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Show TIIE MORNING EXAMINER, OGDEN, rTAlI. FRIDAY, m wa immense sn the excitement waa all. 300CCOG306003S APRIL 12, 1907. such aa will I remembered by Passengers for a few minutes scarcely knew what to do. but the coolness ofa Captain L R. Dickinson and the The erf the ship wee admirable. smart way la whW-- the boat quick w"' wae lowered and the mioihC a reling way la shk-- the c row pulied assured all. They auceeded in picking up the unfortunate gentlemen. and within 28 minutes from the first alarm being given, the ship see onoe more going fnll steam ahead, wtth the rescued and rescuers on board once more. UTAH AND IDAHO COMPANIES This ia decide!, quick work, and reMAY CONSOLIDATE. flects the very greatest credit on all concerned. Tbe unfortunate gentleman. however, died from tbe effects Resolution la Pasaad in Mooting of of the shack, immersion and fever two days later. Idaho Compamao Favoring tha Idea. LOWER CCURT SUSTAINED BIG DAMAGE The amalgamation of the Idaho Sugar company and the Western ldalto Sugar company any be the result of annual meetings ef lock holder held in Ball Lake City Wednesday afternoon. The Idaho Sugar company convened at 4 'rkx-k- . there being represented out of the total 550.0&U shares of Ktock. 239.546 share. Manager Cutler made aa extended report of the operation of the three factories at Sugar City, Idaho Fklla and Blackfoet fur the year I9n6. He Mated that the company had manufactured 46.J8J.800 punnda of sugar and paid for 182,419 tons of beets. Tbe principal items of expenditure were aa follows: Beets $970,087.22 James Lavelle, coal miner at Rock Springs, Wyoming, by hia attorneys, Maglnnia and Corn, haa entered enit against the Union Pstifle Coal company for 20, boO damagte, alleged to have been sustained while Working la a ooal mine of the defendant company at Rock Springs on December 11. 1906 Ivelle ia permanently physically disabled by the accident. It waa while driving a trip of coal ears that the accident occurred, waa taking the oars down tha mala passage way when suddenly and without warning part of the roof dropped down in front of the moving care. He waa thrown from the ear, oa which he waa riding, against the riba of coal on the side, and sustained serious injuries by having hia leg and ankle crushed. Hia left arm. hand and foot were paralysed ao that he baa lost the uae of the same permanently. iAvelle was in the hospital for two months and it ia claimed that hia injuries hae rendered him unfit for manual labor. Tho iajuries. it la said, are tbe result of the negligence of the defendant company. SUGAR MEN CHILDRENS HATS offi-et-r- HOLD BIG SUIT IS f4 We havent quite as many styles for children a there ki- - chi dren but you know sum children Just wont wear har ai all; for there that do aa have Juat the sweetest, cutest, daintiest s vle that over did think of, and the prices! Oh, m ! See for yours f there are no typographical errors in prices gives here; it lx jus; our low price system. h FILED MEETING 4 1 t! EXAMINER TELEPHONES CDITORIAL ROOM. InO pends at 'Phan Vad TlwA twa rings BUSINESS OPTICS a Independent 'Phene all 'Phone. ana ring Na. 1 Ns. 60 Nab SS Na. M BREVITIES NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Jn mak-I- b oonplsinta regarding the deliver, of Che Examiner So aa direct ta dr eolation department, and aot to carriers. Any aahacrlber faiUnf to receive the Exemlaer will confer a favor hr calling' Na. M eithar phono before i I - a. m. (Signed) LAMAR NELSON. Circulator. O (fleer Ai llerriok haa resigned hia position on the Ogden city police force, the raalgnatlon taking effort yeetentaf merttlag. He hae yielded the gilded hattoee and the hilly club to take up the d at lee of a private clti- Tho Ladlee of the Bptennpal rhriarh will give a cooked food ante at Deea Drug Stave Saturday afternoon, April nth. The proposed Alumni dance will he give Friday la the Congress dancing hall. Preparation have been made to maka the affair the moat eureeeeful of the season. aa It will dose the regular Jaaoes given by the aweclaUon. t i i EL Klreoher, traveling ealeamaa for a well knew New York house, la ia