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Show 1 X Jil THE DESERET NEWS Provoites Win Rhodes Tests delegates from Alaska and Hawaii. Delegates from tha two territories have seats In the House of RepreX sentatives.' Th bill, sponsored 'X Jointly by delegates McCandless of Hawaii and Dimond of Alaska, waa introduced yesterday in the House. Utahns Meet Finalists ROME. WASHINGTON. (AP) Defintte financ (AP) Th mmiatera report indicated a def- Philippine independence proposals ' San Francisco In 1S34-1favored the 5 Quezon icit J.OOQ.6G6.000 lire Independby of ' for " ' ence mission, will be completed to. (about $245,000,000.) Monday . to the White day and transmitted ' . men House. COLMAR. (AP) Nine were drowned as flood waters rasLONDON. Jan. The Morgan Sibbett and Chauncey D ed after a mountain power plant British government has Intimated Harris of Provo will represent pipeline brokeTha inhabitants to Germany that it may have to HUh at the district final of the of the area fled. consider retaliatory measures if a Rhodes scholarship contest to be answer is not received held in Ban Francisco Monday, it HAVANA. (AP) A political satisfactory German debt payments gras announced by J. M Christen- peace plan under which President concerning was in informal quarters learned it sen. chairman of the Utah com- Giau San Martin would give way r today, mittee, after the examinations con- to Carlos Mendieta. veteran nationducted yesterday at the University alist. met opposition from cabinet AMARILLO. Tex. (AP) Presleaders. of Utah. ton G. Burnham. 56, night police Although both students are from chief, was shot to death early today Provo. Mr 8ibbrtt.. a son of Mr. when, accompanied by a fellow ofand Mrs. Georre K. Sibbett. is a ficer, he attempted to make an arstudent at Cornell Onversitvltha-- " rest at a. hotel here. N. Y.. where he is completing pany hank, near the Bank forWASHINGTON. II.S)-T- h his fifth year, settlement today.- es- - reported intent of President Roose-veit-Ua He propose- - dow award revK of bank notes slon of Americas $11,665,000,006 Cornell, having received 'the uni ler of bundles stiver $205.) in francs (abbut 3,400 foreign debt total today developed venrltjr undergraduate scholarship terrific opposition on Capitol HilL for freshmen. and the WASHINGTON (AP) McMullen engineering it- - for consideration scholarships, before has The and the Bubtey prize for upper a bilL to increaae . nienibership of WASHI NGTOX.f 1X8) ofDemocrattcHouseIeader8l classmen In mechanical engineer-lB- the Senate seats to plan granting by to crush possible Insurgency by H la'll member of Tau Beta repealing the House encountered unexpected opposition engineering national Ft honorary society, and served as treasurer today, land later as precedent of the Tell EOME.IAP) Sir John Si root. uride association, national honor British foreign secretary departs anMisehotaffttO' society TELEGRAPH NEWS ON A x: SALT LAKE CITY FRIDAY Mme. Lupescu, Siyeetheart ! JANUARY 5 Claud Jacobsen, 1064 Princeton avenue, pleaded giillty today before Judge Daniel Harrington to Jan. $. (AP) CLEVELAND. failing to report an automobile acHealth and handsomeness may be a cident and will bo sentenced tomor- big help, but In the opinions and row. hopes of $.000 Cleveland girls, poise Jacobsen waa 1 at), automobile and.pleasantconversation go a accident Dec. 24. in which Richard long way toward making a girl X. Grether. 