . .11 its SUGAR, IWS. c!:!i hg s . cslj Cs e. EVERY ITEM! Woaena Non Ruu X, beet-grow- ing Presenting the Presents The Prices Tell the Story! 3 4 Of odds and ends from mar factory together with guBjr iteitui front Mir regular slock. AD Bust go In this drastic clearance. A backward season forces this action and it is mighty fortunate for our patrons netaaranl -- sstda Builder-scrambl- -- J, -- t Funeral Services Slated For Saturday at - 2:30 p.m. Health conditions with regard to smallpox are excellent In the state, After 111 health for several yean) according to Dr. T. B. Beatty, state (C. Edward Richards, health commissioner. Bat one 'case Charles traffic former manager - for tho has been reported from Bingham American Smelting A Refining and IT In Ogden since Dec. 1. company, died of pneumonia at bia However, this Is the time when home. 217 Eleventh East street, likely to bo most prev- yesterday morning. 111.. smallpox Born at Pekin. Sept. 22, alent, said Dr. Beatty, "and peo- 1S47. Mr. Richards moved first t take should precautions to prople teet themselves against possible In- - Colorado, where be married Dig fection ahonld a severe outbreak Neville Horn, daughter of Dr. Thomas George Horn, Colorado, occur." Generally speaking, there physician and then to Balt lake. to he little smallpox In surrounding fwbers be and. his wife have reaid--, states: Several months ago, thetre ed since. was a severe epidemic in Denver. Mr. Richards retired as (raffia -the mild type. msnageeef i.Thla said Dr. Beatty, "but (he mostly Refining company three yearn virulent. Twenty-fiv- e per cent of 0 the cases were fatal l Beside h') widow, he la survived However, by vaccinating 70.00,hy two d,ughtera. Mrs. B. R. How- people to a short period and - by),,, of g,, tke. and Mrs. Georg r" strict quara nttne measures, the: Schneider f Rutherford. N. Denver department of health man- -. sisters. Mlsa Gertrude Louis ont to the !Rk.hardB epidemic. stamp aged of ga!t Lak and Mra which might have become most M D. sevioua. C- now traveling In K a rope Four grandchildren also surrire. ' Funeral sendees Rill be conduct wx e . 5 4ln the EYint d Early mortuary i 1 oy irtKCjchapei saturdar t 2.30 p.mondf the direction of Ibe Rev. A. E. . 1 CHICAGO,-(IVF) A Butcher, psslor-o- f SI. Paul's Epts Jan, strike involving 1I.IM Chleagojcopal church.-Th- e body, wib b members of the Hotel and Restaur- - takento Denvef Th threatant Emplojesf Union waa family requests that no flowers b ' ened today. sent. Threats of striks from two fronts Utah Beet Growers Edward Flore of Buffalo. N. president of ths union, To Meet Satnrday a strike order that would automatically call Um restaurant and hotel workers from their job Material changes will ha so tight when th NRA restaurant code in beet contracts for 124 by grow erW representative goes Into effect. - who will meet : Officers of the local Walters' Saturday at the Utah farm bureau Union declared that o strike would offices Tracy R. Welling, secreresult, regardless of the code sign- tary, states. ing. unlem employers meet with P.epreeentativc from seven the union chiefs to draw np u satdistricts of the stole will bo present at the meeting, he said. isfactory working agreement. Tpe.17J VaBnpaiipBPBoxl Executive Career Of C.E. Richards " SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR pkg. 27 ( EGGS, Cartoned, fresh dozen 19 POSTUM CEREAL pkfr 21 c 1 Ih. pg. 2 for 15( SUGAR, brown or powdered CORN BEEF HASH , . 1 lb. 1 9( CHOICE CRANBERRIES 2 lbs. 210. BANANAS, Golden Ripe . .. lb. Bf ORANGES, sweet and juicy doz. 10 SP1NACH fresh and Ih. 5 fy LETTUCE, solid beads each 6 1 LEMONS, juicy doz. 12 GRAPEFRUIT, Arizona Seedless . . . . . . . . 3 for 1 0 J ... ...... cu ......... CABBAGYiTmm-5...-T.,.r...rr- .6 lbs. 10f lbs. 10( 3 ONIONS, drf 10 lbs. lOd POTATOES, Idaho Russets) 2S lbs. 29 100 lbs. 89 HAMS, skinned, 10 Ih. axerage ft. 11 . HAMBURGER, fresh ib. 64! ground, all meat. POT ROASTS, shoulder steer beef ft. e PORK LOIN ROASTS ft. LAMB LEGS, Saudi young lamb 15 YEAL LEG ROASTS, milk-fe- d Ib. 13 PORK CHOPS, loin and rib . . 2 lbs. 23 . STEAKS, Round, Sirloin and Steer Beef, - fl- -. , . r.T.1 I... . . . , . 1 4f PRIME RIB, Boned and Rolled ft. 15 FRANKFURTERS 2 lbs. Z&T CHEExE. mild cream ft. 10 ne ,,, ........ ... t |