the city oa hualaess. hit send away for your bulbs and Beads? A full agaortoirat of reliable and choice bulba. newer and hie seeds at Grout's Seed Store, 181 ttth at Puy early while the assort-mela complete. et p Tver Redman and Clem Turvllle, the two crack bicycle riders who were sees last year oa the local aauqpr truck, were la Ogdaa yesterday with friends. visit-la- g Ia answer to an invitation aent the high school by the univernlty, requesting Aha school to take part in the big tournament to be held May atqle 18, A track team composed of ten mm la being eoHChed into form by the athletic faculty vT the institution. So well has the tnam demonstrated ability to do things, that It la expected to bring back the honors of the day on its return from Zion. E. W. Hutae. of the firm of Mnford and Hulne, mining brokers, Ely, Nev., la in the city oa business. The social to be held by the Udies of the Maccabees Friday afternoon at Mrs. Sebrlng's residence, ban been Indefinitely postponed. P. Lawrende Walker, manager for i Ciiarlee B., Hanford, is In tha city arranging for the appearance of hia Ur here on April 24. in Mu Hue Caesar" in which Mr. Hanford appears in the role of Marc Antony. Mr. Hanfoul first appeared In this role In Salt Lake City in 1888 with Booth anil Barrett. The esle of tickets commences f li to- day for Blanche Walsh who appears at the Grand opera hones next Tuesday evening in Clyde Fitch's newest play "The Straight Road. t. Coke Limerork of the Inability of the company to ar- Sugar bags rive her on time. The big slMe at Filter cloth the Aapen tunnel, necessitated a lung Tases '. ... roundabout Journey, was responsible Interest Insurance for the delay. Ordinary labor 100,000.00 Other expenditures ocoen The company's earnings were relucky ported as uifflrllnt to Justify the paya 6 per cent dividend and to Many Rich locations at Sulphur In tha ment of balance to reserve account. carry a Rosebud Mining District. The former board of directors of the were as fallows : M. L. Dowling, engineer who had company F. Smith, Thomas R. Cutler, Joseph new tbe of construction ef tbe charge Southern Pacific shot, roundhouse W. 8. McCormick. John R. J.Winder, Grant, Henry Smith, Heber and power bouse at Ogden, and G. M. John C. John Cutler, George C. Parkinson Lloyd, who drew up the plana for the and George Romney. new depet at Brigham City, and superWestern Idaho. vised tbe work there, have struck it rich in the Rosebud mining dial riot, The Western Idaho meeting conaccording to advices received from vened at 8 o'clock and there were repthere. resented in person and by proxy out Everything goes to show thet the of the 100.000 shorts of clock In the strike recently made on J. R. Munn's company 76.670 aharaa. Tha presiclaims two tulles north of tbs town of dent's report congratulated the stockthin mm of in la the best yet Rosebud, holders on the good showing made for district of wonder, nayn the Rosebud tho first years operations. General Two ledges have been Manager Cutler rrporttd that tho comMining News. opened up on Ms ground and The ore pany had paid for 42,986 tons of boot, from each ahowa high values la silver. and' that It had manufactured from its Two mm are now at work ntrlpplng at Nampa 10.176,306 pounds or the ledges to thoroughly prospect the factory it had paid for beets the sum sugar, trike. There ia plenty of ore of ship-pii- g of $243,084.64, and dlshbnraed fbr mangrade la atght and the next work labor, etc.. material, tak ea up will be with the object of ufacturing $136 496.43.' The earnlnga for the year An a average assay Justified the making shipment. in declaring n acroaa.th ledge for six feet gave re- dividend of 7 company and- carrying a cent, per 45' In allrar. turns of f reserve. Manager Cntler balance to Mesara. Dowling and IJoyd made the be a rut location following Munn'o strike also reported that there would heavy increase in acreage this year and have the net and weal extension of hia claims. They hava fourteen at all points in Idaho where tbe two were operating. claims, all of which have been survey- companies The election of directors for tbe ed. The ledges have been opened up on their