15$5 east 13th South treed. as Injured. Jacobsen's dereally charming. fense was that Grether said he waa These girls are members of the going to file a report and Jacobsen a did not know It was necessary for of adventurers, association 'charm school on a group corre- him to file one. spondence basis which had Its start when officials in a "health-tridecided the tuberculosis death rate Physician Testifies for Cleveland girls was still too . As to Girl's Death high. The District Dairy Council, the Academy of Medicine s. ! IDAHO FALLS. Jan. 5. (API organizations are the spon-orA few years ago. says Miss of Or. J. E. Wst, Idaho . ad nded"C4au- ginla R Wing, chairman of the h u ssociavisory commiltee fortho a HoH?an p f ,lsule. Jdaho., ttour -- - - and-othc- ri ftratlrgTtf jtaj-ppr- rurabgoesc lr ant someone who T'4-- - Ien ... - - I Con-gre- l ad il!e-jne- - nd-w- Mussolini and deciding there of Brigham mler Harris, president was "no use crying for the moon" eer ISO Young universitv. graduated from in to solve disarmament seeking that Instiutlon lart June with a iegie I Whs major in geography, and started ,0oesaonw work at the summer PEIPING. CAP) The United vision of the Lnlversity of Chi- States warned the Chinese go emit free. Ahm cago. inent that Americana living in the nnlMlar Mht Headed finpbs cehellious province of Fukien would , A t B richamYoimgrMr.-Harrihave to be protected. a as presl.ient of the sophomore dollars, f7a h Pn It class and the international "relaNATAL. Mlrfe fotr coat andK (AP) After an amazdemo DOLLARS, and for 7Z tions salub. an Intercollegiate flight from France to Saint bater, sire president of the Blue ing coat ainl rfd fire. Louis, Senegal, and then to Brazil, Keys, national honorary fraternity, all in three day, the new French Ortfec D aaa!LFn and veledlctoriaa of his graduating mail plane. '"Southern Cross" startarif-aW and Martaa class. ed back across tha Atlantic on a fifty styles. The two students left for Ban return Journey. Francisco yesterday, where they alskt nnill tiN will 'compete against two repreRENOVATE SCHOOLS sentatives from each of the five j other states in tho district, CASTLE DALE, Jan. 5 Among New the projects being carried out California. Nevada. by Mexico, and Arizona'. The fonr suc- - the CWA. la that of repairing and eewdul candidates from d hie groupfrenovlltinK"Ahe school houses. Forty W mttTM MAIM STREET men are employed In ths twelve two-yethe feedaeeday ami lalsrln will be awarded schools work county. The scholarships to Oxford university. consist inof the Nltbfs painting, kalsomfning. 'England, which they will enter In cementing and in of new putting 1924 .. October. ceding where neede - -- 1 tts-ow- ...xrs - el frmK -- te ir, Numerous Threats to KillJX'omanLXauheExtra Precaution; Loyalty of .Every - one Doubted Colo-'rad- o, - Lake-Huld the-cas- , S LONDON'. Jan. The Daily Mail ilitpttch says that (INS) Strong parties of guards have been Mme. Lupescu Is not only being atsent to the village of Sinaia. Rumania. following numerous threats tacked because she is Jemth, but to kill dime. Magda Lupescn, blamed dor.Kipg Carol's-failurto tweFthesrr 6r King" Carol, accord- - attend the funeral eeremony for the to the Mail Daily ing today. King Carol ia a frequent visitor at the villa near the royal castle, and telephones Mme. Lupescu frequently and at all hours, according! pret ailed upon him to remain to a dispatch sent by way of castle. nn- I Doubts even are over Armed detectives snd other the loyalty of Kingexpressed - , - own -Carols guards have been doubled at Stnalaiguard. and three ebmpanies of Rumanian! Mme. I.upescu is declared to be a nervous