ground and they am getting Western Idaho resulted in the unaniare which aliowa good values. Their mous choice of the old board aa fol-R. property ia second only in value to lows: Joseph F. .Smith, Thuinas that on which the strike waa made and Cutler, IV. R.8. McCormick, John C. CutWinder, John Henry they have already refused several good ler, John Smith, Heber J. Grant, George C. Parkoffers for their claims. inson and C. W. N'lhley. Quite a discussion took place during STANFORD WHITE'S PAINTINGS. both of the meetings on a resolution Miner, to Ssnator W. A. Clark Purchased Two Introduced by Hon. Jamea A. the effect that, the boards of directors far 2,S50. be requested to take steps looking to the amalgamation of the two Idaho New .York. April 11. Sleaford with the Utah Sugar comWhite's modern palntlnga were sold at oompaulea Tbe on some equitable terms. uetiou tonight by the American Art pany was adopted by a unaniresolution A few realised 120,272. association and A free expression of views well known acmes, such ns Inness, mous vote. place In both meetings, as to the Has sain and Curran, brought high took the amalgabest means for prices, but the other palntlnga sold at mation. and the effecting opinion waa general low figures. that it would be greatly to the inters "Corneille and Moliere," one of esta of all companies If they could be sold which medal gold pictures, under one management. It Ip the A. T. Stewart salt years ago operated wan in the Hirelings that the staled for 18.100, went to Edmund Holbrook same sentiment existed among the for 1, GOO. com Senator IT. A. Clark purchased two stockholderstheof the Vtah Sugar only question now repany. and pic taros to add to hia rolitctlon of imthat of the basis on which After the Bath," by maining lashall pressionists, unite. three the Foie for HulMiul and $1,050 Giuseppe In the Gnrden,1 by Adolph Monticelli. for 11.300. SECOND SHOOT AT ARMORY animus ANNIVERSARY OF VESUVIUS. You pay more for otbsr Pianos, but you get lesa. Three Members of Company B Maks the Good Record of 22.5. Naples, April 11. This being the first anniversary of the great eruption At the second shffiil uf the grand of Mount Vesuvius, the people of Naples to the number of 5A.(khi formed contest lor gold medals s st tbe armory of the comin procemdnn today and with statues last night three meni'e-rerf saints, bannera nnd lighted canpany made tbe good ncre nf 22. .V dles marched through the afreets .Following are the high Mcore ef the prayers of thanksgiving. shoot: chanting 22. j They smiled their narrow escaies Sergeant J. E. Bnsitett 22 when n year ago today Naples wan Corporal E. A. WTIford 22. covered with aches and shaken by Private 8. 1lylop 21.5 the eruption of Vesuvius while tbe Private Floyd Smith Cnriew 2u.5 people dwelt In Ibe fear of a catastro- lieutenant G. S. 2'i 5 phe such as burled Pompeii and Her- Private O. K. Wlnrle The next ehuot. In the nerii-- .if six. culaneum. Many votive offerings were Gen-nsrwill be held on April 25. bung today on shrines to Saint the 'patron saint of Naples, In token of thanks far the saving of life. RECORD UFE SAVING FORAKER MET COL. GLENN. Columbus. O., April Foraker while here today met Col. K. E. Glenn. commandant, at the 1'niieit States army post, who wa counsel for Major Penrose of the Twenty-fiftInfantry at tbe court ninrtlsl m Ban Antonio. Tex. The senator stnl ('clonal Glenn discussed the alleged shooting up of Brownsville by the begin troop, and the former obtained Colonel Glenn's impressions a gained from the evidence produced at the court martial. Buih refused to divulge the details of the conference. ator There wait no performance of "The Butterfly" by Lill'an Russell and company at the Grand last night because Arthur Livingstone on R. M. 8. Aragon." Which Picks Up Man. Arthur Livingstone of this city. who is now taking exirnded trip abroad, was aboard R M. U. "Aragon." when, a limit fell overboard from the boat, three days out from Tlurluuirg. The Buenos Aire I lev Id of Friday. March i. I!'"", lias tbe following account of tl.e eventful passage nf ibe ship: The R. M. R. "Aragon" uf tbe Royal Mali Steam Packet Co. which iirried on Sunday In this port, bad un eien'ful promise from England and al ihi same OF GOVERNOR. Claims That Ha Waa Parmanantly Physically Disabled on December 11, 1906, by Accident Two Decisions Given Yesterday by Supreme Court Against Railroads. The supreme court yesterday handed dowa two opinions affirming tho Judgments in caaea against tho Union - affirmed. " More Arreata Are Being Made in Chicago, April 11. The Chicago Federation of lAbnr is endeavoring to place President Roosevelt on record regarding bin reported opinions of Moyer snd Haywood, olhclala of the Western Federation of Miner, charged with complicity la tbe ausaaainatlon of former Gov. Steunehberg of Idaho. E. N. Xockel, secretary of the local lobar body, today aent the president the following telegram : The newspapers report you aa Baying that Moyer and Haywuod are undesirable oitiaenn. In view of the fact that these men will soon be put on trial for their Uvea, we believe their chances for a square deal' would be the reported considerably learned-istatement ia true. We therefore ask you for correct Information on this subject, believing a man la innocent until he In proved guilty. The diplomatic Tangier. April corps unanimously decided today to request the dismissal of the governor of Casablanca. This action L an outcome of the situation at which V reported surrounded by revolted tribesman who are threatening to pillage tbe place and throw the Europeans into the gea. The consular corps there protested two days ago to tbe diplomatic corps here against the governor declaring he wa- - rir.lnp nothing to Insure the safety of Europeans. Testimonial: "Have played on the Kutamaaa piano sad find It an excellent fauttrumeat In every way. The seals sal tooob la perfect. Tbe tone Is bright and haa a crispness that ia net exerU.d by any piano I ever played oa. PROF. DENT MOWKRY . Special Introduction prices. K dashed. Terms A M. PANTONE, (let Agent. I alee handle a line ef mimical mere ckaaiHec. Fm:Sfc. SMMkiMSM BChA. STEAMER LAUNCHED. TAKING TESTIMONY. n Child a Poke Bonnet of fancy body, ha- - trim .l with chiffon lace ribbon and Sowers. Uow of ribbon and flower trim bandeau, long ties uf satin ribbon eon,, pietca a very dainty hat; white; trimmings assor.e-- i PRICE $3.50. $2.75. Miasea' Bodv Napoleon with velvet end flow; rosette of lace snl era, quills. V PRICE $245. PRICE $2.60. We have a nice assortment of Children's Silk 'and Chiffon Hats in white, pink, blue and red. Special asla on Children's Straw Sailor. GRIX 358 25th St. Chicago, April 11. Taking of testimony In tbe case pf the Standard Oil company of Indiana, charged with rebating, was completed today. F. 8. Hollands, chief clerk in the general freight office of the Chicago and Alton railroad company, whoaa testimony waa in the nature of rebuttal on the part of the government, waa the final w linens. Hia testimony differed from Jbat of Edgar Bogardus. i raffle manager of the Standard Oil company, who testified for the defense.' Clie point of difference was as to whether Bogardus could be informed by Holland lhai the six cent rale oil bad been filed with the interests commerce commission. REQUIEM For the 11. first time In hisi.-:rn requiem msss was celebrated unlay in honor of tbe Tsarevitch Alexis Petrovich, whose tomb, under th tower of the fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul, haa been restored at the order of the emperor. The requiem was at the initiative of Emperor Nlrbrlns. Alexia Petrovltch was a son nf Peter tbe Great. Hia father ordered hia execution because of hia participation in reactionary plot to destroy his reform. VICE PRESIDENT C. F. Unda Sam Oil Company on the Blacklist. Post-offlc- SMUGGLED 4L I. CO. , bad escaped across the border east snd west of Hu- - station. FROM VAUDEVILLE. Uiinie, April Bri-glh- i the vaudeville 11. Prince and ha'r bren Sherbets, Prin-r- r from by the row of barn-- theaters here city officials a a result Tuesday niehi at Marghrrita hall. The Punches, Frozen Puddings, Etq You will need for that party. Phone Kansas City, Mo., April 11. Postmaster Barton uf Kansas City, Kan last night received a telegram from Postmaster General Meyer at Washington, Instructing