state oi er the kings infantry are stationed in the vicin-Ji- n tty of the castle. (safety and refuses to leave him. ar I Make YonfOwn Make Your Own Terms! v Terms! Yi-il- , - ( Mayor Calls For Church Notices Inventory of All stake priHshood pioneer Th rejular monthly Citv MEETING nf Pmnertv of Pioneer priesthood meeting rropeny VJiy Women- - A Special SATURDAY FEATURE of alaHiatiaffls-Jamair- y I - Coatsr"regu!arIy 29.50, In this Coats- - priced ij75 regularly S5.00riirthis $ sale ., priced 17 Coals priced regularly iiLthis priced 49.50, in nUilt sale Coats 69.50, sale rs- - 34:s ' i - JAP MUSK SQUIRREL PERSIAN LAMB . (5 Z. C. M. I. Coats TO D IfBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi IT TUNE IN TONIGHT 1 -- - INFANTS COATS COATS Sizes from Ipfants to sue years, in pa- tel and dark shades; tailored models for s and dressy types jt The girls will like theip new details.' .Each coat warmly interlined. tailored models with caps to and match; a good selection of colors to choose from. .... X-C-- fur-trimm-ed girls; jnany, with hats and leggings. PRICED AS FOllOWS Coats formerly marked 7.95, to dear .Tfrrr.v.. L . . . Coats formerly marked 9.95, to fur-trimm- ed .4.98 Regular 9.95 values. 5.88 Regular 11.95 values . values....-.!14.95 ......7.50 Regular 8.88 Regular 17.95 values .. 29.50 14.75 values,. Regular J.uniora Second Floor MANS MARKED TO CLEAR Clearanced to sell quickly at dear ....X 1 , priced- Z. C. M L Infanta-Secon-d 488 5.85 14.85 Oats formerly 2U0, to dear Girls Winter Hats, values front $1,29 to $3.98, now clearance "w -- for 4.88 Coats formerly marked 10.93, to dear - No Money Down A brthei-Gban- II Floor Greatest Drama on tha air . EVERY FRIDAY 8:30 Pf.l-KD- YL and othor NBC Stations Prasnntad by ALL WINTER COATS Regardless of former price. Our JANUARY CLEARANCE offers MANY GORGEOUS COATS MARKED DOWN FOR ' QUICK DISPOSAL. - FUR-TRIMM- rr directed by Lorenzo Mitch - LI NCOLN WA RD Drr Herbert B. Maw. dean of men at the University of Utah, will be the speaker at conjoint M. 1. A. services Sun- No Money Down day evening 4m Lincoln ward, zither numbers will lnriude: Organ solo. by Alma Selander; the M. I. A. slogan, by Morley Bail; selections by the GRANITE STAKE I'RlkJAKT Ths Granlte stake. Prunanr wiiL conduct ita first Union meeting of the new year on Saturdav, Jan. 6. at I p.m.. in the Granite stake tabernacle. Ninth East and Hollywood avenue, A meeting of the ward presidents will convene at 1 pm. All Primary officers arc urje- ef to be present: FIFTH WARnRoU: e Officer Thomas Dee a 111 lecture .on first aid and safety at regular Sunday Ing servbea at the Finn ward at 6:36 p.m. A special musical program haa been arranged. FIFTEENTH WARDJIr. Lucy Grant 'Cannon, of the general ,Y. L. M. I. A. presidency, will apeak on "How Culture Helpa Bild the Abundant Life at the M. I. conference of tho Fifteenth ward, to be held Sunday at 6:20 pm. In the ward chapej. A special program of music and other features has been prepared, x IHI WESSON OIL AND PEOPLE -S- NOWDRIFT Jutmii former uierntendent, andhis aaaiatant were released Vera Lyman waa sustained as superintendent with Mike Schow as first assistant. Other wfficar have not IM h n eheesn. Toorgonixed-bunda- 148 Ladies Fur Coats No Money Down at Only $49.95 r'" OVERCOATS SUITS TOP COATS Mip into on of thes rors. Or try on one of these SUITS. After even n a few moment's yojuil know you've found CLOTHES that satisfy at the startling price of eura-ioatio- HO MONEY DOWN MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS McCLANAHAN'S CHANGE SCHOOL LKIDr.RV JUNCTION, Jan. 4 Th Funday school of the Esclkii(F South ward .JWiitoi $588 CLOSING OUT ell. HarTuont-vtolftr'tno- and Children Newest Styles are included in this GREAT and you'll find DRESSES CLEARAN'CE FORA L IOCOASIONS of DAY- - or EVENING, marked down to -- semi-fitte- - COMBINATION DRESSES? of'o. Dressier styles and s good collection of the popular swagger styles, as well as the d models. Junior OUR REGULAR- - STOCKS Have You Seen the Beautiful New JwUnBundaVa'at'au ONE-FOURT- ONE-THIR- For-CW- i FR01 MARK-DOVi- lS d- g; Second Floor 0:i SALE AT GREAT MERCHANDISE Tl. BLACK FOX HUDSON SEAL FUR COATS REDUCED at PLACING J These coats owe their .value ta their smart-f- ur trimmings, The fine furs are used in many new And flattering ways. Ttich crepey woolens, in black, brown and Authentic fashions, the season's newest. A green. glance will tell you what values they are. FUR TRIMS OF. RED FOX CARACUL ... - there jt ia no depreciation account. The ood avenue and Fifth East street cost of the water work I carried I HTAKB--Tb- e month- a capital of 9M noo.noo ai.f.ly PIO(NLkR of the gencalog has - at ,nd meeting probably 1mi,i', QrkeraL.FmJ -near stake-will-held in the 7 Mayor Marcus said that ward cbstiel, r!,'Twsn'y.sixth truck and last feurd 30 2 In- All p.m. jan years and counting the turn-l- n tercted re invited. thkre should set value, bo upeichl LIBERTY STAKE TEMPLE year at least 20 per cent dt yecta-- f Ai' A ,1' attendance Is desired on tlon this investment. tnhcrw.v ' of the Liberty siase the city will eventually come to the ' Tett.pl where day, scheduled for Wed- point replacements fan not be made a part of operating ex- - .owlay Jn- penae.. I SCANDiNAVIAN L. D S AS- Samurt F. Nlchollsaudif or. said ,jt IATION The Scandmariait- - L. such change would Involve an ln-8. regular services will bo neld venlorjr of elty property, item tot Jan. 7 at $.30 pm. in the Aseem-iteOn the mayor suggestion. bly hall. Trogramr Vocal duet. Miss s( an effort will he made to ge ihe Inez Johnson and Miss Ines to furnish a crew of corhpe-ibersolo. Sirs. N. K. Davis, tent appraiser to make the survey 'organistorgan for the sacred meetings; At present soma $36 OOO.noo Aksel Larsen, talk. Thoughs capital assets are on the city books. f lb Old and the New Tear." El- der Chris Johan Invitation using the original cost to the is extended to all interested by the TOKYO (AP) General Ara-k- L association president)-- . Japanese war minister, is serTHIRTY-FIRS- T WARD Preai. iously 111 of Influenza one of manv hundreds who hava been effected dent Harold B. Lee will apeak at by an epidemic in which police W T f of-- 1 aT ks oaOi slogan will b given by Helen CbnMenen Howard Badger of the Glean- jaad Tor and M. Men department. Music ihoii-kth....- .... regularly this . - j stake will be held Monday, Jan. $. Mayor Louis Marcus today Insist- - (at 7:10 pm. at the stake hall In- the citv auditor set up a stead of Jan. 1, as originally ed that ' capital account of city property tiled used Qp In service o that a dpre WELLS WARD Cider Melvin elation account bo aet tip. J. Ballard of the Council of the street sidewalks for and Except Twelve, wtil be guest speaker at which art continually maintained the eemn of WH ward. after being paved, the property of Jan. 7, at 6 srnireg 30. The Wells ward FOUR STARTLING PRICE GROUPS 1 Arn-ric- an g;cL3--dgat- h, OCoatFree br MWfe r ho-te- ss I i - R. BrlmhaL, 4 AfcofrJQme'&enitli ad e t bim L and tn'S.ibefore was adimt-the glrlEach girl has been