him to hold up all mail for tbe Unci Sam Oil company oi Its agents. H. X. Tucker, Jr., the indicted secretary of the company, says :hry have been receiving un an average of $1,200 through the mail daily. Secretary T ucker said regarding the move for a receivership: "If a receiver la appointed I am ruined financially, and tha stockhold era will nevbi receive any money fur their shares of stork." The receivership hearing will come up at Topeka, on Thursday next $30.00 Round Trip to Los Angeles FIGHT ON DANDELIONS. All Topeka la to Turn Out on Tuesday NoxL Chicago, April 11. A despatch to the Recurd-Heralfrom Topeka, Kas., says: By proclamation of the mayor, the 45,000 people in Topeka are expected to do battle againat the dandelion next Tuesday. Every man la expected to dig the dandelions out of hia front yard. While this army ia at work in front of the homes erf Topeka, Governor Horh and all state officers, atenographera male and female, In the state bouse will close the building and wage war on the peats In the atatehonse grounds. One hundred boro in the Topeka re form school will inarch to the capltol around to the music of the sc hud baud and aid in digging up the weeds. On sale daily April 26th to May 1 9th. Good returning to July 31st, 1907 d Worlds Greatest Pageant wffl take place first week in May. Ask any Utah agent, or write for information to J. H. BURTNER. D. P. A., SALT LAKE CITY New Tork, April 11. Walter Wellman will bid his friends in America JAPS. El Inso. Texas. April 11. Insepctor T. F. Srhuniarki-rin charge of th immigration offlre here, received a telegram today telling of the capture of eight smuggled Japanese. Five were oh ughi. at Fort Worth, one at Pecos and two a Albuquerque. They BARRED Makes the Ice Geamr e Denver. April 11 D. C. Beaman was elected vice pn slilent of tbe Colorado Puri and Inin company to aucceed Jesse F. AWlborn. recently promoted to the presidency, at a meeting of the boxrd of ilirec'ors In New York today. News of Mr. Nea man's election was received In a private telegram from President Welhorn'. who is In New York. Mr. Beaman has been WALTER WELLMAN'S TRIP. connected with tin- - Colorado Fuel snd Iron cntupHiiv alnupM since Its organ- Start for North Pda Might Not isation and is i general counsel. Mada Until July. CAPTURE FRYER . MASS. St. Petersburg. April' Den- MAIL TO BE HELD UP. farewell when the steamer Tnuraine sails snd says when he greets them again lie hope they will bail him aa the discoverer of tho north pole. He expert to leave for Tromaoe, Norway, about June J and before the middle of the month to be at hia winter quarters in Spitsbergen. It will not be possible, however, to begin the trials of hia airship before the second week In July, and It ia likely to be the last of July or early In August before a atari can be made for the north pole. Whos Your Tailor ? PAINTERS WILL BE LOCKED OUT row resulted fr' ni an imerview with :he prince in which he scored the local hris'ooiHcy for their Following the publication of thla interview. ihe couple, when they appeared oil the stage, were vigorously hissed and the Princees voice was drowng ed hr whist !e an j other inatriinu'Dis. Prices being abont equal, then .why not wear clothes made for yon, clothe that individualize you 'and $ maiie yon separate from me- diocrity? . first-clas- strike-breaker- Ban Francisco. April U. The steamer Columbian, built by the Union Iron works for tbe .Ame'rlcan-Hsws-ilsSugar company, was successfully luanebed today, it be will ply between UMa peri, Uaaetahi an Sajflaa Cfm. PRICE S3JXL Child s Leghorn,' trimmed with wreath of flowers snd many loops of ribbon, underlined with ailk mulL Denver, April 11. K. W. 8tebhen, a mining engineer of thin city, waa arrested yesterday by federal offloera In connection with tbe investigation by the government into the operations of the Lost Bullion Spanish Mines company. This ! the company that claims to own a rich mins near Silver City. N. M., but which the government agents claim ! nothing more than an old cave. This makes eleven arrests as a result of the efforts of the federal officials. Btebbena ia charged with having reported in the capacity