given a;bookjtpl jn evidence death, here in for thecharmroarserlirwhich shei(he tria, of pr. presented George Aupperle. pastes her pictur-e- For. eight,, dahr Falls oMeopath,on an t!ivoi-- AttOmew StartS Suit months the committee will nanrlaulittereliarct spond with girl groups, telling each! pr .For Accident Damages gajd t),e girl told him or a guestjL over -- to Dr Auppevtoie girl bow toj a gging how to pat a compliment, what to Wfir nnH cf inatruments used In TWIN FALLS, Jan. 5. v In a Riven situation, and such of an operation James W. Forier, Twin Falls(AP) attor- about Xh.chperformance as admonitions thmps the state contends was 'Rjrmer lesion al kmg- for ch.rm a'W M, the cause of Jhs Hogan'post iommander. started suit in tho well as health. thstFwneourt here- for$ 1 ft 15 dam-au'- .s Atrthe end of the eight months a Henlg testified regarding the from the (Gallagher Finanr leecond picture will go in each book. autopiij pcrformgd on tha Hoggan company, Seattle, on account of In charm. gir s bo'iy. The difference win ;uufs received m an automootlo There are no prizes, charm being testimony was accident Ian Ausu-- t 1 when tho n reward. tnvea aft r S'dereaAenbJecuon had car m which he and three other considered been oerruled by the court, and legion members were ndmg with atfer Lr. Aupperles counsel had Kalph K- Leighton, former Twin entered wrhat waa purported to be FaUxjmUre as s Uegedly the- - yTria""gigT-ddeat- h atatemeftt-- " forced off the road between Kink .MaLOT Xoauiw JdarciiTnd-SaniuLevin are namedeieoutoes efffhe- court held that the defenae Hill and Glenns Kerry. the estate of AJrs. Jennie Levin, .statopunt Introduced Into evidence Leighton, who waa most severely 14 did not injurd.-has-wu- ed mother of Sirs. Marcus, who. died under data the - GaJ!agher iJec. 19. The will, Jiled in probate constitute a death statement Inas- company for $SM1 20 damagea court yesterday, bequeaths much a the grl died on October 5, to Mrt Marcus and Leo Le nearly two months later. vim of Sa! Lake; BamueU, U Le- -A. roverm- JLDainea-oL-Sa- lt lAkc j HAVANA- (AP) a revoluvin. Provo; Bella L. Cohn, of Den- City followed Dr. West on the stand ment leader declared had gone too ver, Colo., and Wilma Helen Her- and told of examining specimens tionary conspiracy esrhtctr-wer- e man. of Fait far do be- headedoff and Havana Kaakeil pertammg-t- o was prepared for any emergency' of Shettln, Germany, a sister, is left sent to him by the Idaho Falls $1000. Rifles were issued to police. dent-wau- lh - Municipal -- glrporta In twenty Utah cities and towns will be erected or improved as CWA projects, Marshall C. Hoppin of Washington, D. C.. regional aeronautics adviser, said yesterday during a visit here. being enAirports are already -- or constructed larged, with CWA labor at Balt Lake, Ogden, Pricer Mantl and Richfield, while the following towns have filed applications for civil works money for labor on airport projects: Cedar City. Moroni. Ncphi, Fillmore, Kanab, Enterprise, Vernal, My ton, Spanish Fork, Alt. 1le.is.u.t, IaitKtiUcb. Tremonto Moab, Blinding and 'Groenmer. Proposals also have been made to build airports at Zion and Bryce national parks and in th. of the natural bridges monument tftafir al to - CWA Built Airports Vital as Health ' the-Eldl-itz - Driver PleadsGuilty Twenty Localities Of Failing to Report In State to Have GirlsHold Charm - Bty--yi- - 1931 9,000 CIeveIand 1 Of King Carol Guarded THUMBNAIL v- y, - Men's Genalne Heev UrisM Hurt . No Charge for the Convenience of Credit! i 4- - i |