of an engineer that th Lost Bullion properties contained "mountains of untold wealth" and millions of ton of ore in sight, all of which wa suitable for shipping." He ia charged like the rest with conspiracy to defraud and using the malls fur fraudulent purposes. He waa released on bonJt. noise-makin- 11. PRICE Misses Body Hat with trimmed wreath of flowers and many loops of ribbon, bandeau trlmd.. Natural and assorted trlmmga. ver. Effort Made to Place the President on Record in tho Case. Du Handsome Poke effect of body hat with daisies la two tones. Batin ribbon and bow at ailk shirred back, trims rim, bow on banNatural only. deau. Assorted trimmings. MINING FRAUDS. MOYER- - HAYWOOD CASE. New Tork. April 11. An ultimaUim ha been Issued by the general arbl iraiion board of the Building Trades Employers and the unions to the Brotherhood of Painters to the effect that If by Saturday morning the tin-.ernh!lhed what must hi- almost Brotherhood men are not bark at work a record for this or sin other or an. the union will b suspended from tbe wing line for smart lifesaving wotlr board. This will be equivalent to a iu When three days out lockout. The paiatera have been on from Cherbourg, one of Iti (hlr'd-cla.- ; trike for their new wage scale since REACTIONARY EPELLED. pasenger died and next da-- , was wiApril 4th. The Brotherhood will meet tnessed that sad anil almost impressive hurls'. at Moscow. April 11. The governor between now and Saturday to consider oreniony-- a On.ihe thin! day nut from Pernambuco an- general hns expelled from Moscow the the ultimatum. The action to be takother fatality occurred. A s editor of Veiiche. a reactionary organ, en will depend on the attitude erf the IaKi nwr was sit ring on a taff-rai- l and has suspended the paper for at- other buiMIng trades from which the apparently enjoying the view, when he tempts to incite the lower classes painters have asked pledges of supwas suddenly seized with an attack arafnt tbe .lews, students and liberport. or suutr-ikand forthwith Jumped als. and also on the ground that there WARNED BY UNION. intc the water. Finding it somewhat tx reason to believe the murderers of wet, he recovered his wits from the Irof. HertreuPeln and Dr. J olios were sodden shock, and bring a fine swimScatte, Wash, April 11. In an eforganized in its office. fort to dlKorfrage the taking to Treadmer. succeeded in undressing himself s or well. Alaska, or LESLIE COOMBS RECEIVED, iu ihe water, and swam after the ship. men to replace the striking miners, Tie Aragon" at the lime waa going on the TJma. Peru. April 11. President pa re rgers leaving Seattle at full speed, but on the alarm Mng steamers Jefferson and Portland last given the engines were put astern and Pardo received lx site Coombs, the she was brought to a standstill within appointed American minister, in night were warned by union men on two mines! Two boats were Immedipublic audience yesterday afternoon. 'he wharf not to go around the mine. ritu trouble might arise there ately manned anl wo red to tbe water. The speeches exchanged were ex- m The eonearaatfoa orf tbe pasnagicv tremely cnrdiaL at any time. - DISMISSAL JAMES LAVELLE ASKS FOR S20JXM FROM UNION PACIFIC COAL CO. Justice Pacific Railway companyBtraup wrote both opinions, which were concurred in by Chief Justice McCarty sad Justice Frick. One action i that of A. I. Stone, administrator of the estate of Jamea H. Win-sloj-r, deceased. Judgment was rendered in Weber county in favor of plaintiff for 83,000 for the death of Winslow, who waa killed in a collision near Bsuza, W$o.. on November 12. 1904. The company appealed the rase and tha Judgment erf the lower court la now affirmed. 144.481.22 Tbe other case la that of A. I. Stone, 14,700.87 administrator of the estate of William !0.ad.M Murray, deceased, who waa killed in 84,823.99 the same collision aa Winslow. Murray 7.46G.46 waa a passenger on the train and 58.067.19 Winslow wae an express messenger. 86.291.22 In the lower court Judgment waa ren13,879.97 dered in favor uf Stone In the Murray 169,907.24 case for 84,250. and this Judgment is Coal Uv-u- DO IT NOW EDMUND TAILORING CO. 345 24th Street A ) f y |